hessen family

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Hessen Family 1885. - Public domain portrait photograph

Hessen Family 1885. - Public domain portrait photograph

Princess Alix of Hesse with her father Louis IV Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine and brother Ernest Louis. 1885.

Hessen Family in mouring. 1892.

Hessen Family in mouring. 1892.

Princess Alix of Hesse with sisters: Irene, Victoria, and Elizabeth with their brother Ernest Louis.1892.

Hessen Family 1875 - Public domain portrait photograph

Hessen Family 1875 - Public domain portrait photograph

Hessen Family - Princess Alix of Hesse with her mother, father Louis IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine, sisters: Irene, Victoria, and Elizabeth and brother Ernest Louis. 1885. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna