empress of russia, alix of hesse

275 media by topicpage 1 of 3
Emperor of Russia Nikolay II - Public domain portrait print

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II - Public domain portrait print

Император России Николай II Public domain photograph - 19th-century studio portrait photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II - Public domain portrait print

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II - Public domain portrait print

Император России Николай II Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, with daughter

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, with daughter

Императрица Александра Феодоровна с дочерью царевной Ольгой. Фотограф: Пазетти, 1896 год. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her daughter Princess Olga. Photographer: Pasetti, 1896.

Prinsess Alix of Hesse and  Prince Louis Alexander of Battenberg

Prinsess Alix of Hesse and Prince Louis Alexander of Battenberg

Принцесса Аликс Гессенская (будущая Императрица Российская Александра Феодоровна) и принц Луи Александр Баттенбергский. 1887 год. Princess Alix of Hesse (future Empress Russian Alexandra Feodorovna) and Prince... More

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait photograph

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait photograph

Её Императорское Величество Императрица Александра Феодоровна в мундирном платье шефа 5-го гусарского Александрийского полка. Её Величество Государыня Императрица Александра Ѳеодоровна стала шефом полка 30 июля... More

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchess Olga Nicholaevna. 1896.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duches...

NaN Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait photograph

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait photograph

Ея Императорское Величество Государыня Императрица Александра Феодоровна в Лиловом будуаре Александровского дворца. Царское Село. Her Imperial Majesty Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in the Lilac boudoir ... More

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova on Imperian yacht Standard

Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait print

Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait print

Bain News Service,, publisher...Czarina..[between ca. 1915 and ca. 1920]..1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller...Notes:. Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or cap... More

Princess Alix of Hesse - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 190... More

Princess Alix of Hesse - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse 1877 - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse 1877 - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse Public domain photograph - child portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse . 1894. - Public domain portrait print

Princess Alix of Hesse . 1894. - Public domain portrait print

Princess Alix of Hesse . 1894 Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hessen Family 1885. - Public domain portrait photograph

Hessen Family 1885. - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse with her father Louis IV Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine and brother Ernest Louis. 1885.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.1907 Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907 .

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907 .

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.1907 Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.1895 Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse with her father Louis IV  Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine  and brother Ernest Louis. 1891.

Princess Alix of Hesse with her father Louis IV Grand Duke of Hesse a...

Princess Alix of Hesse with her father Louis IV Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine and brother Ernest Louis. 1891.

Darmstadt. Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine 1891.

Darmstadt. Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine 1891.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907

ГАРФ 640-3-37 Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907 Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse with sister Victoria Battenberg and Margareth von Fabrice

Princess Alix of Hesse with sister Victoria Battenberg and Margareth v...

Princess Alix of Hesse with sister Victoria Battenberg and Margareth von Fabrice

Princess Alix of Hesse with her sister Irene ,Prince Henry of Prussia and Prince Waldemar of Prussia. 1890.

Princess Alix of Hesse with her sister Irene ,Prince Henry of Prussia ...

Princess Alix of Hesse with her sister Irene ,Prince Henry of Prussia and Prince Waldemar of Prussia. 1890.

Le Familie Imperial de Russie - Public domain portrait print

Le Familie Imperial de Russie - Public domain portrait print

Император России Николай II - семейный портрет. Emperor of Russia Nicholas II with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and daughters

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II - Public domain portrait print

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II - Public domain portrait print

Император России Николай II - семейный портрет. Emperor of Russia Nicholas II with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and daughter

La famille du tsar en 1912 -Emperor of Russia Nikolai II

La famille du tsar en 1912 -Emperor of Russia Nikolai II

Император России Николай II - семейный портрет. Emperor of Russia Nicholas II with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and daughters

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, portrait, 1901

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, portrait, 1901

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, portrait

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, portrait

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and daughters

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and daughters

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna with daughters



ALEXANDRA FEODOROVNA - CHARLOTTE HOHENZOLLERN Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrait of Princess Alix of Hesse. 1891.

Portrait of Princess Alix of Hesse. 1891.

Princess Alix of Hesse. 1891. Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia (1872-1918) when Princess Alix of Hesse  circa 1894

Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia (1872-1918) when Princess Alix...

Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia (1872-1918) when Princess Alix of Hesse circa 1894

Princess Alix of Hesse. 1890. - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse. 1890. - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse. 1890. Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her sister Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna. 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her sister Grand Duchess Elizaveta F...

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her sister Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her sister Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna .1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her sister Grand Duchess Elizaveta F...

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her sister Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907 Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna .1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna .1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.1895. Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1896.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1896.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.1896 Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.1895 Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.1895 Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alix of Hesse 1891 - Public domain portrait print

Alix of Hesse 1891 - Public domain portrait print

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse .1892. - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse .1892. - Public domain portrait photograph

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine. 1889.

Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine. 1889.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907

ГАРФ 640-3-37 Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1907 Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II - Public domain portrait print

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II - Public domain portrait print

Император России Николай II Public domain photograph of 19th-century fashion design, dress catalog, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, portrait, 1901

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, portrait, 1901

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna

Empress of All-Russia Alexandra Feodorovna

Empress of All-Russia Alexandra Feodorovna

Императрица России Александра Феодоровна, фотопортрет работы фотографа Пазетти. 1896год. Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, a portrait of the work of photographer Pazetti. 1896year.

