russian orthodox church

554 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 6
Churches and Monasteries of Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia
Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Покровский Киевский женский Общежительный Монастырь

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Покровский Киевский женский Общежительный Монастырь

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
The most remarkable objects of the Patriarchal sacristy, 1863

The most remarkable objects of the Patriarchal sacristy, 1863

1863. 15 табл. фото-литогр. снимков с замечательнейших предметов Патриаршей ризницы

Hospital for the people at the Kostroma Epiphany Convent, 1881

Hospital for the people at the Kostroma Epiphany Convent, 1881

1881. Лечебница для народа при Костромском Богоявленском Женском монастыре

Archives of Metropolit Avksentiy Georgievich Stadnitsky, 1909-1915

Archives of Metropolit Avksentiy Georgievich Stadnitsky, 1909-1915

1909-1915. Из архива митрополита Авксентия Георгиевича Стадницкого

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Russian churches and monasteries, 1890s

Russian churches and monasteries, 1890s

Церкви и монастыри на фотографиях Григория Николаевича Малиновского

Russian churches and monasteries, 1890s

Russian churches and monasteries, 1890s

Церкви и монастыри на фотографиях Григория Николаевича Малиновского

Russian churches and monasteries, 1890s

Russian churches and monasteries, 1890s

Церкви и монастыри на фотографиях Григория Николаевича Малиновского

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Petersburg, 1913

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Pete...

Закладка в высочайшем присутствии во дворе казарм лейб-гвардии 4-го Стрелкового Императорской Фамилии полка по Волконской улице церкви Св. Николая Чудотворца

Simbirsk Women's Diocesan School

Simbirsk Women's Diocesan School

Симбирское Женское Епархиальное Училище

Simbirsk Women's Diocesan School

Simbirsk Women's Diocesan School

Симбирское Женское Епархиальное Училище

Churches and Monasteries of Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia
Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Покровский Киевский женский Общежительный Монастырь

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
Iconostases of Russian Orthodox Churches
The most remarkable objects of the Patriarchal sacristy, 1863

The most remarkable objects of the Patriarchal sacristy, 1863

1863. 15 табл. фото-литогр. снимков с замечательнейших предметов Патриаршей ризницы

The most remarkable objects of the Patriarchal sacristy, 1863

The most remarkable objects of the Patriarchal sacristy, 1863

1863. 15 табл. фото-литогр. снимков с замечательнейших предметов Патриаршей ризницы

The most remarkable objects of the Patriarchal sacristy, 1863

The most remarkable objects of the Patriarchal sacristy, 1863

1863. 15 табл. фото-литогр. снимков с замечательнейших предметов Патриаршей ризницы

Hospital for the people at the Kostroma Epiphany Convent, 1881

Hospital for the people at the Kostroma Epiphany Convent, 1881

1881. Лечебница для народа при Костромском Богоявленском Женском монастыре

Hospital for the people at the Kostroma Epiphany Convent, 1881

Hospital for the people at the Kostroma Epiphany Convent, 1881

1881. Лечебница для народа при Костромском Богоявленском Женском монастыре

Archives of Metropolit Avksentiy Georgievich Stadnitsky, 1909-1915

Archives of Metropolit Avksentiy Georgievich Stadnitsky, 1909-1915

1909-1915. Из архива митрополита Авксентия Георгиевича Стадницкого

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow, 1913.

Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...

1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве

Valaam monastery, 1863
Valaam monastery, 1863
Valaam monastery, 1863
Valaam monastery, 1863
Simbirsk Women's Diocesan School

Simbirsk Women's Diocesan School

Симбирское Женское Епархиальное Училище

Simbirsk Women's Diocesan School

Simbirsk Women's Diocesan School

Симбирское Женское Епархиальное Училище

Die Kirche der Fürbitte auf dem Nerl, 1160

Die Kirche der Fürbitte auf dem Nerl, 1160

Die Fürbittkirche auf dem Nerl wurde in Erinnerung an den verstorbenen Sohn des Großfürsten Isjaslaw Andrejewitsch zwischen 1158 und 1165 erbaut. Wassili Tatschtschow schreibt in der "Geschichte des Russen", da... Mehr

Kiev Theological Academy, 1912
Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор


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