The Romanov dynasty. The ruler Sophia and Tsar John Alexeevich, portraits.
Династия Романовых. Правительница Софья и царь Иоанн Алексеевич. Первоисточник: книга "Святая Русь под скипетром Дома Романовых : 1613 г. - 1913 г." : [Альбом портретов. - Москва] : журнал "Воин и пахарь", [1913], портреты Романовых. Место хранения: Русский книжный фонд.
The Romanov dynasty. The ruler Sophia and Tsar John Alexeevich. The original source: the book "Holy Russia under the scepter of the House of the Romanovs: 1613 - 1913" : [Album of portraits. - Moscow]: the magazine "The Warrior and Plowman", [1913], portraits of the Romanovs. Location: Russian book fund.
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Russia under Romanov rule album
A photograph from an album documenting Russia under Romanov rule, depicting a scene or subject relevant to the period.
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