A huntsman in a harnessed cart with a reindeer killed on the hunt. Members of the imperial family in the Spala. 1890 Егеря у запряженной телеги с убитыми на охоте оленями. Пребывание членов императорской фамил Еще
A group of members of the imperial family and their accompanying persons on the porch of the hunting lodge in the Spa before the hunt.The Empress Maria Feodorovna, her sister - the Queen Greek Olga Konstantinov Еще
Huntsman with deer killed on the hunt. Stay members of the imperial family in the Spa. The royal estate Slela, the Lovel Principality in Poland, in 1890. Егерь с убитыми на охоте оленями. Пребывание членов имп Еще
Emperor Alexander III, Empress Maria Feodorovna (center) and their accompanying persons among the local residents who arranged a royal welcome. Император Александр III, императрица Мария Федоровна (в центре) и Еще
Empress Maria Feodorovna (third from the right) and her accompanying persons during the rest in the forest. Spala. Императрица Мария Федоровна (третья справа) и сопровождающие ее лица во время отдыха в лесу. Спала.
Emperor Alexander III, Empress Maria Feodorovna (center) and their accompanying persons among the local residents who arranged a royal welcome. Император Александр III, императрица Мария Федоровна (в центре) и Еще