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Каталог Ферсмана. Императорский орден Святого Андрея Первозванного, ве...
At the top is a diamond star of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. On the left - a diamond monogram of the Empress Catherine II. In the center - the Imperial Order of St. Catherine 2-nd degree. On the cr... Еще
Каталог Ферсмана. Большая Императорская Бриллиантовая цепочка ордена С...
The Great Imperial Diamondchain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. According to Pavlov's "Instruction on Russian Orders" of 1797, the chain consisted of 23 links: 9 imperial eagles with the Moscow co... Еще
291 - 292. Монограммы имени императрицы Анны Иоанновны, установленные ...
291 - 292. Monogrammed images of the name of Empress Anna Ioannovna, installed for banners. The flag of the Fuselier mouth of the Cadet Corps, 1732-1760. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Rus... Еще