Diamond diadem with ears. Diadems with motifs of ears and laurel leaves were one of the most popular types of jewelry of the first third of the 19th century. This diamond diadem was made for the widow of Paul Еще
Kokoshnik, decorated with pearls. Collection of valuables of the Romanov Imperial House. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evgen'evich Fersman in 4 iss Еще
A pearl diadem made of parory created for the Empress Maria Feodorovna, the wife of Alexander III, in the 1880s. Illustrations of the catalog "The Diamond Fund of the USSR" edited by Academician Alexander Evge Еще
A brilliant emerald crown of magnificent pariyura was made for the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in 1900 by jeweler Schverin from Bolin. The crown is decorated with a large, quadrangular, conical crown, emerald Еще
In the middle - a diamond necklace "Riviera", created for Catherine the Great in the second half of the XVIII century. The necklace is a combination of 25 large diamonds, bordered with decorative leaf-shaped or Еще