
49 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 1
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Nice. Grave and Monument to A.I. Herzen

Nice. Grave and Monument to A.I. Herzen

Из альбома Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова. Поездка во Францию и Монако

Nice. Grave and Monument to A.I. Herzen

Nice. Grave and Monument to A.I. Herzen

Из альбома Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова. Поездка во Францию и Монако

Tsarina Anna Koltovskaya (nun Daria)'s grave
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Grave of Feodor Kuzmich 01, Russian Empire

Grave of Feodor Kuzmich 01, Russian Empire

Grave of Feodor Kuzmich in Tomsk in the end of XIX c. Русский: Могила Федора Кузьмича в Томске (состояние в конце XIX века)

Ivan IV's grave, Moscow, Russian Empire

Ivan IV's grave, Moscow, Russian Empire

«Усыпальница Ивана Грозного. Интерьер. Надгробия усыпальницы не закрыты поздними футлярами; на них лежат подлинные покровы XVII в.»

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Семейная могила великой княгини Ольги Александровны (Богословской) на кладбище (Норт-Йоркское кладбище) в Торонто.

Семейная могила великой княгини Ольги Александровны (Богословской) на ...

The family grave of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (Romanova-Kulikovskaya) in the cemetery (North York cementers) in Toronto. Семейная могила Великой Княгини Ольги Александровны (Романовой-Куликовской) на кла... Еще

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Мемориальная табличка на могиле великой княгини Ольги Александровны

Мемориальная табличка на могиле великой княгини Ольги Александровны

A memorial tablet on the grave of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, the youngest daughter of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna. Памятная табличка на могиле Великой Княгини Ольги Александровны, ... Еще

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Колонна продуктов проходит через полностью разрушенный город в русской Польше.

Колонна продуктов проходит через полностью разрушенный город в русской...

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Название: 1000 jaehriges Grab
Название: 1000-летняя могила
Создатель: Неизвестный
Дата: Весна 1918 года
Часть из них: 27 в Украине.
Место: Керчь, Крым
Описание: 1 фотографический отпечаток: серебро; 11 х 9 см.

Название: 1000 jaehriges Grab Название: 1000-летняя могила Создатель: ...

Title: 1000 jaehriges Grab Alternative Title: 1000-year-old grave Creator: Unknown Date: Spring 1918 Part Of: Der Vormarsch der Flieger Abteilung 27 in der Ukraine Place: Kerch, Crimea Physical Description: 1 p... Еще

Могилы родоначальника рода Романовых

Могилы родоначальника рода Романовых

Русский: Могилы родоначальника рода Романовых: боярина Романа Юрьевича Захарьина и его сына Никиты Романовича

Царь и чиновники у могилы жертв Полтавы, УССР

Царь и чиновники у могилы жертв Полтавы, УССР

Picryl description: Public domain image of a cemetery, graves, monuments, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ. xxi могила, его внук был безземельным человеком, а другая раса гордонов жила в Охлеухри.

ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ. xxi могила, его внук был безземельным человеком, а другая...

Выдержки из дневника генерала Патрика Гордона из Охлеухриса: 1635 г. - 1699 г. н.э. ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ. Xxi могила, его внук был безземельным человеком, а другая раса Гордонов жила в Охлеухрисе. Патрик Иванович, как е... Еще

Александр III могилы России

Александр III могилы России

Alexander III of Russia's grave Public domain photograph of a graveyard monument, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ulyana Fedorovna tombstone (1579)

Ulyana Fedorovna tombstone (1579)

Ульяна Фёдоровна. Надгробие