
74 media by topicpage 1 of 1
683. Private, non-combatant and officer of the Moscow Cossack Team Legion from 1769 to 1775

683. Private, non-combatant and officer of the Moscow Cossack Team Leg...

683. Private, non-combatant and officer of the Moscow Cossack Team Legion from 1769 to 1775 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest comma... More

Family of Cossack Gavriil Pogorelov

Family of Cossack Gavriil Pogorelov

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Family of Cossack Gavriil Pogorelov from the village of Batalpashinskaya

Новочеркасск (до 07.11.1917). Памятник Бакланову (монохром)

Новочеркасск (до 07.11.1917). Памятник Бакланову (монохром)

Русский: Новочеркасск до Октябрьской революции. Памятник Бакланову. Public domain photograph of a monument, memorial, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cossak, 1914
World War One Propaganda Postcards, Russia, 1914
Kammer-cossack Vasiliy Karpovich Mitichenko

Kammer-cossack Vasiliy Karpovich Mitichenko

Василий Карпович Митиченко, камер-казак при комнатах императрицы Александры Федоровны Public domain photograph related to Polish history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ataman of the village of Bekeshevskaya.

Ataman of the village of Bekeshevskaya.

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Family of police officer I.A. Taranov. In 1906-1907 he was the village ataman of the village of Bekeshevskaya.

Cossack Zakhar Altunin with his wife, daughter. his two brothers with their wives

Cossack Zakhar Altunin with his wife, daughter. his two brothers with ...

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области\ Labinsky department of the Kuban Cossack army. On the left is Cossack Zakhar Altunin with his wife and daughter and his two brothers with their wives

Cossack of the village of Dolzhanskaya.

Cossack of the village of Dolzhanskaya.

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области House of the Cossack of the village of Dolzhanskaya. Leonty Lukyanovich Ogey (b. 1837, sits in the center.

210. ZAPOROZHETS in the XVIII century

210. ZAPOROZHETS in the XVIII century

210. ZAPOROZHETS in the XVIII century "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 210. ЗАПОРОЖЕЦ в XVI... More

Russian Posters - Great War
Pugachev - Public domain portrait engraving

Pugachev - Public domain portrait engraving

Русский: Емельян Пугачёв в тюрьме Public domain photograph of a portrait, illustration, engraving, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Камер–казак Тимофей Ящик. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

Камер–казак Тимофей Ящик. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

Русский: Камер–казак Тимофей Ящик – личный телохранитель императрицы Марии Фёдоровны

Новочеркасск Памятник донцу герою Бакланову

Новочеркасск Памятник донцу герою Бакланову

Русский: Новочеркасск Памятник Бакланову

Cossak, 1914
World War One Propaganda Postcards, Russia, 1914
Great War - Russian Art, 1914-1917
676. COSSACK OFFICER of the St. Petersburg Legion, from 1765 to 1775.

676. COSSACK OFFICER of the St. Petersburg Legion, from 1765 to 1775.

676. COSSACK OFFICER of the St. Petersburg Legion, from 1765 to 1775. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskova... More

Казак Петруха (плакат). 1900s Japan, public domain image.

Казак Петруха (плакат). 1900s Japan, public domain image.

Russian Empire poster 1904. Русский: Русский плакат начала русско-японской войны: «Казак Петруха». Издание В. Несслера, СПб.

Рисунок Репина Казак - Public domain portrait painting

Рисунок Репина Казак - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Казак. Портрет Василия Тарновсокго Public domain photograph of 19th-century Russian Realism painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Peter Chesnokov from the village of Giaginskaya

Peter Chesnokov from the village of Giaginskaya

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области The family of Peter Chesnokov from the village of Giaginskaya. 1917

Stanitsa Ilskaya. The village ataman.

Stanitsa Ilskaya. The village ataman.

Stanitsa Ilskaya. The village ataman with his assistants, musicians and ordinary Cossacks.

World War One Propaganda Postcards, Russia, 1914
Khabarovsk - two Cossack soldiers and ponies

Khabarovsk - two Cossack soldiers and ponies

Gift; William P. Meeker; 1971. Forms part of: Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942. World's Transportation Commission photograph collection (Library of Congress).

General Semenov - Public domain portrait photograph

General Semenov - Public domain portrait photograph

Генерал Григорий Михайлович Семёнов Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cossack of the Yeysk / Yeisk branch of Art. Kanevskaya. August 23, 1904
Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области станицы Терновской. Ф. и К. Силенковы, В.Бут, О. и Ф. Гурины. 1913

Bohdan Khmelnytsky portrait by S. Zemlyukov

Bohdan Khmelnytsky portrait by S. Zemlyukov

Русский: Портрет Богдана Хмельницкого кисти С.ЗемлюковаEnglish: Bohdan Khmelnytsky portrait by S. Zemlyukov

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Семья первопоселенцев хутора Албаши. Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Cossack man from the steppes of Russia.

