Gruppenbild Acht russische Herrscher
Picryl description: Public domain scan of Russian military uniform, military personnel, Russian Empire, Russia, Napoleonic Wars, armed forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Gruppenbild Vier russische Herrscher
Picryl description: Public domain scan of armed forces, cavalry, infantry, 18th-19th century war, military conflict, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Gruppenbild Sieben russische Herrscher
Picryl description: Public domain scan of ethnic group, people gathering, anthropology, colonies, exotic, indigenous people, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Group of railroad officials under Russian banner of freedom, Trans-Sib...
J228346 U.S. Copyright Office. No copyright restriction per Photoduplication Service. Public domain photograph - United States during World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1914 . Livadia. - Public domain portrait photograph
NaN Public domain photograph of Russian people, group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Presidium of the First State Duma and journalist Bolkvadze
Presidium of the First State Duma and journalist M.G. Bolkvadze. Президиум I Государственной Думы и журналист М. Г. Болквадзе.
Family portrait. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.
The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More
Grand Prince Sergey Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorov...
Великий Князь Сергей Александрович и Великая Княгиня Елисавета Феодоровна в гостях у родственников в Дармштадте. Сверху вниз: Великий Герцог Людвиг VII, Великая Княгиня Елисавета Феодоровна, Великий Князь Серг... More
Anatra-Anakler - Russian reconnaissance airplane Anakler
Anatra-Anakler - Russian reconnaissance airplane Anakler Public domain photograph of Russian people, group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Vera Gedroitz 7, Russian Empire
Vera GedroitzOriginal description: Nurse and patientsРусский: Гедройц, Вера Игнатьевна Public domain photograph of Russian people, group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Family Alexandre 2, Russian Empire
Русский: Император Александр II с детьми Public domain photograph of 19th-century group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Mezhevikin family
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области The Mezhevikin family from the village of Spokoinaya, 1908
St. Kholmskaya
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Family of the Cossack Bondarenko Minai Pavlovich. 1907, St. Kholmskaya
Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области станицы Кореновской
Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Майкопского отдела
Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s
Казак Белоконь со своей семьей. Фото из станицы Бесскорбной.
Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области. Казачья семья Машохиных из станицы Гиагинской
Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области. Семья Колмычек (Калмычок). Станица Павловская, 1905
Russian Grenadier Pernovsky regiment named after King Frederick Willia...
1899. 3-й Гренадерский Перновский короля Фридриха-Вильгельма IV полк 1899. 3rd Grenadier Pernovsky regiment of King Frederick William IV
Gruppenbild Vier russische Herrscher
Picryl description: Public domain scan of Russian military uniform, military personnel, Russian Empire, Russia, Napoleonic Wars, armed forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
The Russian royal children resting after working in the garden at Tsar...
Public domain image of aristocratic military leader, general, monarch, 18th-19th century armed forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Rasputin surrounded by his admirers in St. Petersburg, 1914.
Rasputin ihailijoidensa keskellä keskellä Pietarissa 1914. Seisomassa vasemmalta Aleksandra ja Alexander Pistolekors, Leonid Moltsanov, Sofia Volynskaja, Anna Vyrubova, Ervil Gil, Aleksandra Gustsina (suruasuss... More
Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princesses Olga (?) Nikolaevna ...
Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princesses Olga (?) Nikolaevna (right) and Tatyana Nikolayevna on a walk in the park of Tsarskoe Selo. June of 1917. Дочери Императора Николая II Великие Княжны Ольга (?... More
Family of Nicholas II Romanov in Sevastopol
Picryl description: Public domain photograph group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Labor Group I of the State Duma.
Labor Group I of the State Duma. Трудовая группа I Государственной думы.
The meeting of the Commission for the Election of Electors to the Seco...
The meeting of the Commission for the Election of Electors to the Second State Duma from St. Petersburg County (the first professor on the left is Professor of the Polytechnic Institute Skobeltsin V.V.). Засед... More
Persian Shah Mozafar ed-din in Russia. 1902
Visit of Persian Shah Mozafar ed-din to Russia. 1902. Визит персидского шаха Мозафара эд-дина в Россию. 1902.
Teachers of the Arkhangelsk Gubernia Gymnasium. 1910
Teachers of the Arkhangelsk Gubernia Gymnasium. 1910 Преподаватели Архангельской губернской гимназии. 1910
Arkhangelsk Province. Loggers. 1910s - Jan Soberg photography - Arkhan...
Arkhangelsk Province. Kholmogorsky district. Loggers. 1910s Jan Soberg photography - Arkhangelsk (Archangel) Архангельская губерния. Холмогорский уезд. Лесозаготовители. 1910-е
Onega residents, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.
The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More
Sisters: Princess Victoria Hesse-Darmstadt, Grand Duchess Elisaveta Fe...
Гессенские сестры: принцесса Виктория Гессен-Дармштадтская, Великая Княгиня Елисавета Феодоровна, принцесса Ирена Гессен-Дармштадтская, Императрица Российская Александра Феодоровна. Траур по отцу Великому Герцо... More
Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915
Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915
Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915
Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915
Murom. Events and people. The Tagunov family. 1900's, Vladimir Provinc...
Murom. Events and people. The Tagunov family. 1900's. Tagunovs owned baths until the revolution of 1917. "Trading in Murom house of the first guild under the company" Brothers L. and P. Tagunov and K. " Opened... More
Murom. Events and people. The Tagunov family at a picnic. 1910's.
