children s literature

401 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 5
Children get ready for school!. Moscow, 1916

Children get ready for school!. Moscow, 1916

1916. Дети в школу собирайтесь!. Москва, Т-во И.Д. Сытина 1916. Children get ready for school!. Moscow, Partnership I.D. Sytin

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G. Gagarin). Saint Petersburg

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G....

1905. Рассказы детей к дедушкиным картинкам. Изд. в пользу Дет. б-ки-читальни в Лесном, под ред. Комис. зав. читальней (Ил. Г.Г. Гагарина). Санкт-Петербург 1905. Children's stories about grandfather's pictures... Mehr

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G. Gagarin). Saint Petersburg

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G....

1905. Рассказы детей к дедушкиным картинкам. Изд. в пользу Дет. б-ки-читальни в Лесном, под ред. Комис. зав. читальней (Ил. Г.Г. Гагарина). Санкт-Петербург 1905. Children's stories about grandfather's pictures... Mehr

Children's album, Russia, 1873
Heinrich Hoffmann - "Stepka-rastrepka", Book for Children, 1900

Heinrich Hoffmann - "Stepka-rastrepka", Book for Children, 1900

1900-е. Генрих Гофман - «Стёпка-растрепка»

Collection of Landscapes - Album for Kids
Collection of Landscapes - Album for Kids
Collection of Landscapes - Album for Kids
Russian alphabet with drawings,1908
Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Russian Child, or a New Geographical Game for Children, Serving as Amusement and Instruction for the Knowledge of the Russian State

Russian Child, or a New Geographical Game for Children, Serving as Amu...

1830-1832. Дитя-россиянин, или Новая географическая игра для детей, служащая им увеселением и наставлением к познанию Государства Российского

Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
Ukrainian alphabet. Saint Petersburg. 1917

Ukrainian alphabet. Saint Petersburg. 1917

1917. Украiнська абетка. Малюнки Георгия Нарбута. Санкт-Петербург.Т-во Голике и Вильборг

Ukrainian alphabet. Saint Petersburg. 1917

Ukrainian alphabet. Saint Petersburg. 1917

1917. Украiнська абетка. Малюнки Георгия Нарбута. Санкт-Петербург.Т-во Голике и Вильборг

Ukrainian alphabet. Saint Petersburg. 1917

Ukrainian alphabet. Saint Petersburg. 1917

1917. Украiнська абетка. Малюнки Георгия Нарбута. Санкт-Петербург.Т-во Голике и Вильборг

Star book. Pictures by W. Gwaith Text by B. Warkins

Star book. Pictures by W. Gwaith Text by B. Warkins

Звездная книжка. Картинки В. Гвайта Текст Б. Варкинса

Star book. Pictures by W. Gwaith Text by B. Warkins

Star book. Pictures by W. Gwaith Text by B. Warkins

Звездная книжка. Картинки В. Гвайта Текст Б. Варкинса

Mr. Frost Red Nose 1872

Mr. Frost Red Nose 1872

1872. Мороз Красный нос

“My Menagerie” Album of drawings for children from the publishing house Sytin
“My Menagerie” Album of drawings for children from the publishing house Sytin
Children get ready for school!. Moscow, 1916

Children get ready for school!. Moscow, 1916

1916. Дети в школу собирайтесь!. Москва, Т-во И.Д. Сытина 1916. Children get ready for school!. Moscow, Partnership I.D. Sytin

Children get ready for school!. Moscow, 1916

Children get ready for school!. Moscow, 1916

1916. Дети в школу собирайтесь!. Москва, Т-во И.Д. Сытина 1916. Children get ready for school!. Moscow, Partnership I.D. Sytin

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

1910. Вера Ипполитовна Лукьянская. Колобок (ил. Елизаветы Бем).- Москва, тип.т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К° 1910. Vera Ippolitovna Lukyanskaya. Kolobok (ill. Elizaveta Bem). - Moscow, printing house of the partnershi... Mehr

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

1910. Вера Ипполитовна Лукьянская. Колобок (ил. Елизаветы Бем).- Москва, тип.т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К° 1910. Vera Ippolitovna Lukyanskaya. Kolobok (ill. Elizaveta Bem). - Moscow, printing house of the partnershi... Mehr

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

1910. Вера Ипполитовна Лукьянская. Колобок (ил. Елизаветы Бем).- Москва, тип.т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К° 1910. Vera Ippolitovna Lukyanskaya. Kolobok (ill. Elizaveta Bem). - Moscow, printing house of the partnershi... Mehr

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G. Gagarin). Saint Petersburg

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G....

