The Prince of Prince Dmitrii Borisovich Golitsyn, Head of the Imperial...
The Prince of Prince Dmitrii Borisovich Golitsyn, Head of the Imperial Hunt (Fyodor Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich) S. A. S. le Prince Dmitri Galitzine, Chef de la Venerie Imperiale (Fauconnier du Tsar Alexis Mikha... More
Countess Mariya Mikhailovna Orlova-Davydova, born Zografo (Boyarynya o...
Графиня Марiя Михаиловна Орлова-Давыдова,.рожд. Зографо (Боярыня XVII вѣка) La Comtesse Orlow-Davydow, nee Zographo (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle)
Princess Alix of Hesse with her father Louis IV Grand Duke of Hesse a...
Princess Alix of Hesse with her father Louis IV Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine and brother Ernest Louis. 1891.
Constantin Pavlovich - grand duke of Russia
Konstantin Pavlovich - 27 April 1779 – 27 June 1831) was a grand duke of Russia and the second son of Emperor Paul I and Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg. He was the Tsesarevich of Russia throughout the reign of ... More
Alexander I, emperor of Russia (1801–25). Portrait.
Alexander I (Russian: Александр Павлович, Aleksandr Pavlovich; 23 December [O.S. 12 December] 1777 – 1 December [O.S. 19 November] 1825 was an Emperor of Russia from 23 March 1801 to 1 December 1825. The son of... More
Representatives of foreign missions who came to greet R. Poincare, at ...
Representatives of foreign missions who came to greet R. Poincare, at the Small Hermitage. Solemn Meeting of the Prime Minister of France Raymond Poincaré. July 7, 1914. Представители иностранных миссий, прибы... More
Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna. Painter Neradovsky Pyotr ...
Her Highness Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, the youngest daughter of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna. Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna. Painter Neradovsky Pyotr Ivanovich. 1905... More
Tsarevich Nicholas visiting Saigon, Saïgon, 21-3-1891
NICHOLAS II, Tsar of Russia. A fine group portrait including a very youthful Nicholas in a tropical suit at Saigon, albumen print, on the mount of L. Talbot of Saigon, image 280 x 230mm., French Indo-China, 18... More
Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.
Ея Императорское Высочество Великая Княгиня Елисавета Федоровна (Елизавета Александра Луиза Алиса (Элла) принцесса Гессен-Дармштадтская (1 ноября 1864, Дармштадт — 18 июля 1918, Пермская губерния). Супруга Ег... More
Murom, Family portrait Tagunov in the garden. 1910's.
Murom. Events and people. Tagunovs owned baths until the revolution of 1917. "Trading in Murom house of the first guild under the company" Brothers L. and P. Tagunov and K. " Opened since 1884 on the rights of... More
Grand Princess Maria Nikolaevna, Olga Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess Olga A...
From left to right: Grand Princess Maria Nikolaevna, Olga Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (daughter of Emperor Alexander III) and Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna. Tsarskoe Selo. Слева направо: ... More
Constantin Pavlovich - grand duke of Russia official portrait.
Konstantin Pavlovich - 27 April 1779 – 27 June 1831) was a grand duke of Russia and the second son of Emperor Paul I and Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg. He was the Tsesarevich of Russia throughout the reign of ... More
Alexander I, Aleksandr Pavlovich, emperor of Russia (1801–25). Portrai...
Alexander I (Russian: Александр Павлович, Aleksandr Pavlovich; 23 December [O.S. 12 December] 1777 – 1 December [O.S. 19 November] 1825 was an Emperor of Russia from 23 March 1801 to 1 December 1825. The son of... More
Ernst Bernhard Georg Johann Carl Friedrich Peter Albert Saxe-Altenburg...
Ernst Bernhard Georg Johann Carl Friedrich Peter Albert Saxe-Altenburg and Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich. Эрнст Бернхард Георг Иоганн Карл Фридрих Петер Альберт Саксен-Альтенбургский и великий князь Ко... More
"Portrait of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna."
«Портрет императрицы Александры Фёдоровны». Художник Бенжамен-Констан Жан-Жозеф. 1900 г. Холст, масло. Национальный музей искусств Азербайджана им. Р. Мустафаева, Баку. "Portrait of the Empress Alexandra Feod... More
1662-3] DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. 55 accept of him as a suitor. The a...
Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 1662-3] DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. 55 accept of him as a suitor. The answer was a blush, which satisfied Gordon that he... More
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898 .
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Count Pierre Shuvaloff. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Impe...
Альбом Российской Императорской семьи, императорского двора и государственных деятелей, 1865-1875
Princess Victoria Alisa Elena Louise Beatrice Hesse-Darmstadt. Empress...
Princess Victoria Alisa Elena Louise Beatrice Hesse-Darmstadt. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II. Принцесса Виктория Алиса Елена Луиза Беатриса Гессен-Дармштадтская. Императрица Александра Фёдо... More
Representatives of foreign missions who came to greet R. Poincare, at ...
Poincare and Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich in the carriage at the small entrance of the Hermitage. Пуанкаре и великий князь Георгий Михайлович в экипаже у малого подъезда Эрмитажа.
