
405 media by topicpage 1 of 5
Boat "Peterhof" docks to the battleship "France". Kronsdadt, July 7, 1914.

Boat "Peterhof" docks to the battleship "France". Kronsdadt, July 7, 1...

Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich and the officers accompanying him on a military boat "Peterhof" dock to the battleship "France". July 7, 1914. Battleship France with Prime Minister Poincare on board in the roads... More

Visit of the Prime Minister of France Poincaré on board of Battleship France

Visit of the Prime Minister of France Poincaré on board of Battleship ...

Battleship France with Prime Minister Poincare on board in the roadstead of Kronstadt. July 7, 1914. Броненосец Франция с премьер министром Пуанкаре на борту на рейде Кронштадта. 7 июля 1914,

Battleship cruiser "General-Admiral"

Battleship cruiser "General-Admiral"

Battleship cruiser "General-Admiral". Russian warships at Columbian Naval Review, New York, 1893. Броненосный крейсер «Генерал-Адмирал» - Русские корабли на Колумбийском Военном Смотре, Нью-Йорк, 1893 (или 1893)

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Альбом офицера с «Наварина».

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Альбом офицера с «Наварина».

Russian Battleship Rostislav. Warship photograph collection

Russian Battleship Rostislav. Warship photograph collection

Russian Battleship Rostislav (1900-1920) Public domain photograph of Russian navy ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sisoy Veliky Reval 1904, Russian Empire

Sisoy Veliky Reval 1904, Russian Empire

Tsar Nicholas II reviews battleship Sisoy Veliky prior to its departure to Tsushima. Reval, 1905

Russo-Japanese War
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Cruiser Boyarin, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Cruiser Askild, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Battleship Sevastopol, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Battleship Poltava, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Battleship Petropavlovsk, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Battleship "Slava", 1910
British Ironclad Ship HMS Trafalgar
1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt ...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

Russian messenger ship "Luna", welcomes the battleship France

Russian messenger ship "Luna", welcomes the battleship France

Representatives of the city administration and estate agencies, who are on the Russian messenger ship "Luna", welcome the command of the battleship France with Prime Minister Poincaré aboard in the raid of Kron... More

Battleship "Dmitry Donskoy". Warship photograph collection

Battleship "Dmitry Donskoy". Warship photograph collection

The battleship "Dmitry Donskoy". Russian warships at Columbian Naval Review, New York, 1893. Броненосный крейсер «Дмитрий Донской». Русские корабли на Колумбийском Военном Смотре, Нью-Йорк, 1893 (или 1893)

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Альбом офицера с «Наварина».

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Альбом офицера с «Наварина».

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Альбом офицера с «Наварина».

Imperator Aleksandr II 1886 1922 Russian Empire

Imperator Aleksandr II 1886 1922 Russian Empire

Imperial Russian battleship ImperatorAleksandr II. Русский: Флагман Учебно-артиллерийского отряда эскадренный броненосец Император Александр II.

Russo-Japanese War
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Cruiser Rossiya, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Cruiser Bayan, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Vladivostok cruiser detachment, Russo-Japanese war, 1905

Vladivostok cruiser detachment, Russo-Japanese war, 1905

1905. Альбом боевых действий Владивостокского отряда крейсеров

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt ...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt ...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt ...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East, 1901-1902

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East, 1901-1902

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The Admiral Nakhimov battleship frigate, side view

The Admiral Nakhimov battleship frigate, side view

The Admiral Nakhimov battleship frigate. Russian warships at Columbian Naval Review, New York, 1893. Броненосный фрегат «Адмирал Нахимов» - Русские корабли на Колумбийском Военном Смотре, Нью-Йорк, 1893 (или 1893)

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Tsesarevich1914-1917Helsingfors. Warship photograph collection

Tsesarevich1914-1917Helsingfors. Warship photograph collection

Imperial Russian battleship Tsesarevich in Helsingfors, 1914-1917. Русский: Эскадренный броненосец Цесаревич в Гельсингфорсе, 1914-1917 годы.

Russo-Japanese War
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Cruiser Koreets, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Battleship "Slava", 1910
British Ironclad Ship HMS Victoria
British Ironclad Ship HMS Anson
Vladivostok cruiser detachment, Russo-Japanese war, 1905

Vladivostok cruiser detachment, Russo-Japanese war, 1905

1905. Альбом боевых действий Владивостокского отряда крейсеров

The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East”, 1900s

The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far ...

1901-1902. Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt ...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt ...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East, 1901-1902

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East, 1901-1902

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East, 1901-1902

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The voyage of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East 1901-1902

The voyage of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The voyage of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East 1901-1902

The voyage of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

[Two children wearing sailor outfits are playing with a balloon tethered to a Russian battleship, the balloon has burst revealing the head of a Russian admiral or czar and the battleship has been sunk, the Russian child, standing, pointing to the balloon, is crying, the Japanese child, sitting, is joyfully clapping]

[Two children wearing sailor outfits are playing with a balloon tether...

Signed on block by artist in lower right, includes chop. Includes extensive Japanese text. Descriptive information compiled by Nichibunken-sponsored Edo print specialists in 2005-06. From the series: Nihon ban... More

Battleship France with Prime Minister Poincare on board in the roadstead of Kronstadt.

Battleship France with Prime Minister Poincare on board in the roadste...

Battleship France with Prime Minister Poincare on board in the roadstead of Kronstadt. July 7, 1914. Броненосец Франция с премьер министром Пуанкаре на борту на рейде Кронштадта. 7 июля 1914,

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Альбом офицера с «Наварина».

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Squadron battleship "Navarin", Russian navy, 1880s

Альбом офицера с «Наварина».

Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Russian navy in Port Arthur, Russia Japanese war
Stereguschiy mine sweeper, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Battleship Tsesarevich, Russian Navy in Far East, 1904
Battleship "Slava", 1910
The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East”, 1900s

The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far ...

1901-1902. Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток

The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East”, 1900s

The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far ...

1901-1902. Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt ...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East

1901-1902. The expedition of the battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt ...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East, 1901-1902

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East, 1901-1902

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East, 1901-1902

The expedition of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The voyage of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the Far East 1901-1902

The voyage of the squadron battleship “Peresvet” from Kronstadt to the...

1901-1902. «Поход эскадренного броненосца «Пересвет» из Кронштадта на Дальний Восток»

The Russian squadron is met by the French Battleship "France" with Prime Minister Poincare on board the Kronstadt roadstead. July 7, 1914

The Russian squadron is met by the French Battleship "France" with Pri...

The Russian squadron is met by the French Battleship "France" with Prime Minister Poincare on board the Kronstadt roadstead. July 7, 1914 Русская эскадра встречает Броненосец "Франция" с премьер министром Пуан... More

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Navarin russian navy ship in 1890s

Альбом офицера с броненосца «Наварин».

Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Russian battleship Navarin, 1880s
Imperator Nikolai I 1886 1905 Warship photograph collection

Imperator Nikolai I 1886 1905 Warship photograph collection

Imperial Russian battleship Imperator Nikolai I. Русский: Эскадренный броненосец Император Николай I.

Tsesarevich1912-1914a. Warship photograph collection

Tsesarevich1912-1914a. Warship photograph collection

The Imperial Russian battleship «Tsesarevich», 1912-1914. Русский: Линейный корабль «Цесаревич», 1912-1914 годы.


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