social gathering

36 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Our Fridays, 1861
Our Fridays, 1861
Our Fridays, 1861
Our Fridays, 1861
Gelendzhik - Kurzal

Gelendzhik - Kurzal

Gelendzhik - a Russian resort town on the Black Sea.

Gelendzhik Kurzal

Gelendzhik Kurzal

Gelendzhik - a Russian resort town on the Black Sea.

Circassian charity evening in Yekaterinodar, 1914

Circassian charity evening in Yekaterinodar, 1914

1914. «Черкесский благотворительный вечер 2 января в Екатеринодаре»

From the archive of Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsky, 1870-1902

From the archive of Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsky, 1870-1902

Из архива Виктора Петровича Острогорского

Our Fridays, 1861
Our Fridays, 1861
From the archive of Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsky, 1870-1902

From the archive of Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsky, 1870-1902

Из архива Виктора Петровича Острогорского

Iran and Iranians, 1900s
Family album of Boris Dmitrievich Vostryakov.

Family album of Boris Dmitrievich Vostryakov.

Семейный альбом Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова.

From the archive of Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsky, 1870-1902

From the archive of Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsky, 1870-1902

Из архива Виктора Петровича Острогорского

From the archive of Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsky, 1870-1902

From the archive of Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsky, 1870-1902

Из архива Виктора Петровича Острогорского

Gelendzhik Kurzal

Gelendzhik Kurzal

Gelendzhik - a Russian resort town on the Black Sea.

Our Fridays, 1861
Costume Ball 1903 - Public domain portrait photograph

Costume Ball 1903 - Public domain portrait photograph

Костюмированный бал 1903 года Public domain photograph of a historical landmark building in Russia, Russian architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Eine Gruppe von Teilnehmern der königlichen Jagd unter dem Zelt beim Frühstück.

Eine Gruppe von Teilnehmern der königlichen Jagd unter dem Zelt beim F...

A group of participants of the royal hunting under the tent having a breakfast. Группа участников царской охоты под шатром за завтраком.

Photographs (glass negatives) by Malinovsky
Iran and Iranians, 1900s
From the archive of Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsky, 1870-1902

From the archive of Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsky, 1870-1902

Из архива Виктора Петровича Острогорского

Our Fridays, 1861
Our Fridays, 1861
Odessa, Großbritannien. 1900-1914

Odessa, Großbritannien. 1900-1914

Public domain photograph of 19th-century vintage card, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Our Fridays, 1861
Our Fridays, 1861
Our Fridays, 1861
Our Fridays, 1861
Our Fridays, 1861
Album of drawings by V. S. Shpak, 1884
Iran and Iranians, 1900s
Georgia 1899
Iran and Iranians, 1900s
Iran and Iranians, 1900s
Iran and Iranians, 1900s