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, Passetti

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, Passetti

Императрица России Александра Фёдоровна, портрет. Санкт-Петербург, 1896 год. Фотограф: Анаклет Пазетти. Empress of Russia Alexandra Fedorovna, portrait. St. Petersburg, 1896. Photographer: Anaklet Pazetti.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in milirary uniform

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in milirary uniform

Её Императорское Величество Императрица Александра Феодоровна в мундирном платье шефа 5-го гусарского Александрийского полка. Её Величество Государыня Императрица Александра Ѳеодоровна стала шефом полка 30 июля... More

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in hussar uniform

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in hussar uniform

Её Императорское Величество Императрица Александра Феодоровна в мундирном платье шефа 5-го гусарского Александрийского полка. Её Величество Государыня Императрица Александра Ѳеодоровна стала шефом полка 30 июля... More

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait print

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait print

Ея Императорское Величество Государыня Императрица Александра Феодоровна. Российская Империя. Династия Романовых. 1896 год. Her Imperial Majesty Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Russian empire. The Romanov dynasty.

Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei

Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei. Yacht Standard.

Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia and Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna. 1896.

Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russi...

Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia and Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna. 1896.

Princess Alix of Hesse. - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse. - Public domain portrait photograph

The Empress Alexandra Fedorovna (Victoria-Alice-Helena-Louise-Beatrice, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt) is the wife of Emperor Nicholas II. 1894 Императрица Александра Фёдоровна (Виктория-Алиса-Хел­ена-Луиза-Беат... More

Her Imperial Majesty Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

Her Imperial Majesty Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

Her Imperial Majesty Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Livadia, the year 1914. Ея Императорское Величество Государыня Императрица Александра Феодоровна. Ливадия, 1914 год.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait photograph

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait photograph

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia (1872-1918)  1895

Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia (1872-1918) 1895

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . Tsarskoe Selo. Bedroom.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . Tsarskoe Selo. Bedroom.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . Tsarskoe Selo. Bedroom.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1896.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1896.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.1896 Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1898.

ГАРФ 640-3-13 Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine. 1888. White dress.

Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine. 1888. White dress.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - 19th-century studio portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei . 1906 .

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei . 1906 .

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei . 1906 . Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Victoria Alisa Elena Louise Beatrice Hesse-Darmstadt. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna

Princess Victoria Alisa Elena Louise Beatrice Hesse-Darmstadt. Empress...

Princess Victoria Alisa Elena Louise Beatrice Hesse-Darmstadt. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II. Принцесса Виктория Алиса Елена Луиза Беатриса Гессен-Дармштадтская. Императрица Александра Фёдо... More

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II, Russian Empire

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II, Russian Empire

Император России Николай II Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II - Public domain portrait print

Emperor of Russia Nikolay II - Public domain portrait print

Император России Николай II - семейный портрет. Emperor of Russia Nicholas II with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and daughters

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна. 1894 год. Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, 1901 portrait

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, 1901 portrait

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, crowned

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, crowned

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, a busy spectator of the crisi

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, a busy spectator of the crisi

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaevna .1901.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaevna ...

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaevna .1901 Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait print

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - Public domain portrait print

Princess Alix of Hesse. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tsesarevich Nicholas of Russia and Princess Alix of Hesse . 1894 . London.

Tsesarevich Nicholas of Russia and Princess Alix of Hesse . 1894 . Lon...

Tsesarevich Nicholas of Russia and Princess Alix of Hesse . 1894 . London.

Alexandra Feodorovna with Tatiana.

Alexandra Feodorovna with Tatiana.

Alexandra Feodorovna with Tatiana. Tsarskoe Selo 1917. Public domain photograph of people at the picnic, in the park, outdoors, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse. 1887. - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse. 1887. - Public domain portrait photograph

Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia (1872-1918) when Princess Alix of Hesse. 1887.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna .1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna .1895.

Princess Alix of Hesse. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1895. Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna .1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna .1895.

Princess Alix of Hesse. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1895. Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1898.

Princess Alix of Hesse. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1895. Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1898.

Princess Alix of Hesse. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1895. Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna .1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna .1895.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1895 Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1906 .

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1906 .

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse with  her brother Ernst Ludwig.1888.

Princess Alix of Hesse with her brother Ernst Ludwig.1888.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1901.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1901.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . 1901. Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her sister Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna .1898.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her sister Grand Duchess Elizaveta F...

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her sister Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna .1898.

Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine 1891.

Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine 1891.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine 1891.

Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine 1891.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine. 1888. White dress.

Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine. 1888. White dress.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Princess Alix of Hesse with her cousine Princess Helena Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein.  1891.

Princess Alix of Hesse with her cousine Princess Helena Victoria of Sc...

Princess Alix of Hesse with her cousine Princess Helena Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein. 1891.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with sisters . 1903.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with sisters . 1903.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with sisters . 1903.

Romanovs. The White Flower Day in Livadia (Yalta)

Romanovs. The White Flower Day in Livadia (Yalta)

The White Flower Day is a charitable action in favour of the people who suffer from tuberculosis. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia along with her four daughters — Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Marie and ... More

King Edward VII greets Alexandra Feodorovna.

King Edward VII greets Alexandra Feodorovna.

King Edward VII greets Alexandra Feodorovna. Meeting of King Edward VII and Emperor Nicholas II in the Reval Bay. June 9, 1908. Король Эдуард VII приветствует Александру Федоровну - Встреча короля Эдуарда VII и... More

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, portrait

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, portrait

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, drawing

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, drawing

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Anastasia,  portrait

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Anastasia, p...

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна с дочерью Анастасией Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Anastasia, portrait

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, 1910-1917

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, 1910-1917

Императрица Александра Фёдоровна Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, crowned portrait

Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, crowned portrait

Императрица России Александра Феодоровна, фотопортрет работы фотографа Пазетти. 1896год. Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna, a portrait of the work of photographer Pazetti. 1896year.

Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna, 1890s

Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna, 1890s

Portrait Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei. 1904.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei. 1904.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Tsesarevich Alexei. 1904.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with daughters.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with daughters.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with daughters Olga, Tatiana, Maria.


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