Members of the delegation of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg: The Crowned Grand Duke Friedrich Augustus (sits); chamberlain baron von Botmer, adjutant of the suite Prince V.A. Dolgorukov, orderly lieutenant von Kl Еще
Members of the delegation of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg: The Crowned Grand Duke Friedrich Augustus (sits); chamberlain baron von Botmer, adjutant of the suite Prince V.A. Dolgorukov, orderly lieutenant von Kl Еще
Members of the delegation of the Kingdom of Saxony (standing from left to right): Colonel-wing adjutant A.M. Reitern, Earl of Valwitz, adjutant of Prince Krug-von-Nidd; (sitting from left to right): second lieu Еще
Members of the delegation of the Kingdom of Saxony (standing from left to right): Colonel-wing adjutant A.M. Reitern, Earl of Valwitz, adjutant of Prince Krug-von-Nidd; (sitting from left to right): second lieu Еще
Members of the delegation of the Siamese Kingdom. In the photo: His Royal Highness Prince Siamese Shira (sitting on the left), adjutant of Prince Baron Saliut (standing), Lieutenant Nai-Sharn (sitting right). Еще
Members of the delegation of the Siamese Kingdom. In the photo: His Royal Highness Prince Siamese Shira (sitting on the left), adjutant of Prince Baron Saliut (standing), Lieutenant Nai-Sharn (sitting right). Еще
Фредерикс Владимир Борисович (Фредерик-Вольдемар) - барон, министр двора и земель Фредерик Владимир Борисович (1838-1927) - барон, министр двора и земель (1897-1917), генерал от кавалерии, член Государственного Еще
Image taken from: Title: "The Career of Don Carlos, since the death of Ferdinand the Seventh: being a chapter in the history of Charles the Fifth" Author: AUGET DE SAINT-SYLVAIN, Louis Xavier - Baron de Los Val Еще