
345 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 4
Das Begräbnis des Großfürsten Alexej Alexandrowitsch in Paris.

Das Begräbnis des Großfürsten Alexej Alexandrowitsch in Paris.

Das Begräbnis des Großfürsten Alexej Alexandrowitsch. Alexej Alexandrowitsch (2. (14.) Januar 1850, St. Petersburg - 1. (14.) November 1908, Paris) - Großfürst, vierter Sohn Kaiser Alexanders II. und Kaiserin M... Mehr

Ausgang aus der Alexander-Newski-Kathedrale in der Daru-Straße des Kaisers Nikolaus II, Paris.

Ausgang aus der Alexander-Newski-Kathedrale in der Daru-Straße des Kai...

Der Ausgang von der Alexander-Newski-Kathedrale in der Daru-Straße. Während des Besuchs von Kaiser Nikolaus II. und Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna in Frankreich. 5.-9. Oktober 1896. Verlassen Sie die Alexander-N... Mehr

Abrikosov's in Paris
Paris fashion seamstresses, 1910
Costumes Parisiens, 1913
Eiffel Tower, 1920s
Henry L'Estrange Paris Photographs
Paris, Eiffel Tower, 1920s
1900. World Exhibition in Paris in photographs by Henry de L' Estrange

1900. World Exhibition in Paris in photographs by Henry de L' Estrange

1900. Всемирная выставка в Париже на фотографиях Генри де Лестрейнджа

Eiffel Tower, 1889
Eiffel Tower, 1889
Eiffel Tower, 1889
Eiffel Tower, 1889
Eiffel Tower construction, 1888
Eiffel Tower construction, 1888
16 time lapse photos of the construction of the Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1920s
Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября

Military uniforms: Russia, 1815.

Military uniforms: Russia, 1815.

The collection by the Dutch physician H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910). 17th, 18th, 19th-century European cavalry.

Military uniforms: Russia, 1815.

Military uniforms: Russia, 1815.

Picryl description: Public domain image of armed forces, cavalry, infantry, 18th-19th century war, military conflict, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Military uniforms: Russia, 1815.

Military uniforms: Russia, 1815.

Picryl description: Public domain image of horse riding, equestrian activity, animal husbandry, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Zum Gedenken an den Besuch des Zaren Nikolaus II. und der Zarin in Paris im Jahr 1902

Zum Gedenken an den Besuch des Zaren Nikolaus II. und der Zarin in Par...

Public domain photo of bronze sculpture, 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Zum Gedenken an den Besuch des Zaren Nikolaus II. und des Zaren in Paris im Jahr 1902

Zum Gedenken an den Besuch des Zaren Nikolaus II. und des Zaren in Par...

Public domain photo of bronze sculpture, 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.




Kaiser Nikolaus und Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna in Paris. 5. bis 9. Oktober 1896.

Kaiser Nikolaus und Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna in Paris. 5. bis 9. ...

Kaiser Nikolaus und Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna in Paris. 5.-9. Oktober 1896.- Kaiser Nikolaus II. zusammen mit Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna in Paris. 5.-9. Oktober 1896.

Paris. Boulevard Saint-Germain. Boulevard Saint-Germain. Besuch von Kaiser Nikolaus II. und Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna in Frankreich.

Paris. Boulevard Saint-Germain. Boulevard Saint-Germain. Besuch von Ka...

Boulevard Saint-Germain. Nikolaus II. zusammen mit der Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna zu Besuch in Paris. 5.-9. Oktober 1896. Boulevard Saint-Germain. Während des Besuchs von Kaiser Nikolaus II. und Kaiserin Ale... Mehr

Nikolaus II., Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna, Paris, 1896

Nikolaus II., Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna, Paris, 1896

Während des Besuchs von Kaiser Nikolaus II. und Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna in Frankreich. Paris, 5.-9. Oktober 1896. Während des Besuchs von Kaiser Nikolaus II. und Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna in Frankreic... Mehr

Nikolaus II., Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna, Paris, 1896

Nikolaus II., Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna, Paris, 1896

Paris. Festliche Dekoration des Polizeireviers. Während des Besuchs von Kaiser Nikolaus II. und Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna in Frankreich. 5.-9. Oktober 1896. Paris. Festliche Dekoration der Polizeistation. W... Mehr

Châlons-en-Champagne. Nikolaus II., Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna, Paris, 1896

Châlons-en-Champagne. Nikolaus II., Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna, Par...

