House of merchants and honorary citizens of Arkhangelsk des Fontainesov Дом купцов и почетных граждан Архангельска дес Фонтейнесов
Factory of merchants Solovyovs In the XIX century, the life of the city was animated by the large trade road that ran through it - Stromynka, which connected Moscow with the textile edge. After the abolition o More
House of merchants and industrialists Nedykhlyaev In the XIX century, the life of the city was animated by the large trade road that ran through it - Stromynka, which connected Moscow with the textile edge. Af More
Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792 and 1805 obli More
Murom. Events and people. Representatives Muromsky merchants and middle class. 1903-1906 Муром. События и люди. Представители Муромского купечества и мещанства. 1903-1906.
Murom. Events and people. A family of merchants from the handicraft village of the Maslennikov brothers. Mikhail, Fedor, Vladimir, Ivan and his wives. 1910. Муром. События и люди. Семья торговцев из Ремесленно More
Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 1667] DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. 89 all the Russia merchants, with ladyes and niusick, which cost ... I gave to Mr. Co More
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области
1900. Китай на фотографиях из коллекции Петра Емельяновича Скачкова.
1900-е. Инородцы Кяхты на снимках Николая Николаевича Петрова
1911. Интерьеры городского дома купцов Малышевых, Томск
1911. Интерьеры городского дома купцов Малышевых
1897. Альбом «Уважаемым Н.и Г.Петуховым на добрую память от А.А.Второва. Иркутск 5 марта»