Porträtt av fyra familjer.Bilden ingår i två stora fotoalbum efter direktör Karl Wilhelm Hagelin som arbetade länge vid Nobels oljeanläggningar i Baku.
Begrafenisceremonie voor wijlen koningin Anna Paulowna, overleden op 1 maart, in de Nieuwe Kerk te Delft op 17 maart 1865. Gezicht in de kerk met een groot gezelschap van genodigden, centraal koning Willem III More
Fotoalbum in zwarte halfleren klemband. De schutbladen zijn van goudkleurig sierpapier. Het album bevat 50 kartonnen bladen met 628 foto's. Doorgaans bevat elke pagina 6 tot 8 afdrukken van hetzelfde formaat. I More
ca. 1905 --- Czar Nicholas II, the last Czar of Russia, sits to left on stairs, surrounded by military officers; his wife Alexandra is center, and three of his daughters, Olga, Marie, and Tatiana (order unknow More
ca. 1916-1917, Tsarskoe Selo, Russia --- Nicholas II, the last Czar of Russia, stands outdoors at Tsarskoye Selo with his children and nephews near or just after the time of his abdication in March 1917. Left More
Meeting of the Central Committee and district departments of "People's Freedom" in the Central Party Club. Deputies of the First State Duma. Заседание Центрального Комитета и районных отделов "Народной Свободы More
Lunch, arranged by Russian entrepreneurs for French sailors in the iron hall of the People's House of Emperor Nicholas II on the occasion of the arrival of Poincaré. Обед, устроенный российскими предпринимател More
The Solovki. Muxalma. A group of participants transferring the captive bell with the workers and the monastery's brethren. August 1912 December 1907, the peasant of the Estland province, Jan Soberg, opened a p More
A group of officers during the exam on the knowledge of the device of the motor Gnome. St. Luchinsk. July-August 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Группа офицеров во время экзамена на знание More
Soldiers of the squads at the building of workshops and warehouse in the first days of deployment of the unit. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Солдаты авиароты у здания мастерских и склада в первые д More
Soldiers of the squads at the building of workshops and warehouse in the first days of deployment of the unit. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Солдаты авиароты у здания мастерских и склада в первые д More
A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" type during the reception of new aircraft for the rearmament of the 10th squadron. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Группа летчиков у аэропл More
Images of provincial, local government officials, collegiate officials and all civilian uniforms. 1794. Изображения губернских, наместнических, коллежских чиновников и всех штатских мундиров. 1794.
Group near lake Vygozero: The picture was taken on the Murmansk railway in the area of Lake Vygozero, south of the village of Nadvoitsy. Arkhangelsk Province, Russia. Photos of Prokudin Gorsky. Группа близ More