View of the church taken from Rue Courte et Belle (Korte Mooiestraat). c.1914...The church originally served as an abbey church for the Abbaye Notre-Dame de Messines and was erected by Countess Adela of France More
On August 4th, 2015, Warsaw, the capital of Russian Poland, surrendered to Germans without a fight. Fortresses at Kovno and Brest-Litovsk, among several others, capitulated. By September 18th when the fortress More
Old Baku. Старый Баку. Public domain photograph of antique or medieval ruins, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Surakhany, Temple of Fire-worshipers Суракханы, Храм огнепоклонников Public domain photograph of antique or medieval ruins, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Baku, Balakhani. Oil production. Баку, Балаханы. Добыча нефти. Public domain photograph of antique or medieval ruins, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Khan's Palace. Shirvanshahs palace (Şirvanşahlar sarayı) is the former residence of shirvanshahs ... The building of the palace is located on the top of the Baku hill, in the oldest part of the city, called More
An apartment building in Moscow ruined during the 1917 Bolshevik revolution. Mr. Rahill captured the destruction of many Moscow buildings including the famous Metropol Hotel.
Russian soldiers wearing gas masks in trenches next to a dugout.
1896-1897. Из альбома Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова. Часть 11. Поездка в США
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. Часть 2. По Нилу. День 20. Дендера-Калабша 1910. F.N. Shcherbachev travels around Egypt. Part 2. Along the Nile. Day 20. Dendera-Kalabsha
1914. Самарканд на снимках Виноградова
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. По Нилу. День 15. Нубия