1905. Рассказы детей к дедушкиным картинкам. Изд. в пользу Дет. б-ки-читальни в Лесном, под ред. Комис. зав. читальней (Ил. Г.Г. Гагарина). Санкт-Петербург 1905. Children's stories about grandfather's pictures... Mehr

Children's album, Russia, 1873
Heinrich Hoffmann - "Stepka-rastrepka", Book for Children, 1900

Heinrich Hoffmann - "Stepka-rastrepka", Book for Children, 1900

1900-е. Генрих Гофман - «Стёпка-растрепка»

Collection of Landscapes - Album for Kids
Collection of Landscapes - Album for Kids
Collection of Landscapes - Album for Kids
Russian alphabet with drawings,1908
Russian alphabet with drawings,1908
Russian alphabet with drawings,1908
Russian alphabet with drawings,1908
What you need to know - a book for children
What you need to know - a book for children
Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Russian Child, or a New Geographical Game for Children, Serving as Amusement and Instruction for the Knowledge of the Russian State

Russian Child, or a New Geographical Game for Children, Serving as Amu...

1830-1832. Дитя-россиянин, или Новая географическая игра для детей, служащая им увеселением и наставлением к познанию Государства Российского

Toys. Boris Alekseevich Leman. (Tale by B. Dix. Fig. G. Narbut) 1911.

Toys. Boris Alekseevich Leman. (Tale by B. Dix. Fig. G. Narbut) 1911.

1911. Борис Алексеевич Леман. Игрушки (Сказка Б. Дикса.Рис. Г. Нарбут)

Russian Alphabet for Children
Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
Star book. Pictures by W. Gwaith Text by B. Warkins

Star book. Pictures by W. Gwaith Text by B. Warkins

Звездная книжка. Картинки В. Гвайта Текст Б. Варкинса

Mr. Frost Red Nose 1872

Mr. Frost Red Nose 1872

1872. Мороз Красный нос

“My Menagerie” Album of drawings for children from the publishing house Sytin
“My Menagerie” Album of drawings for children from the publishing house Sytin
Dance, Matvey, don’t spare your bast shoes!

Dance, Matvey, don’t spare your bast shoes!

1910. Пляши, Матвей, не жалей лаптей!

Children get ready for school!. Moscow, 1916

Children get ready for school!. Moscow, 1916

1916. Дети в школу собирайтесь!. Москва, Т-во И.Д. Сытина 1916. Children get ready for school!. Moscow, Partnership I.D. Sytin

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G. Gagarin). Saint Petersburg

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G....

1905. Рассказы детей к дедушкиным картинкам. Изд. в пользу Дет. б-ки-читальни в Лесном, под ред. Комис. зав. читальней (Ил. Г.Г. Гагарина). Санкт-Петербург 1905. Children's stories about grandfather's pictures... Mehr

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G. Gagarin). Saint Petersburg

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G....

1905. Рассказы детей к дедушкиным картинкам. Изд. в пользу Дет. б-ки-читальни в Лесном, под ред. Комис. зав. читальней (Ил. Г.Г. Гагарина). Санкт-Петербург 1905. Children's stories about grandfather's pictures... Mehr

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G. Gagarin). Saint Petersburg

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G....

1905. Рассказы детей к дедушкиным картинкам. Изд. в пользу Дет. б-ки-читальни в Лесном, под ред. Комис. зав. читальней (Ил. Г.Г. Гагарина). Санкт-Петербург 1905. Children's stories about grandfather's pictures... Mehr

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G. Gagarin). Saint Petersburg

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G....

