russian navy

1,473 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 15
Крейсер "Владимир Мономах". Часовня. Азиатское турне Николая II

Крейсер "Владимир Мономах". Часовня. Азиатское турне Николая II

Frigate "Vladimir Monomakh". The ship's church. Фрегат «Владимир Мономах». Судовая церковь.

Российская армия в Первой мировой войне. Из личного фотоальбома генерала Кунта Ф.

Российская армия в Первой мировой войне. Из личного фотоальбома генера...

Колчак и Николай II - одни из высших военачальников. Российская армия в Первой мировой войне. Из личного фотоальбома генерала Кунта Ф. Колчак и Николай II среди высших флотских начальников. Русская армия в перв... Еще

Фрегат линкора "Адмирал Нахимов", вид сбоку

Фрегат линкора "Адмирал Нахимов", вид сбоку

The Admiral Nakhimov battleship frigate. Russian warships at Columbian Naval Review, New York, 1893. Броненосный фрегат «Адмирал Нахимов» - Русские корабли на Колумбийском Военном Смотре, Нью-Йорк, 1893 (или 1893)

Моряки на российском крейсере Дмитрий Донской

Моряки на российском крейсере Дмитрий Донской

Photo shows sailors on the Russian cruiser Dimitri Donskoi during the Columbian Naval Review, 1893. Russian warships at Columbian Naval Review, New York, 1893. Моряки броненосца "Дмитрий Донской". «Дмитрий Дон... Еще

Anastasia-Maria-Tatiana-Olga (OTMA), Alexei, Anna Vyrubova and Sophie Buxhoeveden - Standart, 1912 (2)

Anastasia-Maria-Tatiana-Olga (OTMA), Alexei, Anna Vyrubova and Sophie ...

Anastasia, Maria, Tatiana and Olga (OTMA), Alexei, Anna Vyrubova and Sophie Buxhoeveden all aboard the Standart, June-July 1912 Notice Anastasia looking to the ground. --- 1912-1916 Alexandra album (Flickr ... Еще

Shelling of Novorossiysk Bay by Turkish navy. 1914.

Shelling of Novorossiysk Bay by Turkish navy. 1914.

1914. «Севастопольская побудка». Обстрел Новороссийска

Shelling of Novorossiysk Bay by Turkish navy. 1914.

Shelling of Novorossiysk Bay by Turkish navy. 1914.

1914. «Севастопольская побудка». Обстрел Новороссийска

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

Album of midshipman, the Naval School in Vladivostok graduate, 1916

1916. Альбом корабельного гардемарина, выпускника Морского училища во Владивостоке

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
EP Alexeev, Russian Empire

EP Alexeev, Russian Empire

Русский: Алексеев, Евграф Петрович. Городской голова Акмолинска.

Imperator Aleksandr I Ibarbet Russian Empire

Imperator Aleksandr I Ibarbet Russian Empire

Barbette system of the Imperial Russian battleship Imperator Aleksandr II. Русский: Барбетная установка, изготовленная на Санкт-Петербургском Металлическом заводе для броненосца Император Александр II.

Smirnov SE, Russian Empire

Smirnov SE, Russian Empire

Русский: Старший врач броненосца "Князь Потёмкин Таврический" Смирнов Сергей Егорович

Tsesarevich1914-1917Helsingfors. Warship photograph collection

Tsesarevich1914-1917Helsingfors. Warship photograph collection

Imperial Russian battleship Tsesarevich in Helsingfors, 1914-1917. Русский: Эскадренный броненосец Цесаревич в Гельсингфорсе, 1914-1917 годы.

Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian Navy Officers, Port Arthur
Cruiser Koreets, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Russian Navy, 1892
Russian Navy, 1892
Russian Navy, 1892
Russian Navy, 1892
Russian Navy, 1892
Russian Navy, 1892
Russian Navy, 1892
Russian Navy, 1892
1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time.

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time.

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time.

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time.

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time.

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time.

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time.

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time.

1689-1905. Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great to the present time - 1689-1905

Russian navy. An illustrated history from the time of Peter the Great ...

1689-1905. Русский военный флот. Иллюстрированная история со времен Петра Великого до настоящего времени

Armored cruiser of the 2nd rank Zhemchug

Armored cruiser of the 2nd rank Zhemchug

Бронепалубный крейсер II-го ранга «Жемчуг»

Armored cruiser of the 2nd rank Zhemchug

Armored cruiser of the 2nd rank Zhemchug

Бронепалубный крейсер II-го ранга «Жемчуг»

Battleship "Slava", 1910
Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

1911. Общество Николаевских заводов и верфей

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

1911. Общество Николаевских заводов и верфей

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

1911. Общество Николаевских заводов и верфей

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

1911. Общество Николаевских заводов и верфей

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

1911. Общество Николаевских заводов и верфей

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

1911. Общество Николаевских заводов и верфей

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

1911. Общество Николаевских заводов и верфей

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

1911. Общество Николаевских заводов и верфей

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

1911. Общество Николаевских заводов и верфей

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

Society of Nikolaev factories and shipyards, 1911

1911. Общество Николаевских заводов и верфей

Cruiser "Vladimir Monomakh" in Southeast Asia, 1890s

Cruiser "Vladimir Monomakh" in Southeast Asia, 1890s

1897-1900. Крейсер «Владимир Мономах» в Юго-Восточной Азии

Cruiser "Vladimir Monomakh" in Southeast Asia, 1890s

Cruiser "Vladimir Monomakh" in Southeast Asia, 1890s

1897-1900. Крейсер «Владимир Мономах» в Юго-Восточной Азии

Combat operations of the Vladivostok cruiser detachment, 1905
Combat operations of the Vladivostok cruiser detachment, 1905
Combat operations of the Vladivostok cruiser detachment, 1905
Combat operations of the Vladivostok cruiser detachment, 1905
Combat operations of the Vladivostok cruiser detachment, 1905
Vladivostok cruiser detachment, Russo-Japanese war, 1905

Vladivostok cruiser detachment, Russo-Japanese war, 1905

1905. Альбом боевых действий Владивостокского отряда крейсеров

Vladivostok cruiser detachment, Russo-Japanese war, 1905

Vladivostok cruiser detachment, Russo-Japanese war, 1905

1905. Альбом боевых действий Владивостокского отряда крейсеров

The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East”, 1900s

The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far ...

1901-1902. Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток

Russian Navy, 1900s
Russian Navy, 1900s
Russian Navy, 1900s
Russian Navy, 1900s
Russian Navy, 1900s
Russian Navy, 1900s
1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt ...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt ...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East, 1901-1902

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East, 1901-1902

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»


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