
238 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 3
S-10B during World War I, Russian Empire

S-10B during World War I, Russian Empire

S-10B Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lebed X MK Kampfflugzeug-Variante. Pilot in der Kabine: V.A.Lebedew

Lebed X MK Kampfflugzeug-Variante. Pilot in der Kabine: V.A.Lebedew

Lebed X MK fighter variant. Pilot in cabin: V.A.Lebedev Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Montage des synchronen Colt-Maschinengewehrs auf dem Doppeldecker Sikorsky S-16

Montage des synchronen Colt-Maschinengewehrs auf dem Doppeldecker Siko...

Montage des synchronen Colt-Maschinengewehrs auf dem Doppeldecker Sikorskij S-16

Reconnaissance Moska-MB during World War I

Reconnaissance Moska-MB during World War I

Reconnaissance aircraft Moska-MB Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Fighter S-20, front during World War I

Fighter S-20, front during World War I

Fighter S-20 Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Im Hafen. M-5 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School.

Im Hafen. M-5 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School.

Flying boat, hydroplane M-5 by Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School. Public domain photograph of a steamship, ocean ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

In der Flugzeugwerkstatt. Pskow. 1. und 7. Luftstreitkräfte. 1914-1916.

In der Flugzeugwerkstatt. Pskow. 1. und 7. Luftstreitkräfte. 1914-1916...

Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Das von den Deutschen gekaperte Albatrossflugzeug. Pskow.

Das von den Deutschen gekaperte Albatrossflugzeug. Pskow.

The Albatross aircraft, captured from the Germans. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Самолёт Альбатрос, захваченный у немцев. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Flugzeugunglück. Bruchlandung des Doppeldeckers Leutnant Grinev. Aviation Squad und V Division bei der XII Army. 1915

Flugzeugunglück. Bruchlandung des Doppeldeckers Leutnant Grinev. Aviat...

Airplane accident. Crash landing of biplane of Lieutenant Grinev. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Авария аэроплана. Неудачная посадка биплана поручика Гринева. Авиационная рота и V дивизио... Mehr

Nikolaev AN, Russian Empire

Nikolaev AN, Russian Empire

Русский: Николаев, Александр Николаевич

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation, WWI
Russian Aviation, World War One.
In Russland hergestelltes Versuchsflugzeug, 1910er Jahre.

In Russland hergestelltes Versuchsflugzeug, 1910er Jahre.

Russian-made experimental airplane, 1910s. Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Airplane-Scout Anade-Anatra-D during World War I

Airplane-Scout Anade-Anatra-D during World War I

Airplane-Scout Anade-Anatra-D Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Anatra-Anakler - Russisches Aufklärungsflugzeug Anakler

Anatra-Anakler - Russisches Aufklärungsflugzeug Anakler

Anatra-Anakler - Russian reconnaissance airplane Anakler Public domain photograph of Russian people, group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lebedev Lebed VIII during World War I

Lebedev Lebed VIII during World War I

Lebedev Lebed VIII Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lebed XII during World War I, Russian Empire

Lebed XII during World War I, Russian Empire

Lebedev Lebed XII Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lebedew Lebed XII mit offenem Motor

Lebedew Lebed XII mit offenem Motor

Lebedev Lebed XII with open engine Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lebedev Lebed XII bis with engine Hispano-Suiza

Lebedev Lebed XII bis with engine Hispano-Suiza

Lebedev Lebed XII bis with engine Hispano-Suiza Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Die Besatzungsmitglieder des schweren Bombers Ilya Muromets der Serie E-2

Die Besatzungsmitglieder des schweren Bombers Ilya Muromets der Serie ...

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets crew members Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description


Der Swjatogor war ein großes russisches Versuchsflugzeug, das 1916 von Wassili Slesarew gebaut wurde.

1916 Der Swjatogor war ein großes russisches Versuchsflugzeug, das 19...

Prototyp eines schweren Bombers vom Typ Syatogor Swjatogor auf dem Flugplatz Komendantskij. Das Flugzeug wurde nach dem mythologischen Helden Swjatogor benannt.

Sikorsky S-16 biplane crash during World War I

Sikorsky S-16 biplane crash during World War I

Sikorskij S-16 Doppeldecker nach Absturz

M-9 von Grigorovich, Fakultät für Luftfahrtschule Baku

M-9 von Grigorovich, Fakultät für Luftfahrtschule Baku

Flying boat, hydroplane M-9 by Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Zusammenbau des Flugzeugs nach dem Transport.

Zusammenbau des Flugzeugs nach dem Transport.

Zusammenbau des Flugzeugs Nieuport-Flugzeug nach dem Transport. Die 6. Flieger-Militärgruppe in Lemberg. 1915 6. Luftfahrtgesellschaft in Lemberg. 1915 Montage des Newport-Flugzeugs nach dem Transport.

