Nicholas II greeted the commander of the 1st Cavalry Corps General NA Oranovsky.
Nicholas II greeted the commander of the 1st Cavalry Corps General NA Oranovsky. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1916.
Николай II здоровается с командиром 1-го кавалерийского корпуса генералом Н.А.Орановским. Прибытие государя императора Николая Второго в расположение 1-й Армии. 30 января 1916.
AI Findings
Nicholas II greeted the commander of the 1st Cavalry Corps, General N.A. Oranovsky
Tsar Nicholas II is depicted greeting General N.A. Oranovsky, commander of the 1st Cavalry Corps.
Romanov Empire - Империя Романовых
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