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Collection of Landscapes - Album for Kids
Zhdani Borovichi district, Russia

Zhdani Borovichi district, Russia

Усадьба Ждани и ее обитатели.

Topographic map of the Moscow province, surveys taken in 1852 and 1853

Topographic map of the Moscow province, surveys taken in 1852 and 1853

Топографическая карта Московской губернии,сост. с топогр. съемки, произведенной в 1852 и 1853 годах

Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy: Views in the Ural Mountains and Western Siberia, survey of waterways, Russian Empire, photographic print

Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy: Views in the Ural Mountains and Western Siber...

Photographic survey of the Ural Mountains and Western Siberia, primarily of the waterways in and around Kyn, Shadrinsk, and Tiumen. Includes many views of named rocks along the Chusovaia River, as well as views... Mehr