Chapel of Martyr Paraskeva. The place where Father John was born. Sura on the Sura River. Archangel region, 1891

Chapel of Martyr Paraskeva. The place where Father John was born. Sura on the Sura River. Archangel region, 1891



Chapel of Martyr Paraskeva. The place where Father John was born.

One of the oldest settlements on Pinega. Mentioned in the Novgorod document of 1471 as "Sura filthy." The village was part of the Kevrol, Pinega and Arkhangelsk districts. the birthplace of John of Kronstadt: Russian saint, Orthodox archpriest and a member of the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, 1829 - 1909.

Часовня мученицы Параскевы. Место где родился Отец Иоанн.
Одно из древнейших поселений на Пинеге. Упоминается в новгородских документах 1471 года как «Сура поганая». Село входило в состав Кеврольского, Пинежского и Архангельского уездов. Место рождения Святого Иоанна Кронштадского, 1829 - 1909.

One of the oldest settlements on Pinega. Mentioned in the Novgorod document of 1471 as "Sura filthy." The village was part of the Kevrol, Pinega and Arkhangelsk districts. the birthplace of John of Kronstadt: Russian saint, Orthodox archpriest and a member of the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, 1829 - 1909. Одно из древнейших поселений на Пинеге. Упоминается в новгородских документах 1471 года как «Сура поганая». Село входило в состав Кеврольского, Пинежского и Архангельского уездов. Место рождения Святого Иоанна Кронштадского, 1829 - 1909.


AI Findings

Chapel of Martyr Paraskeva, the place where Father John was born, Sura on the Pinega River

Sura, Russia

A photograph depicts the Chapel of Martyr Paraskeva, marking the birthplace of Father John of Kronstadt, located in Sura on the Pinega River. The chapel is a small wooden structure with a simple design, reflecting traditional Russian Orthodox architecture.





Сура - Sura, Pinezhsky District, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia, 16463063.57418, 45.64184


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