Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, Grand Duchesses, clergymen at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra at the grave of Iskra and Kochubei. Nicholas II and members of the imperial family in Kiev at the opening More
The clergy, Emperor Nicholas II with daughters - Grand Duchess Olga (left) and Tatyana (right), the Minister of the Imperial Court, Count VB Frederiks (second from right), Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich. Nichol More
Nicholas II and members of the imperial family in Kiev at the opening of the monument to Emperor Alexander II. 1911. - Николай II и членов императорской фамилии в Киеве на открытии памятника императору Александ More
206. Malo Russia Cossacks in the beginning of the XVIII century, KAZAK registered or elected. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest com More