Nicolas II Asia Tour - Nagasaki, Japan
Nagasaki, Japan April 15 (April 27) 1891. Heir Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nicholas II) and Prince George of Greece look from the balcony to the spiritual procession, arranged in honor of ... More
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Tsarevich Nicholas visiting Saigon, Saïgon, 21-3-1891
NICHOLAS II, Tsar of Russia. A fine group portrait including a very youthful Nicholas in a tropical suit at Saigon, albumen print, on the mount of L. Talbot of Saigon, image 280 x 230mm., French Indo-China, 18... More
Empress Maria Feodorovna and her family. Denmark.
From left to right, standing: Robert, Duke of Chartres, Francoise, Duchess of Chartres; Princess Maria of Orleans; Waldemar, Prince of Denmark; King Christian IX; Georg Greek and Danish; Tsar Alexander III; Kin... More
Tsarevich Nikolai is visiting a royal family in Greece.
Tsarevich Nikolai is visiting a royal family in Greece. From Trieste on October 26, 1890, the heir ascended aboard the frigate "Memory of Azov" and proceeded by sea to Greece. Цесаревич Николай Александрович (... More
King George & Czar Ferd. at Saloniki
Photo shows Czar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria (second from left, front row) with King George I of Greece (first from left), in Salonika, Greece during the First Balkan War. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2009)
Paul Alexandrovich and Alexandra of Greece2
see filename Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Emperor of Russia Alexander III with his family.
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Tsarevich Alexander and Tsarevna Maria Feodorovna
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III with members of Romanov family
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
5generationsroyales - Public domain portrait photograph
Français : Grande-duchesse Alexandra Iosifovna de Russie (à gauche), grande-duchesse Maria-Pavlovna de Russie (en haut), prince Lennart de Suède (au centre) et reine Olga de Grèce (à droite) English: Grand Du... More
Tsarevich Nicolas II, Prince George, Grand Duke George Alexandrovich
Afternoon rest of the highest persons on the frigate "Memory of Azov" (from left to right: Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, Prince George of Greece, Grand Duke George Alexandrovich). Послеобеденный отдых высоч... More
Excursion of the Grand Ducal Family of Hesse and the Imperial Family o...
Imperial Family of Russia and Grand Ducal Family of Hesse in Friedberg. Excursion to Münzenberg Castle. First table behind: Lady-in-waiting Miss Loch, Wing-adjutant Capt. Trenteln, Princess Andrew of Greece, Gr... More
Grand Ducal and Imperial family, Darmstadt 1903
Deutsch: Großherzog Ernst Ludwig von Hessen-Darmstadt mit seinen Schwestern und Schwägern (von links) anlässlich der Vermählung von Prinz Andreas von Griechenland und Prinzessin Alice von Battenberg in Darmsta... More
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
View of the interior of the Kremlin, shewing the ancient Palace of the...
Edward Daniel Clarke. Travels in various countries of Europe Asia and Africa. Part the First Russia Tartary and Turkey (1810). Part the Second Greece Egypt and the Holy Land (1813). London, R. Watts for Cadell... More
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Palace of Petrovsky, the Residence of the Russian Sovereigns during th...
Edward Daniel Clarke. Travels in various countries of Europe Asia and Africa. Part the First Russia Tartary and Turkey (1810). Part the Second Greece Egypt and the Holy Land (1813). 2nd edition (1824). London,... More
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Greek volunteers in Sevastopol 1854
Greek volunteers under Panos Koronaios in Sevastopol during the Crimean War Ελληνικά: Εθελοντικό τάγμα (λεγεώνα) υπό τον Πάνο Κορωναίο στην Σεβαστούπολη της Ρωσίας, κατά τον Κριμαϊκό Πόλεμο, 1854
Olga Romanowa (Królowa Grecji) - Public domain portrait print
Olga Romanowa (Królowa Grecji) Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Empress Maria Feodorovna, her sister - the Queen Greek Olga Konsta...
A group of members of the imperial family and their accompanying persons on the porch of the hunting lodge in the Spa before the hunt.The Empress Maria Feodorovna, her sister - the Queen Greek Olga Konstantinov... More
His Highness the Crown Prince and Prince George among the officers of ...
His Highness Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich and Prince George of Greece among the officers of the squadron during the journey of the Tsarevich to the East in 1890-1891. Его Высочество Цесаревич Николай Алекса... More
Journey to the East - Nicolas II Asia Tour by Ukhtomsky
Illustration from the book of Ukhtomsky "Journey to the East of His Imperial Highness the Sovereign of the Heir of the Tsesarevich". Volume 1, edition - 1893. In the illustration: A wreath brought to Corfu. M... More
Journey to the East - Nicolas II Asia Tour by Ukhtomsky
Illustration from the book of Ukhtomsky "Journey to the East of His Imperial Highness the Sovereign of the Heir of the Tsesarevich". Volume 1, edition - 1893. Caption to the photograph: "Their Royal Highness ... More
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Panteleimon Monastery, Russian Empire, 19th century
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a historic courthouse building, court, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Four generations in the royal Greek family, by an unknown photographer...
Four generations in the royal Greek family, by an unknown photographer, September 12, 1924, from the Digital Commonwealth - commonwealth tt44s729t.
Family of Emperor Alexander III in Fredensborg
Family of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna with members of the Danish Royal Family in the park of Fredensborg Palace. (l-r): Top row: Prince Carl of Denmark (1872–1957), since 1905 King Haako... More
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
(Great Gun of Moscow) - Clarke Edward Daniel - 1810
Edward Daniel Clarke. Travels in various countries of Europe Asia and Africa. Part the First Russia Tartary and Turkey (1810). Part the Second Greece Egypt and the Holy Land (1813). London, R. Watts for Cadell... More
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Alexandra Iosifovna of Russia with her family at Strelna (1903)
This photograph shows Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna with four of her six children and a number of her grandchildren. It was taken at the Palace of Strelna, the coastal residence of the Constantinovich branc... More
Sophia of Prussia, Russian Empire, 19th century
Portrait of Sophia of Prussia (1870-1932), Queen of Greece Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Георг I, король Греции, Ольга Константиновна и их дети
Русский: Георг I, король Греции, Ольга Константиновна и их старшие дети
The Great Bell of Moscow - Clarke Edward Daniel - 1810
Edward Daniel Clarke. Travels in various countries of Europe Asia and Africa. Part the First Russia Tartary and Turkey (1810). Part the Second Greece Egypt and the Holy Land (1813). London, R. Watts for Cadell... More
Королева Эллинов Ольга, Крит 1905
Русский: Королева Греции Ольга посещала корабли Российского Императорского флота в порту Суда в Средиземном море во время их похода на Дальний Восток для участия в Русско-японской войне 1904-1905 годов English... More
Examples of Hellenic, Russian and French calligraphy, 1837
1837. Примеры еллинской, российской и французской каллиграфии
Alexandra Iosifovna with her family circle
Grand Duchess Olga Konstantinovna of Russia with her mother Alexandra Iosifovna, brothers (Nicholas, Konstantin, Dmitri, Vyacheslav) and fiance King George I of Greece, just months before her wedding