
58 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 1
Monte Carlo. Tir-o-pijon

Monte Carlo. Tir-o-pijon

Из альбома Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова. Поездка во Францию и Монако

Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Velodrome Buffalo Cycling event, Paris - Btv1b8433359g-p032

Velodrome Buffalo Cycling event, Paris - Btv1b8433359g-p032

[Collection Jules Beau. Photographie sportive] : T. 26. Année 1904 / Jules Beau : F. 14v. [Course Scratch, vélodrome Buffalo, 12 mai 1904];

Car race, 1904 Gordon Bennett trophy - Btv1b8433359g-p038

Car race, 1904 Gordon Bennett trophy - Btv1b8433359g-p038

[Collection Jules Beau. Photographie sportive] : T. 26. Année 1904 / Jules Beau : F. 17v. [Coupe Gordon Bennett, 20 mai 1904];

Motor race, France - Btv1b8448932q-p019

Motor race, France - Btv1b8448932q-p019

[Collection Jules Beau. Photographie sportive] : T. 28. Année 1904 / Jules Beau : F. 8. [Mille arrêté, kilomètre lancé, Dourdan, usines Gautreau];

Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Monte Carlo. Tir-o-pijon

Monte Carlo. Tir-o-pijon

Из альбома Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова. Поездка во Францию и Монако

Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
Competition to build Alexander II monument
1903 ball - F.V. Dubreyl-Eshapparr

1903 ball - F.V. Dubreyl-Eshapparr

Русский: Управляющий двором его императорского высочества великого князя Георгия Михайловича адъютант его императорского высочества Фёдор Владимирович Дюбрейль-Эшаппарр (Полевой наряд времен Бориса Годунова)Eng... Еще

Start of the first test race of cargo and ambulance vehicles of the War Ministry of Russia, 1911

Start of the first test race of cargo and ambulance vehicles of the Wa...

1911. Старт первого испытательного пробега грузовых и санитарных автомобилей Военного министерств

Santos Dumont - Btv1b84333389-p053

Santos Dumont - Btv1b84333389-p053

[Collection Jules Beau. Photographie sportive] : T. 14. Année 1901 / Jules Beau : F. 25. [Aéronautique, ballon dirigeable le Santos-Dumont n° 5];

Motor race, France - Btv1b8448930w-p043

Motor race, France - Btv1b8448930w-p043

[Collection Jules Beau. Photographie sportive] : T. 24. Années 1903 et 1904 / Jules Beau : F. 20. [Concours d endurance sur 1000 kilomètres, Motocycle Club de France, 10 - 15 novembre 1903];

1st motor boat exhibition and races at Monaco 1904 - Btv1b84333567-p073

1st motor boat exhibition and races at Monaco 1904 - Btv1b84333567-p07...

[Collection Jules Beau. Photographie sportive] : T. 25. Année 1904 / Jules Beau : F. 35. [Canots automobiles, exposition et courses, Monaco, 30 mars 1904];

Meeting D'Arras, car racing France - Btv1b8433359g-p065

Meeting D'Arras, car racing France - Btv1b8433359g-p065

[Collection Jules Beau. Photographie sportive] : T. 26. Année 1904 / Jules Beau : F. 31. [Meeting d Arras], Course du Mille arrêté et du kilomètre lancé, 25 mai 1904;