
6 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Father John. Archpriest and Key-keeper of the St. Andrew's Cathedral in Kronstadt. 1891

Father John. Archpriest and Key-keeper of the St. Andrew's Cathedral i...

Father John. Archpriest and Key-keeper of the St. Andrew's Cathedral in Kronesdat. Отец Иоанн Ильич Сергиев. Протоирей и Ключарь Кроншдатского Андреевского Собора.

Patriarkh Tikhon, Russia, 1910-1917
Archives of Metropolit Avksentiy Georgievich Stadnitsky, 1909-1915

Archives of Metropolit Avksentiy Georgievich Stadnitsky, 1909-1915

1909-1915. Из архива митрополита Авксентия Георгиевича Стадницкого

Father John Chuprov. 1870s. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Father John Chuprov. 1870s. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Father John Chuprov. 1870s. Murom in portraits. Clergy. Отец Иоанн Чупров. 1870-е. Муром в портретах. Лица духовного звания.

Patriarkh Tikhon, Russia, 1910-1917
Father John. Archpriest and Key-keeper of the St. Andrew's Cathedral in Kronstadt. 1891

Father John. Archpriest and Key-keeper of the St. Andrew's Cathedral i...

Father John. Archpriest and Key-keeper of the St. Andrew's Cathedral in Kronstadt. 1891 Отец Иоанн Ильич Сергиев. Протоирей и Ключарь Кроншдатского Андреевского Собора.