Cossack man from the steppes of Russia.

Digital ID: 1206549. Sherman, Augustus F. (Augustus Francis) -- Photographer. .Source: William Williams papers / Photographs of immigrants (more info ( ...col_id=165 ) ). .Repository: The New York Public Librar... More

Grafinia Varvara Davydovna Vorontsova-Dashkova, rozhd. Orlova (Kazachka XVII veka)

Grafinia Varvara Davydovna Vorontsova-Dashkova, rozhd. Orlova (Kazachk...

Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Filipp Mironov in 1906, Russian Empire

Filipp Mironov in 1906, Russian Empire

Philipp Kuzmich Mironov (1872–1921) was a Bolshevik leader during and after the Russian Revolution. A famous red cossacks ataman of Don cossack origin. This photo was taken in 1906 in Ust-Medveditskaya. Русски... More

Pavlo Polubotok - Public domain monumental decor engraving

Pavlo Polubotok - Public domain monumental decor engraving

Pavlo Polubotok Русский: Полуботок, Павел Леонтьевич

World War One Propaganda Postcards, Russia, 1914
Kammer-cossack Kirill Ivanovich Polyakov

Kammer-cossack Kirill Ivanovich Polyakov

Кирилл Иванович Поляков, камер-казак при комнатах императрицы Марии Федоровны Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ataman of the village of Erivanskaya

Ataman of the village of Erivanskaya

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Orphan Demyan Eremeevich, ataman of the village of Erivanskaya with his family and relatives. 1915

B Chmielnicki - Public domain portrait painting

B Chmielnicki - Public domain portrait painting

Портрет Богдана Хмельницького Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cossak, 1914
L.-Gv. Konnogrenaderskago polka Stabs-Rotmistr Nikolaev (Esaul Sumskago slobodskogo kazach'iago polka 1651 g.)

L.-Gv. Konnogrenaderskago polka Stabs-Rotmistr Nikolaev (Esaul Sumskag...

Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A young Cossack and his older comrades.

A young Cossack and his older comrades.

A young Cossack and his older comrades. Cossacks found themselves fighting on opposite sides of the conflict during the Russian revolution.

The funeral of Cossack - st. Grigoropolisskaya

The funeral of Cossack - st. Grigoropolisskaya

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области The funeral of Ivan Parshin, a Cossack from the village of Grigoropolisskaya, who died from wounds. 1914

Cossak, 1914
Cossak, 1914
Линейный казак, Russian Empire, 19th century

Линейный казак, Russian Empire, 19th century

Русский: Линейный казак 1880-x English: Lineen Kosak Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

World War One Propaganda Postcards, Russia, 1914
General-Maior Anton Vasil'evich Novosil'tsov (Starinnaia odezhda Donskoi Konvoinoi komandy)

General-Maior Anton Vasil'evich Novosil'tsov (Starinnaia odezhda Donsk...

Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Holovatyi - Public domain portrait painting

Holovatyi - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Антон Андреевич Головатый (1732(1732)-1797) — казачий атаман, войсковой судья, полковник русской армии, один из основателей и талантливый администратор Черноморского казачьего войска, инициатор пересе... More

Ataman of the village of Mikhailovskaya in 1908

Ataman of the village of Mikhailovskaya in 1908

Bocharnikov Vasily Stefanovich, ataman of the village of Mikhailovskaya in 1908

Sister of mercy with wounded сossack and soldiers

Sister of mercy with wounded сossack and soldiers

Сестра милосердия Екатерина Анастасьевна Колпакчи с ранеными казаками и солдатами лазарета № 42 города Екатеринодара, 1915 Sister of mercy Ekaterina Anastasyevna Kolpakchi with wounded Cossacks and soldiers of... More

Gen. Ivan Dumbadze, c. 1914, Russian Empire

Gen. Ivan Dumbadze, c. 1914, Russian Empire

General Ivan Dumbadze waiting for the arrival of Tsar Nicholas II in the southern Crimea

L.-Gv. Konnogrenaderskago polka Stabs-Rotmistr Vidnes (Esaul Sumskago slobodskogo kazach'iago polka 1651 g.)

L.-Gv. Konnogrenaderskago polka Stabs-Rotmistr Vidnes (Esaul Sumskago ...

Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

581 and 593. Strokes or Epaulettes: Carabiner regiments, 1763-1788 and Cossack regiments, 1763-1775.