Empress Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar) the wife of Emperor Alexander Alexan...
Empress Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar) the wife of Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich (Alexander III). Императрица Мария Феодоровна (Дагмар) супруга Императора Александра Александровича (Александр III).
Self-portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna.
Self-portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna. Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, the youngest daughter of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna. Автопортрет Великой Княгини Ольги Александровны... More
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1906.
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna ГАРФ 640-3-37 Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Representatives of foreign missions who came to greet R. Poincare, at ...
Representatives of foreign missions who came to greet R. Poincare, at the Small Hermitage. Solemn Meeting of the Prime Minister of France Raymond Poincaré. July 7, 1914. Представители иностранных миссий, прибы... More
Hessian Princesses Elizabeth (Ella) and Alice (Alix). Darmstadt, 1879.
Портрет семьи Людвига IV: слева направо принцесса Ирена (сидит), принцесса Елизавета (будущая Великая Княгиня Елисавета Феодоровна), Великий Герцог Людовик IV, принцесса Алиса (будущая Императрица Российская Ал... More
Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.
Ея Императорское Высочество Великая Княгиня Елисавета Федоровна (Елизавета Александра Луиза Алиса (Элла) принцесса Гессен-Дармштадтская (1 ноября 1864, Дармштадт — 18 июля 1918, Пермская губерния). Супруга Ег... More
Empress Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar) the wife of Emperor Alexander Alexan...
Empress Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar) the wife of Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich (Alexander III). Императрица Мария Феодоровна (Дагмар) супруга Императора Александра Александровича (Александр III).
Her Imperial Majesty Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. The second daug...
Её Императорское Высочество Великая княжна Татьяна Николаевна (29 мая (10 июня) 1897 - 17 июля 1918 (21 год)). Вторая дочь императора Николая II и императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. Официальный портрет. Фотограф... More
Prince Serge of Leuchtenberg. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, th...
Альбом Российской Императорской семьи, императорского двора и государственных деятелей, 1865-1875
Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 1762 - 1796
Ekaterina II The Great (born Sofia Augusta Frederika Anhalt-Zerbstskaya, German Sophie Auguste Friederike von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg, April 21 (May 2) 1729, Stettin, Prussia - November 6 (17), 1796, Winter pala... More
Alexander I, emperor of Russia (1801–25). Portrait.
Alexander I (Russian: Александр Павлович, Aleksandr Pavlovich; 23 December [O.S. 12 December] 1777 – 1 December [O.S. 19 November] 1825 was an Emperor of Russia from 23 March 1801 to 1 December 1825. The son of... More
Alexander I, emperor of Russia (1801–25). Portrait.
Alexander I (Russian: Александр Павлович, Aleksandr Pavlovich; 23 December [O.S. 12 December] 1777 – 1 December [O.S. 19 November] 1825 was an Emperor of Russia from 23 March 1801 to 1 December 1825. The son of... More
Count Alexander Benckendorff and Earl Rowland Thomas Baring
Count Alexander Benckendorff (1849-1917), Russian Ambassador to London and Rowland Thomas Baring, 2nd Earl of Cromer (1877-1953) on the deck of the Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert. Meeting of King Edward VII an... More
The Cossacks Shkuro - the 3rd Cavalry Corps.
The Cossacks of the Wolf's Hundreds of Shkuro - partisan detachment of the 3rd Cavalry Corps. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Казаки Вол... More
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna ,Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana with An...
Сестры милосердия. Сидят: в кресле - Императрица Александра Феодоровна, на подлокотнике - Великая Княжна Татьяна Николаевна. Стоят: Анна Вырубова и Великая Княжна Ольга Николаевна (в углу). Дворцовый госпиталь... More
The Most Serene Princess Ekaterina Vladimirovna Golitsyna, born. Count...
Светлейшая Княгиня Екатерина Владимiровна Голицына, рожд. Графиня Мусина-Пушкина (Боярыня XVII вѣка) S. A. S. la Princesse Galitzine,.nee Comtesse Moussine-Pouchkine.(Femme de boyard du XVII siecle)
Great Princes Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and heir Alexei
Great Princes Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and heir Alexei Великие Княжны Ольга, Татьяна, Мария, Анастасия и наследник Алексей
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna .1895.
Princess Alix of Hesse. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1895. Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Grand Prince Alexei Petrovich - Public domain portrait engraving
Grand Prince Alexei Petrovich Великий Князь Алексей Петровия Портреты Романовых от императора Павла I до Александра III.
Alexander I, Aleksandr Pavlovich, emperor of Russia (1801–25). Portrai...
Alexander I (Russian: Александр Павлович, Aleksandr Pavlovich; 23 December [O.S. 12 December] 1777 – 1 December [O.S. 19 November] 1825 was an Emperor of Russia from 23 March 1801 to 1 December 1825. The son of... More
Alexander I, emperor of Russia (1801–25). Portrait.
