Русские солдаты перемещают дирижабль "Кондор" на стоянку.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще
Русские солдаты и дирижабль "Кондор" на стоянке.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще
Российский дирижабль "Кондор" в испытательном полете.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще
Русские солдаты перемещают дирижабль "Кондор" на стоянку.
Russian soldiers moving the airship Condor to the parking lot. Aerostat Condor, arriving from Brest - Litovsk. The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with th... Еще
Русские солдаты перемещают дирижабль "Кондор" на стоянку.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще
Стоянка российского дирижабля "Кондор".
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще
Аэростат Кондор, прилет Брест - Литовск.
Aerostat Condor, arriving from Brest - Litovsk. The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2... Еще
Дирижабль "Кондор" на стоянке. Газовая батарея.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще
Airship Condor in test flight. during World War I
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще
Солдаты перемещают дирижабль "Кондор" на стоянку.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще
Русские солдаты перемещают дирижабль "Кондор" на стоянку.
The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the ... Еще
Engine of the Airship Condor. during World War I
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще
Русский дирижабль "Кондор" в испытательном полете.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще
Дирижабль "Кондор" на стоянке.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... Еще