rural life

137 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 2
Die Bewohner des Dorfes Belovezh. Gruppe von Bauern.

Die Bewohner des Dorfes Belovezh. Gruppe von Bauern.

Bewohner des Dorfes Belovezh. Gruppe von Bauern. Bewohner des Dorfes Belovezh. Eine Gruppe von Bäuerinnen.

Estonian settlers in the Kuban

Estonian settlers in the Kuban

Estonian musicians are the first settlers in the Kuban in the village of Esto-Sadok

Simbukhovo village, 1910s
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск

Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909

Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909

1909. Типы строительства в станицах Сибирского казачьего войска.

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

1905-1909. Туруханская этнографическая экспедиция. Деревня Сумароково

Bryukhovetskaya village, 1909

Bryukhovetskaya village, 1909

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Cossacks and non-residents. Bryukhovetskaya village, 1909

Simbukhovo village, 1910s
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск

Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909

Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909

1909. Типы строительства в станицах Сибирского казачьего войска.

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Ethnographic expedition to Vyatka region. Votyaks / Udmurts

Ethnographic expedition to Vyatka region. Votyaks / Udmurts

1913. Этнографическая экспедиция этнографа Клавдия Васильевича Щенникова. Вотяки

Spring and Summer - Russian village
Spring and Summer - Russian village
Korobovo village, Kostroma governorate, 1900s
Korobovo village, Kostroma governorate, 1900s
Russian Estates, 1900s
Gruppe örtlicher Bäuerinnen. Belowezh.

Gruppe örtlicher Bäuerinnen. Belowezh.

Group of peasant women - local Группа крестьянок женщин - местных жительниц. Public domain photograph - group portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Icon Kholomogory, public domain photograph

Icon Kholomogory, public domain photograph

Kholmogory wurde zum ersten Mal in der Charta des Nowgoroder Fürsten Swjatoslaw Olgowitsch 1138 als Nowgorod "Iwani-Pogost" erwähnt. Der Name Kholmogory (ursprünglich Kolmogory, Kolmogorsky Stadt) ist in der Ur... Mehr

Simbukhovo village, 1910s
Arkhangelsk province - photographs by Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov

Arkhangelsk province - photographs by Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov

1911. Архангельская губерния на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Chekmentsky district, 1910s

Chekmentsky district, 1910s

1910-е. Константин Кузьмич Юдахин в Чекментском уезде

Spring and Summer - Russian village
Spring and Summer - Russian village
Korobovo village, Kostroma governorate, 1900s
Russian Estates, 1900s
Album of watercolors by P. P. Sokolov to the poems “North” by N. A. Nekrasov, 1894.
Russian life and nature in pictures, 1892

Russian life and nature in pictures, 1892

1892. Русская жизнь и природа в картинках

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

1905-1909. Туруханская этнографическая экспедиция. Деревня Сумароково

Russian Estates, 1900s
Russian Estates, 1900s
Little Russia in the photographs of Z.Z. Vinogradov

Little Russia in the photographs of Z.Z. Vinogradov

Малороссия на снимках З.З. Виноградова

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

1903. Лето в деревне Солова

Little Russia in the photographs of Z.Z. Vinogradov

Little Russia in the photographs of Z.Z. Vinogradov

Малороссия на снимках З.З. Виноградова

Little Russia in the photographs of Z.Z. Vinogradov

Little Russia in the photographs of Z.Z. Vinogradov

Малороссия на снимках З.З. Виноградова

Handicraft production in Nizhny Novgorod province
Simbukhovo village, 1910s
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск

Stanitsa Kavkazskaya, Ekaterinodar region
Photographs (glass negatives) by Malinovsky
Chekmentsky district, 1910s

Chekmentsky district, 1910s

1910-е. Константин Кузьмич Юдахин в Чекментском уезде

Spring and Summer - Russian village
Spring and Summer - Russian village
Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

1903. Лето в деревне Солова

Ethnographic atlas of Western Russian provinces and neighboring regions, 1863

Ethnographic atlas of Western Russian provinces and neighboring region...

