Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Corresponding photographic print is in album: Views of the Napoleonic campaign area, Russian Empire, LO More
Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Corresponding photographic print is in album: Views of the Napoleonic campaign area, Russian Empire, LO More
Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Corresponding photographic print is in album: Views of the Napoleonic campaign area, Russian Empire, LO More
View of a part of the park alley, broken around the Bialowieza Palace in 1895; in the foreground - an obelisk, installed in honor of the hunting of Augustus II, to the left - one of the service palace buildings More
View of the Belovezhsky Palace from the side of the pond, arranged in the park according to the project of Valery Cronenberg in 1895. Вид части пруда, устроенного в парке у Беловежского дворца в 1895 г. по про More
Наследник цесаревич Николай Александрович (9-й справа), великий князь Михаил Александрович (справа от Николая), великий князь Владимир Александрович (6-й справа), помощник министра императорского Двора граф Вла More
A cast-iron figure of a bison cast at the Ogaryov factory in St. Petersburg and installed on a marble pedestal in the park of the Bialowieza Palace at the entrance to the menagerie in memory of the hunting of E More
Emperor Alexander III, Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna, members of the Imperial Family during a meeting with children - students of primary s More
Emperor Alexander III, Empress Maria Feodorovna, group of military ranks during a dinner in the forest. Император Александр III (во главе стола), императрица Мария Федоровна (рядом с ним) в группе военных чино More
Emperor Alexander III (at the head of the table), Empress Maria Feodorovna (next to him) in a group of military ranks during a dinner in the forest. Император Александр III (во главе стола), императрица Мария More
General view of the hunting house of Emperor Alexander III and the adjacent territory. Общий вид охотничьего дома императора Александра III и прилегающей территории. Царское имение Спала, Ловическое княжество в Польше.
Cooks and servants preparing dinner in the forest for hunting participants - members of the imperial family and guests. Повара и прислуга за приготовлением обеда в лесу для участников охоты - членов императорс More
A huntsman in a harnessed cart with a reindeer killed on the hunt. Members of the imperial family in the Spala. 1890 Егеря у запряженной телеги с убитыми на охоте оленями. Пребывание членов императорской фамил More
A huntsman in a harnessed cart with a reindeer killed on the hunt. Members of the imperial family in the Spala. 1890 Егеря у запряженной телеги с убитыми на охоте оленями. Пребывание членов императорской фамил More
A group of members of the imperial family and their accompanying persons on the porch of the hunting lodge in the Spa before the hunt.The Empress Maria Feodorovna, her sister - the Queen Greek Olga Konstantinov More
Huntsman with deer killed on the hunt. Stay members of the imperial family in the Spa. The royal estate Slela, the Lovel Principality in Poland, in 1890. Егерь с убитыми на охоте оленями. Пребывание членов имп More
Empress Maria Feodorovna while riding a horse. Members of the imperial family in Spala. 1890 Императрица Мария Федоровна во время прогулки верхом на лошади. Пребывание членов императорской фамилии в Спале. 1890
Emperor Nicholas II (center), members of the imperial family and suite before the start of the royal hunt; second from the left - Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich. Император Николай II (в центре), члены импер More
Emperor Nicholas II (center), members of the imperial family and suite before the start of the royal hunt; second from the left - Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich. Император Николай II (в центре), члены импер More
Emperor Nicholas II (center), members of the imperial family and suite before the start of the royal hunt; second from the left - Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich. Император Николай II (в центре), члены импер More
Nurses of the Grand Duchesses Tatiana Nikolaevna (in the foreground) and Olga Nikolaevna are taken for a walk in the carriages of their pupils along one of the park alleys near the Belovezhsky Palace. Няни вел More