Chalon - steht für die Gäste der festlichen Parade. Während des Besuchs von Kaiser Nikolaus II. und Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna in Frankreich. 5.-9. Oktober 1896. Chalon - steht für die Gäste der festlichen P... Mehr

Abrikosov's in Paris
Abrikosov's in Paris
Abrikosov's in Paris
Costumes Parisiens, 1913
Eiffel Tower, 1920s
Henry L'Estrange Paris Photographs
Henry L'Estrange Paris Photographs
1900. World Exhibition in Paris in photographs by Henry de L' Estrange

1900. World Exhibition in Paris in photographs by Henry de L' Estrange

1900. Всемирная выставка в Париже на фотографиях Генри де Лестрейнджа

1900. World Exhibition in Paris in photographs by Henry de L' Estrange

1900. World Exhibition in Paris in photographs by Henry de L' Estrange

1900. Всемирная выставка в Париже на фотографиях Генри де Лестрейнджа

Paris, Eiffel Tower, 1899
Eiffel Tower, 1889
Eiffel Tower, 1889
Eiffel Tower - Beginning of Construction, 1887
Eiffel Tower construction, 1888
Eiffel Tower construction, 1888
Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1920s
Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1920s
Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября

Military uniforms: Russia, 1815.

Military uniforms: Russia, 1815.

Picryl description: Public domain image of armed forces, cavalry, infantry, 18th-19th century war, military conflict, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Exterieur van de Basiliuskathedraal in Moskou

Exterieur van de Basiliuskathedraal in Moskou

Onderdeel van Album van een Franse amateur met foto's van Frankrijk, Algerije, Palmyra, de Wereldtentoonstelling van 1900 en van bekende Fransen. The Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900, also known a... Mehr

Nicolaas II van Rusland en Alix van Hessen-Darmstadt in een koets te Parijs

Nicolaas II van Rusland en Alix van Hessen-Darmstadt in een koets te P...

Public domain image of horse carriage, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Nikolaus II. legt Pont Alexandre III, Paris, Frankreich nieder

Nikolaus II. legt Pont Alexandre III, Paris, Frankreich nieder

Die feierliche Verlegung der Brücke von Kaiser Alexander III. über die Seine. Während des Besuchs von Kaiser Nikolaus II. und Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna in Frankreich. 5. bis 9. Oktober 1896. Die USA und die... Mehr

Ranelagh. Nikolaus II., Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna, Paris, 1896

Ranelagh. Nikolaus II., Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna, Paris, 1896

Bahnhof Ranelagh. Während des Besuchs von Kaiser Nikolaus II. und Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna in Frankreich. 5.-9. Oktober 1896. Bahnhof Ranelag. Während des Besuchs von Kaiser Nikolaus II. und Kaiserin Alexa... Mehr

Abrikosov's in Paris
Abrikosov's in Paris
Paris fashion seamstresses, 1910
Costumes Parisiens, 1913
Bowling game in the Bois de Boulogne, 1898
Eiffel Tower, 1920s
Henry L'Estrange Paris Photographs
Paris, Eiffel Tower, 1899
Paris, Eiffel Tower, 1899
Eiffel Tower, 1889
Eiffel Tower, 1889
Eiffel Tower - Beginning of Construction, 1887
Eiffel Tower - Beginning of Construction, 1887
Eiffel Tower construction, 1888
16 time lapse photos of the construction of the Eiffel Tower
16 time lapse photos of the construction of the Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1920s
Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1920s
Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1920s
Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября

Concorde-Brücke. Paris. Nikolaus II., Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna, Paris, 1896

Concorde-Brücke. Paris. Nikolaus II., Kaiserin Alexandra Fjodorowna, P...

On the Bridge of Concord. During the visit of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to France. Paris on October 5-9, 1896. На мосту Согласия. Во время визита Императора Николая II и Императрицы ... Mehr

Bowling game in the Bois de Boulogne, 1898
Eiffel Tower, 1920s
Eiffel Tower, 1920s
Eiffel Tower, 1920s
Henry L'Estrange Paris Photographs
Henry L'Estrange Paris Photographs
Henry L'Estrange Paris Photographs
Henry L'Estrange Paris Photographs
Paris, Eiffel Tower, 1920s
1900. World Exhibition in Paris in photographs by Henry de L' Estrange

1900. World Exhibition in Paris in photographs by Henry de L' Estrange

1900. Всемирная выставка в Париже на фотографиях Генри де Лестрейнджа

1900. World Exhibition in Paris in photographs by Henry de L' Estrange

1900. World Exhibition in Paris in photographs by Henry de L' Estrange

1900. Всемирная выставка в Париже на фотографиях Генри де Лестрейнджа

Paris, Eiffel Tower, 1899
Paris, Eiffel Tower, 1899
Eiffel Tower, 1889
Eiffel Tower, 1889
Eiffel Tower - Beginning of Construction, 1887
Eiffel Tower construction, 1888
16 time lapse photos of the construction of the Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1920s
Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1896

Official visit of Emperor Nicholas II to France from October 5 to 9, 1...

1896. Официальный визит императора Николая II во Францию с 5 по 9 октября


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