Anna Vyrubova and Romanov - Mogilev-Mahilioŭ, Dnepr-Dniapro - 1916
Countess Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova helped to board a little boat near Mogilev (together with the Romanovs: Nicholas II, Anastasia Nikolaevna, Alexei), helped by Nikolai Sablin... but she is in trouble... will... More
Grand Duchess Tatiana and Anna Virubova. Autumn 1914.
Сестры милосердия: Великая Княжна Татьяна Николаевна и Анна Вырубова. Царское Село. Осень 1914 года. Sisters of Mercy: Grand Princess Tatiana Nikolaevna and Anna Vyrubova. Tsarskoe Selo. Autumn of the year 1914.
Anna Vyrubova and Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia
Anna Vyrubova, best friend and confidante of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, and Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia on the «Mechta» (Day Dream) beach house, Black Sea, Yevpatoria.
Dearest Anna with the Girls - Public domain portrait print
Anna Vyrubova, dearest heart of the Imperial Family of Russia, pictured with the Imperial daughters who are in tennis clothes.
Rasputin surrounded by his admirers in St. Petersburg, 1914.
Rasputin ihailijoidensa keskellä keskellä Pietarissa 1914. Seisomassa vasemmalta Aleksandra ja Alexander Pistolekors, Leonid Moltsanov, Sofia Volynskaja, Anna Vyrubova, Ervil Gil, Aleksandra Gustsina (suruasuss... More
Anastasia-Maria-Tatiana-Olga (OTMA), Alexei, Anna Vyrubova and Sophie ...
Anastasia, Maria, Tatiana and Olga (OTMA), Alexei, Anna Vyrubova and Sophie Buxhoeveden all aboard the Standart, June-July 1912 Notice Anastasia looking to the ground. --- 1912-1916 Alexandra album (Flickr ... More
Анна Александровна Вырубова 6 - Victorian era public domain image
Русский: Анна Александровна Вырубова (1884—1964)
Anna Vyrubova, Grand Duchess Tatiana and Grand Duchess Olga
The Empress Alexandra's dearest friend is seen wading in the surf with the two eldest Grand Duchesses.
Grand Duchess Tatiana and Anna Vyrubova
Tsarskoye Selo Infirmary. Autumn 1914. Between the Grand Duchess Tatiana and Anna Vyrubova is Dmitry Malama. In the foreground, on the floor, Vladimir Ellis. Царскосельский лазарет. Осень 1914. Между Великой ... More
Anastasia-Maria-Tatiana-Olga (OTMA), Alexei, Anna Vyrubova and Sophie ...
Anastasia, Maria, Tatiana and Olga (OTMA), Alexei, Anna Vyrubova and Sophie Buxhoeveden all aboard the Standart, June-July 1912 Notice Anastasia looking to the ground. --- 1912-1916 Alexandra album (Flickr ... More
Анна Александровна Вырубова 1, Russian Empire
Русский: Анна Александровна Вырубова (1884—1964) Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1903 ball - Vyrobova, Russian Empire
Фрейлина императрицы Александры Федоровны Анна Александровна Танеева (слева) с сестрой Александрой Александровной Танеевой (в костюмах для исполнения на бале "русской"). Двойной портрет.
Maria Nikolaevna of Russia with Anna Vyrubova aboard the Polar Star
Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna with Anna Vyrubova in the main deck salon of the Imperial yacht Polar Star
Alexandra Feodorovna, Olga Nikolaevna and Anna Vyrubova at Finnish ske...
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Lady in waiting Anna Vyrubova (sitting) as well as Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna (standing) at Finnish skerries, Paatio island. Note the two box cameras between the empress and ... More