Сестры милосердия: Великая Княжна Татьяна Николаевна и Анна Вырубова. Царское Село. Осень 1914 года. Sisters of Mercy: Grand Princess Tatiana Nikolaevna and Anna Vyrubova. Tsarskoe Selo. Autumn of the year 1914.
Tsarskoye Selo Infirmary. Autumn 1914. Between the Grand Duchess Tatiana and Anna Vyrubova is Dmitry Malama. In the foreground, on the floor, Vladimir Ellis. Царскосельский лазарет. Осень 1914. Между Великой More
The Empress Alexandra's dearest friend is seen wading in the surf with the two eldest Grand Duchesses.
Anna Vyrubova, dearest heart of the Imperial Family of Russia, pictured with the Imperial daughters who are in tennis clothes.