581 and 593. Strokes or Epaulettes: Carabiner regiments, 1763-1788 and...

581 and 593. Strokes or Epaulettes: Carabiner regiments, 1763-1788 and Cossack regiments, 1763-1775. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the hig... More

Kammer-cossack Andrey Alexeevich Kudinov 2

Kammer-cossack Andrey Alexeevich Kudinov 2

Андрей Алексеевич Кудинов, камер-казак при комнатах императрицы Марии Федоровны Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Новочеркасск памятник Платову4, Russian Empire

Новочеркасск памятник Платову4, Russian Empire

Русский: Фрагмент фотографии памятника атаману М. И. Платову в Новочеркасске

Kammer-cossack Andrey Alexeevich Kudinov

Kammer-cossack Andrey Alexeevich Kudinov

Андрей Алексеевич Кудинов, камер-казак при комнатах императрицы Марии Федоровны Public domain photograph of Russian Orthodox priest, clergy, church, religion, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Pic... More

Nikolay Orlov-Denisov, Russian Empire

Nikolay Orlov-Denisov, Russian Empire

Русский: ru:Орлов, Николай Федорович (1839-1897).

Siberian Cossack 190x, Russian Empire

Siberian Cossack 190x, Russian Empire

Siberian Cossak Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Новочеркасскъ. Памятникъ Бакланову

Новочеркасскъ. Памятникъ Бакланову

Русский: Памятник Бакланову на дореволюционной открытке

Russian Posters - Great War
Kammer-cossack Timofey Yaschik, Russian Empire

Kammer-cossack Timofey Yaschik, Russian Empire

Русский: Тимофей Ксенофонтович Ящик Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Новочеркасскъ. Памятникъ Ермаку

Новочеркасскъ. Памятникъ Ермаку

Русский: Памятник Ермаку на дореволюционной открытке

Russian Posters - Great War
Ivan Krasnov - Public domain portrait painting

Ivan Krasnov - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Краснов, Иван Иванович (старший) (1802—1871) — генерал-лейтенант, командир Лейб-Гвардии Казачьего полка, писатель. English: photograph of the portrait of Russian lieutenant general Krasnov, Ivan Iva... More

Russian Army Cossack Unit Near Prezemysl (1915)

Russian Army Cossack Unit Near Prezemysl (1915)

Title reads: "WITH THE RUSSIAN ARMY. Exclusive pictures taken by our own photographer before Przemysl. A COSSACK CHARGE". Przemysl, Austria (later in Poland). Russian Army Cossack cavalry lining up and h... More

Russischer Photograph - Orenburger Kosake (Zeno Fotografie)

Russischer Photograph - Orenburger Kosake (Zeno Fotografie)

Deutsch: Russischer Photograph: Orenburger Kosake Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

P209a Cossack guarding the government's money

P209a Cossack guarding the government's money

Русский: Часовой у казеннаго денежнаго шкафа. English: Cossack guarding the government's money

Kammer-cossack Timofey Yaschik 2

Kammer-cossack Timofey Yaschik 2

Тимофей Ксенофонтович Ящик, камер-казак при комнатах императрицы Марии Федоровны Public domain photograph related to Polish history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Георгиевский штандарт 26-го Донского казачьего полка образца 1876

Георгиевский штандарт 26-го Донского казачьего полка образца 1876

Русский: Георгиевский штандарт 26-го Донского казачьего полка образца 1876 г.

Памятник атаману М.И. Платову, Russian Empire

Памятник атаману М.И. Платову, Russian Empire

Русский: Памятник атаману М.И. Платову в основанном им Новочеркасске

Dmitriy Efimovich Kuteynikov - Public domain portrait painting

Dmitriy Efimovich Kuteynikov - Public domain portrait painting

Dmitriy Efimovich Kuteynikov Русский: Неизвестный художник XIX века. Портрет Дмитрия Ефимовича Кутейникова. 1830-1834 г. Холст, масло 79 х 65 см. Новочеркасский музей истории донского казачества. В 1961-1963... More

386 - 387. Banner of the Azov Cossack Regiment, August 7, 1747. The Banner of the Chuguevsky Cossack Regiment, March 14, 1752.

386 - 387. Banner of the Azov Cossack Regiment, August 7, 1747. The Ba...

386 - 387. Banner of the Azov Cossack Regiment, August 7, 1747. The Banner of the Chuguevsky Cossack Regiment, March 14, 1752. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient ti... More

Ermakov. № 10920. Александрополъ. Казакъ у лошади. 912

Ermakov. № 10920. Александрополъ. Казакъ у лошади. 912

Cossack with horse in Alexandropol Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Russian Posters - Great War
Russian Posters - Great War