
11 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Russian Republic Seal 1917 - Art nouveau public domain image

Russian Republic Seal 1917 - Art nouveau public domain image

Печать Временного правительства Public domain photograph of Russian art nouveau artwork, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Co A of Russian Empire (1721)

Co A of Russian Empire (1721)

Русский: Герб Российской Империи 1721 года St. George Conquering the Dragon is a popular subject in Christian art, representing the victory of good over evil. St. George is a Christian martyr who is venerated... More

Greater coat of arms of the Russian empire

Greater coat of arms of the Russian empire

Greater Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire (1882 – 1917). Русский: Большой герб Российской Империи (1882 – 1917). “ В золотом щите черный двоеглавый орел, коронованный двумя Императорскими коронами, над кот... More

372 - 373. Ordinary flag of the regiment, which had not emblem previously, 1741-1761. Standard of the Leib Guards, December 31, 1741

372 - 373. Ordinary flag of the regiment, which had not emblem previou...

372 - 373. Ordinary flag of the regiment, which had not emblem previously, 1741-1761. Standard of the Leib Guards, December 31, 1741 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from anci... More

At the city pier people are waiting for the arrival of Emperor Nicholas II and his family.

At the city pier people are waiting for the arrival of Emperor Nichola...

In May 1913, Kostroma and the Ipatiev Monastery became one of the centers celebrating the 300th anniversary of the Imperial House of Romanov. The whole family headed by Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Fe... More

Standard afloat 1835 - A picture of a flag with a bird on it

Standard afloat 1835 - A picture of a flag with a bird on it

Imperial Standard afloat of the Russian Empire. 1835 Русский: Российский Императорский судовой штандарт. Источник: "Собрание Штандартов, Флагов и Вымпелов, употребляемых в Российской империи". 1835

Double eagle emblems of the Romanoff dynasty destroyed by revolutionaries, during...HD Stock Footage

Double eagle emblems of the Romanoff dynasty destroyed by revolutionar...

Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675056582_Bolshevik-Revolution_October-Revolution_revolutionaries-destroy-Romanoff-emblems_double-eagle Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage V... More

Imperial Standard 1835 - A picture of a coat of arms with a crown on it

Imperial Standard 1835 - A picture of a coat of arms with a crown on i...

Imperial Standard of the Russian Empire. 1835Русский: Российский Императорский дворцовый штандарт. Источник: "Собрание Штандартов, Флагов и Вымпелов, употребляемых в Российской империи". 1835

340. Regimental Emblems, Russian Empire

340. Regimental Emblems, Russian Empire

340. Regimental Emblems "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 340. Полковые Гербы «Историческое о... More

Revolutionaries raid and set fire to the Palace of the Romanoff dynasty of Russia...HD Stock Footage

Revolutionaries raid and set fire to the Palace of the Romanoff dynast...

Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675056575_Bolshevik-Revolution_October-Revolution_emblem-of-Romanoff-dynasty_revolutionaries_soldiers Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Vid... More

Seals of Peter the Great GIM

Seals of Peter the Great GIM

Русский: Большая государственная печать Петра I, 1710 г., мастер Г. Гаупт, серебро, чеканка. Малая государственная печать Петра I, начало 18 в., серебро, чеканка. Большая государственная печать Петра I, 1703 г... More