41 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Bowling game in the Bois de Boulogne, 1898
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

ГАРФ 640-3-13 Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. At home. Children's photo of 1898.

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daughter of Emperor Nicho...

Великая княжна Татьяна Николаевна (29 мая (10 июня) 1897 - 17 июля 1918 (21 год)). Вторая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. В домашней обстановке. Детское фото 1898 года. Хранение:... More

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898 .

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898 .

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Russian Empire-1898-Bill-3 rubles-Timashev-avers

Russian Empire-1898-Bill-3 rubles-Timashev-avers

Русский: Банкнота Российской Империи достоинством 3 рубля образца 1898 года. Управляющий Тимашев English: Russian Empire banknote 3 rubles version of 1898 year. Timashev

Bowling game in the Bois de Boulogne, 1898
Bowling game in the Bois de Boulogne, 1898
Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna. The first daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Children's Photo 1898.

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna. The first daughter of Emperor Nicholas ...

Великая княжна Ольга Николаевна (3 (15) ноября 1895 - 17 июля 1918 (22 года)). Первая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. Детское фото 1898. Царское Село, Александровский дворец, Лил... More

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898 .

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898 .

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bowling game in the Bois de Boulogne, 1898
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1898.

Ея Императорское Величество Государыня Императрица Александра Феодоровна. 1898 год. Российская Империя. Династия Романовых. Хранение: ГАРФ Her Imperial Majesty Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Russian emp... More

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga . 1898.

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga . 1898.

Великие Княжны Татьяна и Ольга в Лиловом будуаре Императрицы Александры Феодоровны. 1898 год. Царское Село. Александровский дворец. Хранение: ГАРФ. Grand Princess Tatiana and Olga in the Lilac Boudoir of the ... More

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

ГАРФ 640-3-13 Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Samarqand, 1898

Samarqand, 1898


Feodor Chaliapin 1898, Russian Empire

Feodor Chaliapin 1898, Russian Empire

Русский: Фёдор Шаляпин с отцом Иваном Яковлевичем и братом Василием.

Samarkand, Turkestan, 1898
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga. 1898.

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga. 1898.

ГАРФ 640-3-38 Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna with children.

Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna with children.

Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna with children Grand Dukes Ksenia Alexandrovna and Olga Alexandrovna and Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich.Gatchina. June of 1898. Вдовствующая Императрица мария Феодоровна с де... More

5рублей18b - Public domain banknote scan

5рублей18b - Public domain banknote scan

5 рублей образца 1918 года Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga . 1898.

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga . 1898.

Великие Княжны Татьяна и Ольга в Лиловом будуаре Императрицы Александры Феодоровны. 1898 год. Царское Село. Александровский дворец. Хранение: ГАРФ. Grand Princess Tatiana and Olga in the Lilac Boudoir of the ... More

Russia P 6 C 500 Rubles 1898 Donatedtj f

Russia P 6 C 500 Rubles 1898 Donatedtj f

Русский: 500 рублей 1898 года. Аверс. Пётр Первый Public domain photograph of banknote, Russian Empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bowling game in the Bois de Boulogne, 1898
Bowling game in the Bois de Boulogne, 1898
Samarqand, 1898

Samarqand, 1898


Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga. 1898 .

Grand Duchesses Tatiana and Olga. 1898 .

Великие Княжны Татьяна Николаевна и Ольга Николаевна. 1898 год. Российская Империя. Династия Романовых. Grand Princess Tatiana Nikolaevna and Olga Nikolaevna. 1898 Russian empire. The Romanov dynasty.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1898.

Princess Alix of Hesse. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1895. Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1898.

Princess Alix of Hesse. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1895. Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

San Marco, Venice, Italy, 1898

San Marco, Venice, Italy, 1898

Из альбома Бориса Дмитриевича Вострякова. Поездка в Италию 1898. Венеция. Мария Васильевна Вострякова (урожд. Малютина) на площади Св. Марка

Samarkand, Turkestan, 1898
Homiel, Čyhunačnaja. Гомель, Чыгуначная (1898)

Homiel, Čyhunačnaja. Гомель, Чыгуначная (1898)

Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Гомель (Homiel), вуліца Чыгуначная (vulica Čyhunačnaja). Працаўнікі чыгуначнай станцыі

Samarkand, Turkestan, 1898
Samarkand, Turkestan, 1898
Samarkand, Turkestan, 1898
Samarkand, Turkestan, 1898
Russian officials, erivan (prince nakaschidze) (Demidov, 1898)

Russian officials, erivan (prince nakaschidze) (Demidov, 1898)

Russian officials in Erivan: Prince Nakashidze

Samarkand, Turkestan, 1898
Samarkand, Turkestan, 1898
Shalyapin Boris 1898 - Egypt, Russian Empire

Shalyapin Boris 1898 - Egypt, Russian Empire

Fyodor Shalyapin as Boris, Russian Private Opera, 1898

1 Ruble - Russian Empire (1898) Retro-1973 02

1 Ruble - Russian Empire (1898) Retro-1973 02

An imperial banknote issued by the imperial government of the Russian Empire in the (Gregorian) year 1898, with a denomination of "1 (one) Ruble".