Airplane accident. during World War I

Airplane accident. during World War I

Flugzeugunglück von Nieuport. Aviation Squad und V Division der XII. Armee. 1915 Flugzeugabsturz in Newport. Luftfahrtunternehmen und V-Division der XII. Armee. 1915

Newport Airplane accident. during World War I

Newport Airplane accident. during World War I

Flugzeugunfall. Nieuport von Aviation Squad und V Division der XII. Armee. 1915 Flugzeugabsturz in Newport. Luftfahrtunternehmen und V-Division der XII. Armee. 1915

Petrov pilot, Russian Empire

Petrov pilot, Russian Empire

Русский: Начальник Бакинской офицерской школы морской авиации, подпоручик Сергей Андреевич Петров

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation, WWI
Russian Aviation, World War One.
Anatra-Anasal during World War I

Anatra-Anasal during World War I

Anatra-Anasal Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

K-1-1 reconnaissance airplane during World War I

K-1-1 reconnaissance airplane during World War I

K-1-1 reconnaissance airplane K-1-1 самолёт разведчик Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Im Flug: Schwerer Bomber Ilja Muromets der Serie G-3

Im Flug: Schwerer Bomber Ilja Muromets der Serie G-3

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Anatra DE Bomber vor seinem einzigen Flug, Juni 1916

Anatra DE Bomber vor seinem einzigen Flug, Juni 1916

Anatra DE bomber before it's only flight, June 1916 Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Anadva-VH mit Motor Gnome-Monosoupape

Anadva-VH mit Motor Gnome-Monosoupape

Anadva-VH mit Motor Gnome-Monosoupape

Sikorsky S-16 front view during World War I

Sikorsky S-16 front view during World War I

Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Flugboot VM-1 von Grigorovich

Flugboot VM-1 von Grigorovich

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug Villisha VM-1 von Grigorovich

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-5, Baku Aviation School.

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-5, Baku Aviation School.

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-5 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School.

Wasserflugzeug M-9 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School

Wasserflugzeug M-9 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School

Flying boat, hydroplane M-9 by Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School Public domain photograph of a dock, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-9 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-9 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-9 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School

Absturz der M-9 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School

Absturz der M-9 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-9 von Grigorovich, Baku Aviation School - Absturz

M-9 by Grigorovich engine during World War I

M-9 by Grigorovich engine during World War I

Flugboote, Wasserflugzeuge M-9 von Grigorovich Motor

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-20 von Grigorovich

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-20 von Grigorovich

Flying boat, hydroplane M-20 by Grigorovich Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sikorsky S-12 during World War I

Sikorsky S-12 during World War I

Sikorsky S-12 Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Eine Gruppe von Technikern repariert das Flugzeug

Eine Gruppe von Technikern repariert das Flugzeug

Eine Gruppe von Technikern repariert das Flugzeug in der Werkstatt von Tereshchenko. 1914. Lublin XX Air Force Squad im Krieg von 1914-1915. Eine Gruppe von Technikern repariert ein Flugzeug in der Werkstatt vo... Mehr

Flugzeug vom Typ "Voisin". Aviation Squad und V Division bei der XII Army.

Flugzeug vom Typ "Voisin". Aviation Squad und V Division bei der XII A...

Airplane of the "Voisin" type. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. Самолёт Вуазен. 1915 Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation, WWI
Russian aviation, WWI
Russian Aviation, World War One.
Lebed VIII during World War I, Russian Empire

Lebed VIII during World War I, Russian Empire

Lebedev Lebed VIII Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lebed IX during World War I, Russian Empire

Lebed IX during World War I, Russian Empire

Lebedev Lebed IX Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lebedev's Lebed XII during World War I

Lebedev's Lebed XII during World War I

Lebedev's Lebed XII Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Der Swjatogor war ein großes russisches Versuchsflugzeug, das 1916 von Wassili Slesarew gebaut wurde. Swjatogor auf dem Flugplatz Komendantskij.

1916 Der Swjatogor war ein großes russisches Versuchsflugzeug, das 191...

1916 Swjatogor auf dem Flugplatz Komendantskij. Das Flugzeug wurde nach dem mythologischen Helden Swjatogor benannt.

Hioni 4-s with Salmson engine during World War I

Hioni 4-s with Salmson engine during World War I

Hioni 4 with Salmson engine Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker neben der Werkstatt

Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker neben der Werkstatt

Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Erstes experimentelles Aufklärungsflugzeug Moska-MB

Erstes experimentelles Aufklärungsflugzeug Moska-MB

Erstes experimentelles Aufklärungsflugzeug Moska-MB

Fighter SKM by S.K.Modrah during World War I

Fighter SKM by S.K.Modrah during World War I

Fighter Istrebitel SKM by S.K.Modrah Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Flying boat LM-2 during World War I

Flying boat LM-2 during World War I

Flying boat LM-2 hydroplane Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Flying boat by Grigorovich during World War I

Flying boat by Grigorovich during World War I

Flying boat M-2 by Grigorovich Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Wasserflugzeug M-15 von Grigorovich Motor

Wasserflugzeug M-15 von Grigorovich Motor

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-15 von Grigorovich

Sikorsky I.I. 1914. Karl Bulla, Russian Empire

Sikorsky I.I. 1914. Karl Bulla, Russian Empire

Young en:Igor Sikorsky. Portrait photograph by en:Karl Bulla Русский: Молодой Игорь Сикорский.

