
1,068 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 11
Odessa Cathedral in 1900s - Victorian era public domain image

Odessa Cathedral in 1900s - Victorian era public domain image

Public domain photograph of vintage postcard, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Odessa Cathedral postcards - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Odessa Cathedral postcards - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Picryl description: Public domain image of a historical building, landmark architecture, world heritage, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Odessa, Hotel De Ville, 1900-1914

Odessa, Hotel De Ville, 1900-1914

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Odessa, Catherine II Monument, 1900-1914

Odessa, Catherine II Monument, 1900-1914

Picryl description: Public domain image of a statue, monument, sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Oper und Ballett Odessa

Oper und Ballett Odessa

Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jewish carpenter. Podolsk province, town of Polonnoe

Jewish carpenter. Podolsk province, town of Polonnoe

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Jewish musician. Podolsk province, town of Polonnoe

Jewish musician. Podolsk province, town of Polonnoe

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Jewish violinist. Podolsk province, town of Polonnoe

Jewish violinist. Podolsk province, town of Polonnoe

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Jewish match makers. Volyn province, town of Rovno

Jewish match makers. Volyn province, town of Rovno

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

At the match factory. Volyn province. Rovno

At the match factory. Volyn province. Rovno

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Cab drivers at the inn. Volyn province, Korets town

Cab drivers at the inn. Volyn province, Korets town

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Tannery yard. Podolsk province, Shepetovka town

Tannery yard. Podolsk province, Shepetovka town

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Покровский Киевский женский Общежительный Монастырь

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Покровский Киевский женский Общежительный Монастырь

Podolye. Photographs by Michael Graim (1828–1911)

Podolye. Photographs by Michael Graim (1828–1911)

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolye. Photographs by Michael Graim (1828–1911)

Podolye. Photographs by Michael Graim (1828–1911)

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Map of Poland and Ukraine in 1914. Russian Imperial Propaganda.
Jewish Shtetls of Volyn and Podol regions
Jewish Shtetls of Volyn and Podol regions
Jewish Shtetls of Volyn and Podol regions
Construction of Sumy - Belgorod railroad
Alexandrovka, Herson region, Ukraine, 1900s

Alexandrovka, Herson region, Ukraine, 1900s

1900-е. Александровка, имение Кефала

Alexandrovka, Herson region, Ukraine, 1900s

Alexandrovka, Herson region, Ukraine, 1900s

1900-е. Александровка, имение Кефала

Alexandrovka, Herson region, Ukraine, 1900s

Alexandrovka, Herson region, Ukraine, 1900s

1900-е. Александровка, имение Кефала

Project of a fortress in the town of Zhvanets, Podolsk province. 1851.

Project of a fortress in the town of Zhvanets, Podolsk province. 1851.

1851. Проект крепости в местечке Жванец Подольской губ.

Project of a fortress in the town of Zhvanets, Podolsk province. 1851.

Project of a fortress in the town of Zhvanets, Podolsk province. 1851.

1851. Проект крепости в местечке Жванец Подольской губ.

Graduates of the Poltava officers school
Graduates of the Poltava officers school
Graduates of the Poltava officers school
Kiev Military Historical Society, 1912.
Kiev Military Historical Society, 1912.
Odessa, 1900s
Odessa, 1900s
Kiev, 1897
Kiev, 1897
Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

Little Russia in the photographs of Samuil Dudin-Martsinkevich, 1894

1894. Малороссия на снимках Самуила Дудина-Марцинкевича

From Ukrainian antiquity, 1900
Members of the Russian imperial family in Odessa and Mud Baths on the Kuyalnitsky Estuary

Members of the Russian imperial family in Odessa and Mud Baths on the ...

1914-1915. Пребывание членов императорской фамилии в Одессе и Грязелечебница на Куяльницком лимане

Members of the Russian imperial family in Odessa and Mud Baths on the Kuyalnitsky Estuary

Members of the Russian imperial family in Odessa and Mud Baths on the ...

