
67 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Honor award of Nizhny Novgorod Industrial Fair, certificate
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Turkestanskīl bom, chastoricheskai a / po raspori a schenīi u Turkestanskago General-Gubernatora K.P. fon Kaufmana I-go sostavil M.A. Terentjew.

Turkestanskīl bom, chastoricheskai a / po raspori a schenīi u Turkesta...

The plates contain (in a complete copy) 203 photographs and 13 hand-colored maps or plans. Produced in 7 copies? Collection has been digitized and is available online. See the collection overview, 287_turkestan... Mehr

Kistje bevattende dokumenten m.b.t. de zeilsteen van Tsaar Peter de Grote

Kistje bevattende dokumenten m.b.t. de zeilsteen van Tsaar Peter de Gr...

Kistje met koperen beslag, waarop bloemmotieven, koperen hengsels, scharnieren en slot, dit laatste met ijzeren spijkers bevestigd. Op de bodem een stuk witte geweven wol, met zegellak aan de bodem bevestigd.

Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Kistje bevattende dokumenten m.b.t. de zeilsteen van Tsaar Peter de Grote

Kistje bevattende dokumenten m.b.t. de zeilsteen van Tsaar Peter de Gr...

Public domain image of 16th century art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Russian certificates and documents, 1900s
Gramata T︠S︡arskai︠a︡ i gramaty vselenskikh patriarkhov
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Vertaling van de huwelijksakten van de prins van Oranje en Anna Paulowna, 1816

Vertaling van de huwelijksakten van de prins van Oranje en Anna Paulow...

Vertaling in het Frans van de oorspronkelijk in het Russisch opgestelde huwelijksakten van de prins van Oranje en Anna Paulowna, bij hun huwelijk te Sint Petersburg op 21 februari 1816. Twee dubbelgevouwen blad... Mehr

Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Gramata T︠S︡arskai︠a︡ i gramaty vselenskikh patriarkhov
Buchmeier2, Russian Empire

Buchmeier2, Russian Empire

Русский: Бухмейер Александр Ефимович (1802-1860) - российский генерал Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Auszählungskommission für die Wahl der Abgeordneten der Staatsduma.

Auszählungskommission für die Wahl der Abgeordneten der Staatsduma.

Counting commission for the election of deputies of the State Duma. Счетная комиссия по выборам депутатов Государственной Думы.

Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Gramata T︠S︡arskai︠a︡ i gramaty vselenskikh patriarkhov
Archive of Alexander Vasilyevich Zhivago. Part 1. Dulepovo estate

Archive of Alexander Vasilyevich Zhivago. Part 1. Dulepovo estate

Архив Александра Васильевича Живаго. Часть 1. Имение Дулепово

Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Archive of Alexander Vasilyevich Zhivago. Part 1. Dulepovo estate

Archive of Alexander Vasilyevich Zhivago. Part 1. Dulepovo estate

Архив Александра Васильевича Живаго. Часть 1. Имение Дулепово

Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Gramata T︠S︡arskai︠a︡ i gramaty vselenskikh patriarkhov
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
map from "Сборникъ Муханова. [Consisting of historical documents relating to Russia.] Изданіе второе, дополненное. (Примѣчанія.)"

map from "Сборникъ Муханова. [Consisting of historical documents relat...

Dieses Bild stammt aus dem Scan 000148 von Band 02 von "Сорниканиканистанованованованистованистованистованиста". [Bestehend aus historischen Dokumenten, die Russland betreffen.] Aber das ist nur eine Frage der ... Mehr

Gramata T︠S︡arskai︠a︡ i gramaty vselenskikh patriarkhov
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire
Gramata T︠S︡arskai︠a︡ i gramaty vselenskikh patriarkhov
Municipal loan bond, Borovichi, 1900
Honor awards, certificates and other documents of Russian Empire