grenadier regiment

67 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

538. Gefreiter und Unteroffizier des Grenadier-Regiments von 1786 bis 1796.

538. Gefreiter und Unteroffizier des Grenadier-Regiments von 1786 bis ...

538. Gefreiter und Unteroffizier des Grenadier-Regiments von 1786 bis 1796. "Historische Beschreibung der Kleidung und Waffen der russischen Truppen aus der Antike", zusammengestellt auf Befehl des Oberbefehlsh... Mehr

Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick William IV

Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick Willia...

1899. 3-й Гренадерский Перновский короля Фридриха-Вильгельма IV полк 1899. 3rd Grenadier Pernovsky regiment of King Frederick William IV

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick William IV

Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick Willia...

1899. 3-й Гренадерский Перновский короля Фридриха-Вильгельма IV полк 1899. 3rd Grenadier Pernovsky regiment of King Frederick William IV

Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick William IV

Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick Willia...

1899. 3-й Гренадерский Перновский короля Фридриха-Вильгельма IV полк 1899. 3rd Grenadier Pernovsky regiment of King Frederick William IV

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick William IV

Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick Willia...

1899. 3-й Гренадерский Перновский короля Фридриха-Вильгельма IV полк 1899. 3rd Grenadier Pernovsky regiment of King Frederick William IV

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick William IV

Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick Willia...

1899. 3-й Гренадерский Перновский короля Фридриха-Вильгельма IV полк 1899. 3rd Grenadier Pernovsky regiment of King Frederick William IV

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Russian 6th Grenadier Tauride Regiment, 1890s
Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

376 - 377. Banner des Grenadierregiments, 30. März 1756. Banner des Musketier-Regiments des Observationskorps, 1757.

376 - 377. Banner des Grenadierregiments, 30. März 1756. Banner des Mu...

376 - 377. Banner des Grenadierregiments, 30. März 1756. Banner des Musketier-Regiments des Observationskorps, 1757. "Historische Beschreibung der Kleidung und Waffen der russischen Truppen aus der Antike", zus... Mehr

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Gre...

1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка