A woman standing in a field next to a pile of hay. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Man standing next to cotton plants. Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Corresponding photographic print is in album: Views in the Caucasus More
Test of the plow in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II. Испытание плуга в присутствии Императора Николая II.
Astrakhan is a city on the Volga River in southern Russia. It's known for the Astrakhan Kremlin, an expansive fortress built in the 1500s. Its values are home to several Russian Orthodox churches, including the More
Pskov province This card is one of a souvenir set of 82 illustrated cards–one for each province of the Russian Empire as it existed in 1856. Each card presents an overview of a particular province’s culture, h More
The princess Druzhnevna. Russian lubok. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1896-1897. Из альбома Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова. Часть 11. Поездка в США
Abinskaya village. Workers of a private tobacco plantation
Русский: Костромская выставка в честь 300-летия Дома Романовых 1913. Земское и городское хозяйство.jpg
Русский: Костромская выставка в честь 300-летия Дома Романовых 1913. Навес для сельскохозяйственных машин.jpg
Русский: >Костромская выставка в честь 300-летия Дома Романовых 1913. Павильон Сельскохозяйственный (2).jpg
Русский: Генерал-адъютант барон Фёдор Клементьевич Гейсмар
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Русский: Ташкент. Вид Салара A black and white photo of a river with a wagon in it. A black and white photo of a river with a small boat in it. Public domain postcard scan.
Русский: Генерал В.И. Волков
Русский: Реклама гавриловского конного завода Григория Григорьевича Елисеева
1872. Альбом сельско-хозяйственных построек, машин, экипажей и модной мебели. Москва