Romanov imperial family (Nicholas II, Anastasia Nikolaeva & OTMA sisters, Alexei/Alexis) on a boat at Mogilev/Mahilioŭ, summer 1916 (maybe June or July). In the image: Russian imperial family boarding again th More
Romanov imperial family (Nicholas II, Anastasia Nikolaeva & OTMA sisters, Alexei/Alexis) on a boat at Mogilev/Mahilioŭ, summer 1916 (maybe June or July). In the image: Alexei/Alexis standing on top of a little More
Romanov imperial family (Nicholas II, Anastasia Nikolaeva & OTMA sisters, Alexei/Alexis) on a boat at Mogilev/Mahilioŭ, summer 1916 (maybe June or July). In the image: The little boat is leaving Mogilev town, More
Romanov imperial family (Nicholas II, Anastasia Nikolaeva & OTMA sisters, Alexei/Alexis) on a boat at Mogilev/Mahilioŭ, summer 1916 (maybe June or July). In the image: The little boat is leaving Mogilev town, More
Русский: Российская империя. Могилёв. Пребывание императора Николая II в Ставке Верховного главнокомандующего. Вторая половина 1915 года. English: Russian empire. Mahilyou. Stay of Emperor Nicholas II in the More