1914-1915. Пребывание членов императорской фамилии в Одессе и Грязелечебница на Куяльницком лимане

Drawings by Taras Shevchenko works

Drawings by Taras Shevchenko works

Малюнки Тараса Шевченко

Drawings by Taras Shevchenko works

Drawings by Taras Shevchenko works

Малюнки Тараса Шевченко

Drawings by Taras Shevchenko works

Drawings by Taras Shevchenko works

Малюнки Тараса Шевченко

Odessa, 1900s
Odessa, 1900s
Odessa tea-packing factory of V. Vysotsky, 1910s
Odessa, 1910s
Odessa, 1910s
Odessa, 1910s
Odessa, 1910s
Odessa, 1910s
Odessa Postcard, 1900s
Odessa Postcard, 1900s
Odessa Postcard, 1900s
Odessa Postcard, 1900s
Odessa Postcard, 1900s
Odessa Postcard, 1900s
Odessa Postcard, 1900s
Odessa, 1900-1917
Odessa, 1900-1917
Odessa, 1900s
Odessa, 1900s
Odessa, 1900s
Odessa, 1900s
Poltava Elizabethan Institute, 1916

Poltava Elizabethan Institute, 1916

1916. Полтавский Елизаветинский институт.

Poltava Elizabethan Institute, 1916

Poltava Elizabethan Institute, 1916

1916. Полтавский Елизаветинский институт.

Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s

Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s

1920-1922. Виды старой Одессы. Рисунки архитектора Моисея Синявера

Charkow. Überprüfung der Regimenter, bevor sie an die ferne Ostfront geschickt wurden. 1904

Charkow. Überprüfung der Regimenter, bevor sie an die ferne Ostfront g...

Überprüfung der Regimenter vor der Entsendung in die aktive Armee. 1904 - Inspektion der Regimenter vor der Einlieferung in die Armee. 1904

Charkow. Überprüfung der Regimenter, bevor sie an die ferne Ostfront geschickt wurden. 1904

Charkow. Überprüfung der Regimenter, bevor sie an die ferne Ostfront g...

Überprüfung der Regimenter vor der Entsendung in die aktive Armee. 1904 - Inspektion der Regimenter vor der Einlieferung in die Armee. 1904

Charkow. Überprüfung der Regimenter, bevor sie an die ferne Ostfront geschickt wurden. 1904

Charkow. Überprüfung der Regimenter, bevor sie an die ferne Ostfront g...

Überprüfung der Regimenter vor der Entsendung in die aktive Armee. 1904 - Inspektion der Regimenter vor der Einlieferung in die Armee. 1904

Schmerynka. Einwohner grüßen Kaiser Nikolaus

Schmerynka. Einwohner grüßen Kaiser Nikolaus

Schmerynka. Die Einwohner begrüßen Kaiser Nikolaus II. mit Brot und Salz; links Nikolaus II. - Großfürst Michail Alexandrowitsch und Adjutant General N. W. Kleigels. - Die Reise von Kaiser Nikolaus II. in den W... Mehr

Odessa, dacha 1900-1914, Russian Empire, 19th century

Odessa, dacha 1900-1914, Russian Empire, 19th century

Public domain image of a small palace, chateau, villa, residential historic building, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Odessa Richelieu monument, 1900-1914

Odessa Richelieu monument, 1900-1914

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Locksmith. Kiev province, town Skvira

Locksmith. Kiev province, town Skvira

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Jewish tailor. Podolsk province, town of Polonnoe

Jewish tailor. Podolsk province, town of Polonnoe

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Blacksmiths at work. Podolsk province, town of Polonnoe

Blacksmiths at work. Podolsk province, town of Polonnoe

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

In the synagogue. Podolsk province, town of Annopol

In the synagogue. Podolsk province, town of Annopol

1912. Еврейская Этнографическая Экспедиция им. барона Горация Осиповича Гинцбурга 1912. Jewish Ethnographic Expedition named after. Baron Horace Osipovich Gunzburg

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

1905. LVIII выпуск студентов Киевской Духовной Академии

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

Orphanages of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province

1916. Приюты Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)


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