1863. Этнографический атлас западно-русских губерний и соседних областей сост. Р. Ф. Эркертом. - Санкт-Петербург

Russian Laplandia, 1900s
Handicraft production in Nizhny Novgorod province
Saratov province 1910-1913.

Saratov province 1910-1913.

1910-1913. Саратовская губерния на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

1910-1913. В Нижегородской губернии на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909

Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909

1909. Типы строительства в станицах Сибирского казачьего войска.

Ethnographic atlas of Western Russian provinces and neighboring regions, 1863

Ethnographic atlas of Western Russian provinces and neighboring region...

1863. Этнографический атлас западно-русских губерний и соседних областей сост. Р. Ф. Эркертом. - Санкт-Петербург

Arkhangelsk region in photographs by Nikolai Avenirovich Shabunin 1903-1904
Icon Kholomogory, public domain photograph

Icon Kholomogory, public domain photograph

Kholmogory wurde zum ersten Mal in der Charta des Nowgoroder Fürsten Swjatoslaw Olgowitsch 1138 als Nowgorod "Iwani-Pogost" erwähnt. Der Name Kholmogory (ursprünglich Kolmogory, Kolmogorsky Stadt) ist in der Ur... Mehr

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

1910-1913. В Нижегородской губернии на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Privetluzhie in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911

Privetluzhie in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 19...

1911. Приветлужье на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

1903. Лето в деревне Солова

Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

1903. Лето в деревне Солова

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Verkhne-Imbatskoe village, 1905-1909

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Verkhne-Imbatskoe village, 1905-19...

1905-1909. Туруханская этнографическая экспедиция. Село Верхне- Имбатско

Arkhangelsk region in photographs by Nikolai Avenirovich Shabunin 1903-1904
Collection of Landscapes - Album for Kids
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region

Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

1910-1913. В Нижегородской губернии на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

1905-1909. Туруханская этнографическая экспедиция. Деревня Сумароково

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

1905-1909. Туруханская этнографическая экспедиция. Деревня Сумароково

Village of Staroshcherbinovskaya.

Village of Staroshcherbinovskaya.

Farewell to the army of a nonresident resident of the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya.

Group of girls basket-makers, Podolsk province, Annopol town

Group of girls basket-makers, Podolsk province, Annopol town

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.

Simbukhovo village, 1910s
Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

1910-1913. В Нижегородской губернии на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

1910-1913. В Нижегородской губернии на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909

Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909

1909. Типы строительства в станицах Сибирского казачьего войска.

Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909

Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909

1909. Типы строительства в станицах Сибирского казачьего войска.

Privetluzhie in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911

Privetluzhie in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 19...

Приветлужье на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова, 1911

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Spring and Summer - Russian village
Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

1903. Лето в деревне Солова

Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

Summer in the village of Solova, 1903

1903. Лето в деревне Солова

War on the village, Russia, 1919-1920

War on the village, Russia, 1919-1920

Moscow, RSFSR. A group of people who confiscated grain from peasants during the Prodrazvyorstka policy implemented by the Bolshevik government during the Russian Civil War. TASS..Москва. Бойцы продотряда перед ... Mehr

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

1905-1909. Туруханская этнографическая экспедиция. Деревня Сумароково

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

Turukhansk ethnographic expedition. Sumarokovo village, 1905-1909

1905-1909. Туруханская этнографическая экспедиция. Деревня Сумароково

Little Russia in the photographs of Z.Z. Vinogradov

Little Russia in the photographs of Z.Z. Vinogradov

Малороссия на снимках З.З. Виноградова

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Life in South Siberia, Altay, in 19220s

Из фотоархива Василия Васильевича Сапожникова.

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

Nizhny Novgorod province 1910-1913

1910-1913. В Нижегородской губернии на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Spring and Summer - Russian village

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