Здание Городской думы, украшенное в честь приезда Пуанкаре. Public domain photograph of shopping center, department store building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
126. The banners of the Moscow Streletsk Regiments in 1674 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. More
224. Banners of the Army Regiments, 1712-1727 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 224. Знамена More
227. Banners of the Army Regiments, 1712-1727 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 227. Знамена More
229. Banners of the Army Regiments, 1712-1727 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 229. Знамена More
225. Banners of the Army Regiments, 1712-1727 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 225. Знамена More
228. Banners of the Army Regiments, 1712-1727 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 228. Знамена More
226. Banners of the Army Regiments, 1712-1727 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 226. Знамена More
381. Banners of the Zakamsky Landmilytsky Regiments, 8 April 1747 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov More
Murom. Events and people. Religious procession on the Moscow street in Murom. 1890s Муром. События и люди. Крестный ход на ул. Московской в Муроме. 1890-е
Murom. Events and people. Religious Procession. 1905. Муром. События и люди. Крестный ход. 1905.
Murom. Events and people. Society of Banners at the Muromsky Cathedral. 1913. Муром. События и люди. Общество хоругвеносцев при Муромском соборе. 1913.
Day of Saint GeorgeEnglish: Russian pre-1917 Slogan for Donations in Day of Saint George St. George Conquering the Dragon is a popular subject in Christian art, representing the victory of good over evil. St. More
Norsk bokmål: Samling til middag for barn foran matutdelingsstasjon nr 1 i Samara (Kujbysjev). Depicted place: Russland, Samara
Русский: Открытка фотографа Ицковича A picture of a city with a large body of water. A picture of a river with a factory in the background. Public domain postcard scan.
Русский: Хоругви Нижегородского общества хоругвеносцев Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sergei Dmitrievich von Hahn Public domain image - related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Flag and standard of the Imperial Russian Cavalry 1799-1800 Standard of the Cavalry Corps, 1799 Flag of the Emperor's Company of Horse 1800 Standart of the Cavalry Regiment 1800 Русский: Знамена и штандарты р More
Беларуская: Першая старонка
Religious procession from the Blagovecshensky Cathedral in the Kremlin Крестный ход у Благовещенского собора в Кремле
1924. В день похорон Великого Мирового Пролетарского Вождя В.И. Ульянова (Ленина) на взрывзаводе имени Я.М. Свердлова. 27 января