historical cartography

10 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Atlas for a picturesque journey through Asia, 1839.
Atlas for a picturesque journey through Asia, 1839.
Atlas for a picturesque journey through Asia, 1839.
Ethnographic atlas of Western Russian provinces and neighboring regions, 1863

Ethnographic atlas of Western Russian provinces and neighboring region...

1863. Этнографический атлас западно-русских губерний и соседних областей сост. Р. Ф. Эркертом. - Санкт-Петербург

Atlas for a picturesque journey through Asia, 1839.
Atlas for a picturesque journey through Asia, 1839.
Atlas for a picturesque journey through Asia, 1839.
Atlas for a picturesque journey through Asia, 1839.
Atlas for a picturesque journey through Asia, 1839.
Atlas for a picturesque journey through Asia, 1839.