Murom. Events and people. The Tagunov family at a picnic. 1910's. Tagunovs owned baths until the revolution of 1917. "Trading in Murom house of the first guild under the company" Brothers L. and P. Tagunov and ... More
Murom, Society of Banners at the Muromsky Cathedral. 1913
Murom. Events and people. Society of Banners at the Muromsky Cathedral. 1913. Муром. События и люди. Общество хоругвеносцев при Муромском соборе. 1913.
Murom, Family Smirnov - Old Believers from Alexandrovka. 1910s
Murom. Events and people. Family Smirnov - Old Believers from Alexandrovka. 1910s. Муром. События и люди. Семья Смирновых – старообрядцев из Александровки. 1910-е.
Family Kulikowski before leaving for Canada. 1948
Family Kulikowski before leaving for Canada. 1948 Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, the youngest daughter of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna, in the center. Семья Куликовских перед отъездом в... More
Martanskaya, December 28, 1911
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Fans of dramatic art from the village of Martanskaya, December 28, 1911
Bryukhovetskaya village, 1909
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Cossacks and non-residents. Bryukhovetskaya village, 1909
Family of Cossack Gavriil Pogorelov
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Family of Cossack Gavriil Pogorelov from the village of Batalpashinskaya
The Gladkov family, residents of the village of Labinskaya
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области The Gladkov family, residents of the village of Labinskaya, local large confectioners and bakers
Vintsevich family, Batalpashinskaya village.
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области
Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области станицы Баракаевской
The Romanovs, 1913, Russian Empire
The Romanov Imperial family Public domain photograph of 19th-century group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy, Troitskii sobor Belgorodskogo muzhskogo Sviat...
Title provided by Yuri Krasilnikov in 2008, from the Web site Khramy Rossii [Churches of Russia], Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, ... More
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia....
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia. 1905-1906. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with wounded soldiers. 1905-1906.
Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in ...
Императрица Александра Феодоровна (в центре), слева от нее Великая княжна Ольга Николаевна, Великая Княжна Анастасия Николаевна и Татьяна Николаевна (стоит перед дверью) среди персонала Дворцового госпиталя и ... More
Nicholas II with his family - Public domain portrait photograph
Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov. Spouse Alix of Hesse. Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna. Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna. Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna. Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna. Tsesarevic... More
Grand Princesses Olga Nikolaevna, Anastasia Nikolaevna, Maria Nikolaev...
Grand Princesses Olga Nikolaevna, Anastasia Nikolaevna, Maria Nikolaevna. Великие Княжны Ольга Николаевна, Анастасия Николаевна, Мария Николаевна.
Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Maria Nikolaevna, Anas...
Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Maria Nikolaevna, Anastasia Nikolaevna and Olga Nikolaevna. Дочери Императора Николая II Великие Княжны Мария Николаевна, Анастасия Николаевна и Ольга Николаевна.
Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Olga and Anastasia. Cr...
Daughters of Emperor Nicholas II Grand Princess Olga and Anastasia with unidentified people. Crimea. Дочери Императора Николая II Великие Княжны Ольга и Анастасия с неустановленными людьми. Крым.
Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra ...
Highest Persons, Representatives of Foreign States, Commander-in-Chief and High-Ranked Persons who arrived in Moscow to celebrate the Sacred Crowning of Their Imperial Majesties the Emperor Nicholas II and the ... More
Yakov Ivanovich Leisinger with his family
Yakov Ivanovich Leisinger with his family Яков Иванович Лейцингер с семьёй
Marriage. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.
The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More
Astrakhan locals of various nationalities
Astrakhan is a city on the Volga River in southern Russia. It's known for the Astrakhan Kremlin, an expansive fortress built in the 1500s. Its values are home to several Russian Orthodox churches, including the... More
Император Александр II и Императрица Мария Александровна
Alexander II, Maria Alexandrovna Public domain photograph of Russian people, group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Village of Ilskaya. 1913
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Sesquicentennial anniversary of the village of Ilskaya. 1913
Young Cossacks of the village of Vozdvizhenskaya.
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области
Cossack veterans - Martan, Kuban region. 1914
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Cossack veterans of the village of Martan, Kuban region. 1914
Cossacks of the village of Timoshevskaya.
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Cossacks of the preparatory service of the village of Timoshevskaya.
Cossacks of the Khopyorsky regiment
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Family of Cossacks of the Khopyorsky regiment with their wives and children
Village of Giaginskaya - Lesny Fedor Nesterovich. 1907
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Family of the Cossack of the village of Giaginskaya Lesny Fedor Nesterovich. 1907
The Galizin family from the village of Petropavlovskaya.
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области
Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar), Russia 1890-1910
Кубанский Мариинский женский институт благородных девиц. Выпуск 1907
Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области - станицы Казанской
Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s
Жизнь казаков Кубанской области. Казачья семья ст.Лабинской на пикнике
1899. 05. Группа участников открытия выставки, в центре великий князь ...
Русский: I-я Всероссийская передвижная пожарная выставка. Санкт-Петербург. 1899. 05. Группа участников открытия выставки, в центре великий князь Андрей Владимирович.jpg
Anastasia and Maria Nikolaevna visit wounded soldiers (2)
Anastasia and Maria visit wounded soldiers in hospital during World War I.
OTMAA 1906 formal, Russian Empire
The Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia with Cesarevich Alexei Nikolaievich of Russia (second from left) in a formal portrait