Alexander I (Russian: Александр Павлович, Aleksandr Pavlovich; 23 December [O.S. 12 December] 1777 – 1 December [O.S. 19 November] 1825 was an Emperor of Russia from 23 March 1801 to 1 December 1825. The son of... More
Representatives of foreign missions who came to greet R. Poincare, at ...
Representatives of foreign missions who came to greet R. Poincare, at the Small Hermitage. Solemn Meeting of the Prime Minister of France Raymond Poincaré. July 7, 1914. Представители иностранных миссий, прибы... More
1918. Peace Agreement of Brest-Litovsk. Negotiations.
1918. Переговоры в Брест-Литовске. Брестский мир.
Princess E.V. Baryatinskaya (Maid of Honour) at the Winter Palace Cost...
Princess E.V. Baryatinskaya (Maid of Honour) at the Winter Palace Costume Ball of 1903..La Princesse Elisabeth Bariatinsky Фрейлина Княжна Елисавета Владимiровна Барятинская (в платье для исполнения на бале "Русской")
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Princess Tati...
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and her children: on the right - Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Princess Tatiana, on the right - Grand Princess Olga Nikolaevna. Императрица Александра Феодоровна и ее дети: справа - Ц... More
Alexander I, emperor of Russia (1801–25). Portrait.
Alexander I (Russian: Александр Павлович, Aleksandr Pavlovich; 23 December [O.S. 12 December] 1777 – 1 December [O.S. 19 November] 1825 was an Emperor of Russia from 23 March 1801 to 1 December 1825. The son of... More
Princess Victoria Alisa Elena Louise Beatrice Hesse-Darmstadt. Empress...
Princess Victoria Alisa Elena Louise Beatrice Hesse-Darmstadt. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II. Принцесса Виктория Алиса Елена Луиза Беатриса Гессен-Дармштадтская. Императрица Александра Фёдо... More
Alexandra Feodorovna - Russian Emperors and Empresses
Alexandra Feodorovna - Russian Emperors and Empresses Александра Феодоровна - Русские Императоры и Императрицы
Empress Alexandra Fedorovna in a dress and a large diamond tiara, dres...
Empress Alexandra Fedorovna in a dress and a large diamond tiara, dressed for the opening of the First State Duma in 1906. Императрица Александра Федоровна в парадном платье и Большой бриллиантовой тиаре, одет... More
Members of the Imperial family before the Livadia Palace.
Members of the Imperial family before the Livadia Palace. The Empress Maria Feodorovna sits in the center to her right, Emperor Alexander III to her right, the Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna sits to the left... More
Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Tatiana, Anastasia, Ol...
Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Tatiana, Anastasia, Olga and Maria. Дочери Императора Николая II Великие Княжны Татьяна, Анастасия, Ольга и Мария.
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1895.
Princess Alix of Hesse. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1895. Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Alexander I, Aleksandr Pavlovich, emperor of Russia (1801–25). Portrai...
Alexander I (Russian: Александр Павлович, Aleksandr Pavlovich; 23 December [O.S. 12 December] 1777 – 1 December [O.S. 19 November] 1825 was an Emperor of Russia from 23 March 1801 to 1 December 1825. The son of... More
Duke Peter Aleksandrovich Oldenburgsky - the first husband of Grand Du...
Duke Peter Aleksandrovich Oldenburgsky - the first husband of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, the daughter of Emperor Alexander III. Герцог Петр Александрович Ольденбургский — первый муж Великой Княгини Ольги... More
Her Highness Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna with nephews Tsarevich Al...
Her Highness Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, the youngest daughter of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna, with nephews Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna. Ея Вы... More
PREFACE. xiii King Charles Gustavus of Sweden was mustering for the ...
Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" PREFACE. xiii King Charles Gustavus of Sweden was mustering for the invasion of Poland. The next,^ a single leaf f... More
94 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1667 any Prince of State to His Imperia...
Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 94 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1667 any Prince of State to His Imperiall Majestie my master, but is attended from and ... More
INDEX OF PERSONS. 229 Lesley, Franciscus Jacobus
Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" INDEX OF PERSONS. 229 Lesley, Franciscus Jacobus, 29. Lesley, George, 29. Lesley, Patrick, 20. Lesley, Dame Isobel... More
INDEX OF PERSONS. 231 Pierun (Perun), a god of the heathen Muscovit...
Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" INDEX OF PERSONS. 231 Pierun (Perun), a god of the heathen Muscovites, 45, 155. Pile, Peter, apothecary, 62, 66. P... More
26 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1657 ferred to the King against Rittmei...
Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 26 DIARY OF PATRICK GORDON. [1657 ferred to the King against Rittmeister Meldrum, that officer was maintaining his in... More
INDEX OF PERSONS. 233 Wyche, Sir Peter, English Resident at ZELABOFS...
Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" INDEX OF PERSONS. 233 Wyche, Sir Peter, English Resident at ZELABOFSKy, or Shelabowsky, Ivan Hamburg, 1G2. Affonaseo... More
222 INDEX OF PERSONS. Bockhoven, Colonel von
Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699" 222 INDEX OF PERSONS. Bockhoven, Colonel von, 54. Bockhoven, Charles von, 74, 83, 84, 96, Bockhoven, Katharine vo... More