russian people

6 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in Kyiv 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in...

Празднование девятисотлетия Крещения русского народа в Киеве 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in Kyiv 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in...

Празднование девятисотлетия Крещения русского народа в Киеве 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in Kyiv 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in...

Празднование девятисотлетия Крещения русского народа в Киеве 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in Kyiv 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in...

Празднование девятисотлетия Крещения русского народа в Киеве 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in Kyiv 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in...

Празднование девятисотлетия Крещения русского народа в Киеве 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in Kyiv 1888

Celebration of the bicentenary of the Baptism of the Russian people in...

Празднование девятисотлетия Крещения русского народа в Киеве 1888