Aviator-wrestler Zaikin, Odessa, 1900-1914
Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Aviator A.A.Kovanko on his aircraft
Aviator A.A.Kovanko on his aircraft Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Military pilot Lieutenant Dybovsky at the aircraft. Poland. Sandomierz...
Military pilot Lieutenant Dybovsky at the aircraft. Poland. Sandomierz. May 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный лётчик лейтенант Дыбовский у летательного аппарата. Польша. Сандомир. Май... More
Lieutenant Pushkarev in the open cockpit of the aircraft. Winter of 19...
The military pilot Lieutenant Pushkarev in the open cockpit of the aircraft. Winter of 1914-1915. Lublin. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный лётчик поручик Пушкарев в открытой кабине летател... More
Aviator Efimov with the passenger. Odessa, 1900-1914
Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A military pilot in the open cabin of the aircraft before the combat m...
A military pilot in the open cabin of the aircraft before the combat mission to bombard enemy targets. Radom province, station Konsk. February 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный лётчик... More
A military pilot Lieutenant Golovatenko (in the center) and soldiers o...
A military pilot Lieutenant Golovatenko (in the center) and soldiers of an air squadron flying an aircraft. The Vyatka gubernia. Glazov. May 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный лётчик п... More
Lieutenant Golovatenko. The Vyatka gubernia. Glazov.
A military pilot Lieutenant Golovatenko. The Vyatka gubernia. Glazov. May 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный лётчик поручик Головатенко. Вятская губ. Глазов. Май 1915. XX корпусной ави... More
The commander of the detachment is a military pilot, Captain Tkachev, ...
The commander of the detachment is a military pilot, Captain Tkachev, by the aircraft. Riga, September 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Начальник отряда военный лётчик есаул Ткачев у летател... More
A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" type during the recep...
A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" type during the reception of new aircraft for the rearmament of the 10th squadron. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Группа летчиков у аэропл... More
Military pilot of the detachment, captain Tkachev in the cockpit of th...
Military pilot of the detachment, captain Tkachev in the cockpit of the aircraft. Winter of 1914-1915. Lublin. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный лётчик отряда есаул Ткачев в кабине летатель... More
A group of military pilots at the airfield: ensigns Fedorov, Kosobryuk...
A group of military pilots at the airfield: ensigns Fedorov, Kosobryukhov, captain Tkachev, lieutenant Brzezovsky, lieutenant Dybovsky, lieutenant Zhuravlev. Karchevice. June 1915. XX air force Squad in the war... More
The commander of the detachment is a military pilot, Captain Tkachev, ...
The commander of the detachment is a military pilot, Captain Tkachev, by the aircraft. Riga, September 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Начальник отряда военный лётчик есаул Ткачев у летател... More
Group of officers and pilots of the Ilya Muromets squadron
Great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich and Alexander Mikhailovich with a group of officers and aviators inspect a prototype of a heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. Group of officers and pilots of the Ilya Muromets squad... More
Aviator Mikhail Efimov. Odessa, 1900-1914
Picryl description: Public domain image of a pilot, aviator, aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
The military pilot Lieutenant Pushkarev in the open cockpit of the air...
The military pilot Lieutenant Pushkarev in the open cockpit of the aircraft. Winter of 1914-1915. Lublin. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный лётчик поручик Пушкарев в открытой кабине летател... More
At the hangar with the pilot's flight of Lieutenant Dybovsky. Riga, Au...
At the hangar with the pilot's flight of Lieutenant Dybovsky. Riga, August 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. У ангара с летательным аппаратом летчика старшего лейтенанта Дыбовского. Рига, Авг... More
A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" type during the recep...
A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" type during the reception of new aircraft for the rearmament of the 10th squadron. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Группа летчиков у аэропл... More
A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" new aircraft for the ...
A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" type during the reception of new aircraft for the rearmament of the 10th squadron. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Группа летчиков у аэропл... More
Officers of an air squad in the broken Moran of aviator Spitsberger.
Officers of an air squad in the broken Moran of aviator Spitsberger. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Офицеры авиационной роты у разбитого Морана авиатора ... More
A group of Russian pilots and technicians are posing by the plane. XX ...
A group of Russian pilots and technicians are posing by the plane. XX corps air force in the war. 1914-1915 Группа русских лётчиков и техников позирует у самолёта. XX корпусной авиационный отряд на войне. 1914-1915 гг.
A military pilot, lieutenant Brzhezovsky in the cockpit of an aircraft...
A military pilot, lieutenant Brzhezovsky in the cockpit of an aircraft. Kovel, July-August 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный летчик поручик Бржезовский в кабине летательного аппарата.... More