1905. Рассказы детей к дедушкиным картинкам. Изд. в пользу Дет. б-ки-читальни в Лесном, под ред. Комис. зав. читальней (Ил. Г.Г. Гагарина). Санкт-Петербург 1905. Children's stories about grandfather's pictures... Mehr

Heinrich Hoffmann - "Stepka-rastrepka", Book for Children, 1900

Heinrich Hoffmann - "Stepka-rastrepka", Book for Children, 1900

1900-е. Генрих Гофман - «Стёпка-растрепка»

Russian alphabet with drawings,1908
Russian alphabet with drawings,1908
Russian alphabet with drawings,1908
Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Russian Child, or a New Geographical Game for Children, Serving as Amusement and Instruction for the Knowledge of the Russian State

Russian Child, or a New Geographical Game for Children, Serving as Amu...

1830-1832. Дитя-россиянин, или Новая географическая игра для детей, служащая им увеселением и наставлением к познанию Государства Российского

Toys. Boris Alekseevich Leman. (Tale by B. Dix. Fig. G. Narbut) 1911.

Toys. Boris Alekseevich Leman. (Tale by B. Dix. Fig. G. Narbut) 1911.

1911. Борис Алексеевич Леман. Игрушки (Сказка Б. Дикса.Рис. Г. Нарбут)

Russian Alphabet for Children
Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
Masha Butterfingers
“My Menagerie” Album of drawings for children from the publishing house Sytin
Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

1910. Вера Ипполитовна Лукьянская. Колобок (ил. Елизаветы Бем).- Москва, тип.т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К° 1910. Vera Ippolitovna Lukyanskaya. Kolobok (ill. Elizaveta Bem). - Moscow, printing house of the partnershi... Mehr

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

1910. Вера Ипполитовна Лукьянская. Колобок (ил. Елизаветы Бем).- Москва, тип.т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К° 1910. Vera Ippolitovna Lukyanskaya. Kolobok (ill. Elizaveta Bem). - Moscow, printing house of the partnershi... Mehr

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

1910. Вера Ипполитовна Лукьянская. Колобок (ил. Елизаветы Бем).- Москва, тип.т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К° 1910. Vera Ippolitovna Lukyanskaya. Kolobok (ill. Elizaveta Bem). - Moscow, printing house of the partnershi... Mehr

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

Kolobok, Russian Fairy Tale

1910. Вера Ипполитовна Лукьянская. Колобок (ил. Елизаветы Бем).- Москва, тип.т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К° 1910. Vera Ippolitovna Lukyanskaya. Kolobok (ill. Elizaveta Bem). - Moscow, printing house of the partnershi... Mehr

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G. Gagarin). Saint Petersburg

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G....

1905. Рассказы детей к дедушкиным картинкам. Изд. в пользу Дет. б-ки-читальни в Лесном, под ред. Комис. зав. читальней (Ил. Г.Г. Гагарина). Санкт-Петербург 1905. Children's stories about grandfather's pictures... Mehr

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G. Gagarin). Saint Petersburg

Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G....

1905. Рассказы детей к дедушкиным картинкам. Изд. в пользу Дет. б-ки-читальни в Лесном, под ред. Комис. зав. читальней (Ил. Г.Г. Гагарина). Санкт-Петербург 1905. Children's stories about grandfather's pictures... Mehr

Children's album, Russia, 1873
Children's album, Russia, 1873
Collection of Landscapes - Album for Kids
Russian alphabet with drawings,1908
Russian alphabet with drawings,1908
What you need to know - a book for children
What you need to know - a book for children
What you need to know - a book for children
What you need to know - a book for children
Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

Fun is the seasoning for everything 1897

1897. Забава всему приправа

Russian Child, or a New Geographical Game for Children, Serving as Amusement and Instruction for the Knowledge of the Russian State

Russian Child, or a New Geographical Game for Children, Serving as Amu...

1830-1832. Дитя-россиянин, или Новая географическая игра для детей, служащая им увеселением и наставлением к познанию Государства Российского

Russian Child, or a New Geographical Game for Children, Serving as Amusement and Instruction for the Knowledge of the Russian State

Russian Child, or a New Geographical Game for Children, Serving as Amu...

1830-1832. Дитя-россиянин, или Новая географическая игра для детей, служащая им увеселением и наставлением к познанию Государства Российского

Russian Alphabet for Children

of 5