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Lebed XI during World War I, Russian Empire

Lebed XI during World War I, Russian Empire

Neben Lebedews Lebed XI: stehend von links nach rechts: E.I.Markov, L.P.Goncharov, L.M.SHkulnik, Montagemeister Berg. Sommer 1916

Schwerer Bomber Ilja Muromets Serie B im Flug

Schwerer Bomber Ilja Muromets Serie B im Flug

Heavy bomber Ilya Muromets in flight Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Schwerer Bomber Ilya Muromets IM Serie D, Flugplatz Pskov. Sommer 1916

Schwerer Bomber Ilya Muromets IM Serie D, Flugplatz Pskov. Sommer 1916

Schwerer Bomber Ilya Muromets IM Serie D, Flugplatz Pskov. Sommer 1916

Anadva-VH with Salmson engines during World War I

Anadva-VH with Salmson engines during World War I

Anadva-VH with Salmson engines Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sikorsky S-16 biplane during World War I

Sikorsky S-16 biplane during World War I

Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph of propeller aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker auf Winterskiern

Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker auf Winterskiern

Sikorskij S-16 biplane on winter skie Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Aufklärungsflugzeug Moska-MB, Seitenansicht

Aufklärungsflugzeug Moska-MB, Seitenansicht

Reconnaissance Samolet-razvedchik Moska-MB Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Fighter S-20, 1914 during World War I

Fighter S-20, 1914 during World War I

Fighter S-20 Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Fighter S-20 during World War I

Fighter S-20 during World War I

Fighter S-20 Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Fighter S-20, Russia during World War I

Fighter S-20, Russia during World War I

Fighter S-20 Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Zweisitziger Kampfflugzeug-Torpedo-Pilot ist flugbereit

Zweisitziger Kampfflugzeug-Torpedo-Pilot ist flugbereit

Two seat Fighter Torpedo Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Techniker reparieren das Flugzeug in der Werkstatt Tereschtschenkos. 1914. Lublin

Techniker reparieren das Flugzeug in der Werkstatt Tereschtschenkos. 1...

Eine Gruppe von Technikern repariert das Flugzeug in der Werkstatt von Tereshchenko. 1914. Lublin XX Air Force Squad im Krieg von 1914-1915. Eine Gruppe von Technikern repariert ein Flugzeug in der Werkstatt vo... Mehr

Flugzeugunglück von Leutnant Grinev.

Flugzeugunglück von Leutnant Grinev.

Airplane accident. Airplane accident. Crash landing of biplane of Lieutenant Grinev. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Неудачная посадка биплана поручика Гринева. Авария аэроплана. Авиационн... Mehr

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

Russian aviation and aeronautics during the Great War

1915-1917. Авиация и воздухоплавание в годы Великой войны на снимках Анощенко Николая Дмитриевича

Russian Aviation during WWI
Russian Aviation during WWI
Russian aviation, WWI
Russian aviation, WWI
Russian aviation, WWI
S-10bis with Argus engine during World War I

S-10bis with Argus engine during World War I

S-10bis with Argus engine Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Startendes Triebwerk des schweren Bombers Ilya Muromets

Startendes Triebwerk des schweren Bombers Ilya Muromets

Starttriebwerk Argus-As.II auf Schwerem Bomber Ilja Muromets IM Baureihe V.

Anatra DE during World War I, Russian Empire

Anatra DE during World War I, Russian Empire

Anatra DE bomber before it's only flight, June 1916 Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hioni 4-s mit Gnom-Monosoupape Motor auf dem Hodynskiy Flugplatz

Hioni 4-s mit Gnom-Monosoupape Motor auf dem Hodynskiy Flugplatz

Hioni 4 with Gnome-Monosoupape engine on Hodynskiy air field Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Experimental Triplan Bezobrazova, 1910-1914

Experimental Triplan Bezobrazova, 1910-1914

Experimental Triplan-Bezobrazova Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker, Winterausrüstung

Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker, Winterausrüstung

Sikorskij S-16 biplane on winter skies Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-15 von Grigorovich, Baku

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-15 von Grigorovich, Baku

Flugboot, Wasserflugzeug M-15 von Grigorovich, Baku


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