
31 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 1
Иваново - Покровский собор

Иваново - Покровский собор

Cathedral of Intercession Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Tim... Еще

Иваново - Церковь Рождества Христова

Иваново - Церковь Рождества Христова

Church of the Nativity of Christ Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During ... Еще

Благовещенский монастырь, Киржач, Россия

Благовещенский монастырь, Киржач, Россия

Благовещенский монастырь Киржач впервые упоминается в 1332 году в духовной грамоте Ивана Калиты как поселение преподобного Сергия Радонежского Благовещенского, основанное в 1358 году, период расцвета которого ... Еще

Иваново - Георгиевская площадь и церковь Рождества Христова

Иваново - Георгиевская площадь и церковь Рождества Христова

St. George Square and the Church of the Nativity of Christ Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trin... Еще

Иваново - Панская улица, Нижний рынок.

Иваново - Панская улица, Нижний рынок.

Panska Street, Nizhny Bazaar. Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the... Еще

Ivanovo - Lower Marketplace, Russian Empire, 19th century

Ivanovo - Lower Marketplace, Russian Empire, 19th century

Lower Bazaar Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Time of Troubles... Еще

Иваново - Церковь Спаса

Иваново - Церковь Спаса

The Church of the Savior Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Time... Еще

Ivanovo - Sheremetyevskaya street

Ivanovo - Sheremetyevskaya street

Sheremetyevskaya street Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Time ... Еще

Arkhangelsk Pogost - Kirzhach, Russia

Arkhangelsk Pogost - Kirzhach, Russia

Архангельск Погодин Киржач впервые упоминается в 1332 году в духовной грамоте Ивана Калиты как поселение преподобного Сергия Радонежского Благовещенского, основанное в 1358 году, период расцвета которого прихо... Еще

Благовещенский монастырь

Киржач впервые упоминается в 1332 году в духовной грамоте Ивана Калиты как поселение преподобного Сергия Радонежского Благовещенского, основанное в 1358 году, период расцвета которого приходится на XV-XV века. Свято-Благовещенский монастырь

Киржач впервые участвует в 1332 году в духовой программе Ивана Калиты как слобода при основном в 1358 году Сергием Радонежским Благовещенском монасте, период расцвета которого пришелся на XV-XVIII века.

Благовещенский монастырь Киржач впервые упоминается в 1332 году в дух...

Благовещенский монастырь. Киржач, Россия В XIX веке жизнь города оживляла пролегавшая через него большая торговая дорога - Ленинка, соединявшая Москву с текстильным краем. После отмены крепостного права развива... Еще

Иваново - Воздвиженская церковь и горсовет

Иваново - Воздвиженская церковь и горсовет

The Vozdvizhenskaya Church and the City Council Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius... Еще

Ivanovo - Pokrovsky Cathedral, Russian Empire, 19th century

Ivanovo - Pokrovsky Cathedral, Russian Empire, 19th century

Pokrovsky Cathedral Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Time of T... Еще

Иваново - Церковь Ильи Пророка в Воробьеве

Иваново - Церковь Ильи Пророка в Воробьеве

Church of Elijah the Prophet in Vorobiev Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.... Еще

Благовещенский мужской монастырь - Вязники Владимирской губернии

Благовещенский мужской монастырь - Вязники Владимирской губернии

The Annunciation Monastery Vyazniki history starts from the ancient city-fortress Yaropolch-Zalessky, founded by Prince Yaropolk Vladimirovich in 1135-1138. The city was burnt in 1239 by the troops of Batu and... Еще

Иваново - Панская улица, Нижний рынок.

Иваново - Панская улица, Нижний рынок.

Panska Street, Nizhny Bazaar. Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the... Еще

Kirzhach, Russia, Moscow, Russian Empire

Kirzhach, Russia, Moscow, Russian Empire

Kirzhach first mentioned in 1332 in the spiritual literacy of Ivan Kalita as a settlement with the St. Sergius of Radonezh Annunciation founded in 1358, the blossoming period of which falls on the XV-XVIII cent... Еще

Ivanovo - Ascension Church, Russian Empire, 19th century

Ivanovo - Ascension Church, Russian Empire, 19th century

Ascension Church Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Time of Trou... Еще

Иваново - Дербеневский мост, Успенская церковь.

Иваново - Дербеневский мост, Успенская церковь.

Derbenevsky Bridge, Orthodox church of the Assumption Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-S... Еще

Госпиталь для ремесленников и рабочих. Иваново - Текстильный центр Российской Империи

Госпиталь для ремесленников и рабочих. Иваново - Текстильный центр Рос...

Hospital for artisans and workers Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During... Еще

Иваново - Покровский собор

Иваново - Покровский собор

Cathedral of Intercession Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Tim... Еще

Иваново - Покровский собор

Иваново - Покровский собор

Cathedral of Intercession Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Tim... Еще

Ivanovo - Christmas Church, Prikazny Bridge

Ivanovo - Christmas Church, Prikazny Bridge

Rozhdestvenskaya Church, Prikazny Bridge Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.... Еще

Kirzhach, Russia, Moscow, Russian Empire

Kirzhach, Russia, Moscow, Russian Empire

Киржач впервые упоминается в 1332 году в духовной грамоте Ивана Калиты как поселение преподобного Сергия Радонежского Благовещенского, основанное в 1358 году, период расцвета которого приходится на XV-XV века. ... Еще

Всесвятская улица, Иваново - Текстильный центр Российской Империи

Всесвятская улица, Иваново - Текстильный центр Российской Империи

Vsesvyatskaya street Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Time of ... Еще

Иваново, Нижний рынок - Текстильный центр Российской Империи

Иваново, Нижний рынок - Текстильный центр Российской Империи

Lower Bazaar Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Time of Troubles... Еще

Благовещенский монастырь - Киржач, Россия

Благовещенский монастырь - Киржач, Россия

The Annunciation Monastery Kirzhach first mentioned in 1332 in the spiritual literacy of Ivan Kalita as a settlement with the St. Sergius of Radonezh Annunciation founded in 1358, the blossoming period of whic... Еще

Рыночная площадь, Крестовоздвиженская церковь, Иваново - Текстильный центр Российской Империи

Рыночная площадь, Крестовоздвиженская церковь, Иваново - Текстильный ц...

Market Sqaure, Holy Cross church. Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During... Еще

Иваново, Покровский собор - Текстильный центр Российской Империи.

Иваново, Покровский собор - Текстильный центр Российской Империи.

Pokrovsky Cathedral Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Time of T... Еще

Ivanovo - Pokrovsky Cathedral, Russian Empire, 19th century

Ivanovo - Pokrovsky Cathedral, Russian Empire, 19th century

Pokrovsky Cathedral Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Time of T... Еще

Хамовники в 1918 году. Девичье поле. Г. Москва.

Хамовники в 1918 году. Девичье поле. Г. Москва.

Эпизоды "Народные гулянья на Девичьем поле" и "Кустарные игрушки" из кинохроники Дзиги Вертова "Кино-неделя" №1 (май 1918 года). Девичье поле — историческая местность в Москве в излучине Москвы-реки в нынешнем ... Еще

Ascension Church, Ivanovo, Russian Empire, 19th century

Ascension Church, Ivanovo, Russian Empire, 19th century

Ascension Church Ivanovo originated in the XV century. By 1579 the Pokrovsky Monastery was founded. The first written mention is found in 1608 in the books of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. During the Time of Trou... Еще