Family of Nicholas II Romanov in Sevastopol


Family of Nicholas II Romanov in Sevastopol



From the 1913 diary of Tatiana Romanov: “The Standart”. 17 December. Tuesday. Sailed off to Sevastopol at 5 o’cl. in the morning and arrived at 8 o’cl. 35 min. I got up at 8 o’cl. At 10 o’cl. Papa went to visit some place, something along the lines of an aviation school. We sat upstairs with N.P. and P.A. Had breakfast with everyone upstairs. N.P. was on watch duty from 12-4 but I still managed to see him a lot. When we were sitting with the sisters and P.A. the other officers also came over. At 4 ½ Papa returned with almost all the officers and had tea. Later with N.P., P.A. and Ippolit went to see our train. Then [I] sat with N.P. At 7 o’cl. 40 min. there was a moleben on the deck. It was terribly nice to pray with them for the last time. At 7 o’cl. 50 min. [we] docked at the pier and said goodbye to our officers and the crew. It is so tiresome and awful to depart from the dear yacht and leave all our best friends. Had dinner with everyone on the train.





Sevastopol, 9900044.61665, 33.52537


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