Arkhangelsk (Russian: Арха́нгельск, also known in English as Archangel and Archangelsk, lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea. The city spreads for over 40 kilometers ( More
Arkhangelsk (Archangel) during revolution and civil war 1918-1919
Mezen was founded in the 16th century on the site of Okladnikova (Bolshoy) settlement (Sokolnya Nova) and Kuznetsova (Malaya) settlement of the Mezen district. The first to settle here was the boyar son of Okla More
1911. Приветлужье на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова
1911. Архангельская губерния на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова