monograms, russian empire

37 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 1
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Каталог Ферсмана. Императорский орден Святого Андрея Первозванного, вензель Императрицы Екатерины II, Орден Святой Екатерины, Орден Святой Анны.

Каталог Ферсмана. Императорский орден Святого Андрея Первозванного, ве...

At the top is a diamond star of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. On the left - a diamond monogram of the Empress Catherine II. In the center - the Imperial Order of St. Catherine 2-nd degree. On the cr... Еще

Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Каталог Ферсмана. Большая Императорская Бриллиантовая цепочка ордена Святого Андрея Первозванного.

Каталог Ферсмана. Большая Императорская Бриллиантовая цепочка ордена С...

The Great Imperial Diamondchain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. According to Pavlov's "Instruction on Russian Orders" of 1797, the chain consisted of 23 links: 9 imperial eagles with the Moscow co... Еще

Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
291 - 292. Монограммы имени императрицы Анны Иоанновны, установленные на знамена. Флаг Фюзельского устья Кадетского корпуса, 1732-1760 гг.

291 - 292. Монограммы имени императрицы Анны Иоанновны, установленные ...

291 - 292. Monogrammed images of the name of Empress Anna Ioannovna, installed for banners. The flag of the Fuselier mouth of the Cadet Corps, 1732-1760. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Rus... Еще

Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia
Album of monograms. A guide for doing handicrafts in families and educational institutions. Russia