Illustration from the book of Ukhtomsky "Journey to the East of His Imperial Highness the Sovereign of the Heir of the Tsesarevich". Volume 1, edition - 1893. Caption to the photograph: "Their Royal Highness More
Illustration from the book of Ukhtomsky "Journey to the East of His Imperial Highness the Sovereign of the Heir of the Tsesarevich". Volume 1, edition - 1893. In the illustration: At the grave of the past. More
Illustration from the book of Ukhtomsky "Journey to the East of His Imperial Highness the Sovereign of the Heir of the Tsesarevich". Volume 1, edition - 1893. In the illustration: Elephant. Tsarevich Nikola More
Golden Gate. Excavation in the Golden Gate. Excavations in the process of restoration of the ancient course of the XII century. in the gate church by the priest Simeon Nikolsky in 1870-1872. Золотые ворота. Ра More
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 20. Дендера-Калабша 1910. F.N. Shcherbachev travels around Egypt. Part 2. Along the Nile. Day 20. Dendera-Kalabsha
1914. Самарканд на снимках Виноградова
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 23. Абидос 1910. F.N. Shcherbachev travels around Egypt. Part 2. Along the Nile. Day 23. Abydos
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. По Нилу. День 15. Нубия
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. По Нилу. День 16. Абу-Симбел
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. Абидос