Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy, T︠S︡erkovʹ Nikolai︠a︡ Chudotvort︠s︡a na Podoz...
Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Corresponding photographic print is in album: Views along the upper Volga River, between Yaroslavl, Vla... More
Vladimir, The Noble Street, Russian Empire, 19th century
The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More
Arkhangelsk Pogost - Kirzhach, Russia
Arkhangelsk Pogost Kirzhach first mentioned in 1332 in the spiritual literacy of Ivan Kalita as a settlement with the St. Sergius of Radonezh Annunciation founded in 1358, the blossoming period of which falls ... More
Chapel of the murdered Prince Michael. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russi...
Chapel of the murdered Prince Michael. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as ... More
Madrasa Sherdor, Samarkand,1918
1914. Самарканд на снимках Виноградова
Old Borovsk by A.V.Muratova. Uspenskaya Street
Русский: Боровск. Успенская улица (совр. Ленина). Справа - дома 13 (прокуратура) и 15 (дом Шокина). Открытка 1910 или 1913 года. Фотография А. В. Муратовой.English: Borovsk. Uspenskaya (now Lenina) Street, th... More
Buildings and structures of the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibit...
Здания и сооружения Всероссийской художественно-промышленной выставки 1896 года в Нижнем Новгороде
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...
1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве
Catherine square. Odessa, 1900-1914
Public domain photograph of 19th-century vintage card, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Chamber of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov in Kostroma. Coronatio...
The Chamber of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov in Kostroma. Coronation album in memory of the sacred crowning of their imperial majesties on May 14, 1896. - Палаты царя Михаила Феодоровича Романова в Костром... More
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region
Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск
The new palace of Grand Duke Ernst of Hesse in Darmstadt. 1894 year.
The new palace of Grand Duke Ernst of Hesse in Darmstadt. 1894 year. Новый дворец Великого Герцога Гессенского в Дармштадте. 1894 год.
Church of Boris and Gleb., Russian Empire, 19th century
Vladimir, the Church of Boris and Gleb. Владимир, Церковь Бориса и Глеба.
Tillya-Kari Madrasah, Samarqand
Tillya-Kari Madrasah, built by Yalanktush Baghadur, the vizier of Imam-Quli Khan in 1648 (1058 AH)
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region
Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск
Buildings and structures of the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibit...
Здания и сооружения Всероссийской художественно-промышленной выставки 1896 года в Нижнем Новгороде
Buildings and structures of the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibit...
Здания и сооружения Всероссийской художественно-промышленной выставки 1896 года в Нижнем Новгороде
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...
1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве
Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s
1920-1922. Виды старой Одессы. Рисунки архитектора Моисея Синявера
Church of the Trinity - Arkhangelsk (Archangel)
Church of the Trinity Церковь Троицы Живоначальной Public domain photograph of 20th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Khludov Factory in Yegoryevsk
In the 19th century, Yegoryevsk became the center of the textile industry. The Khludov brothers cotton factory has been in operation since 1845. 1897-1910. Фабрика Хлудова в Егорьевске
Temple of Kalabsha. Nile river, Egypt, 1910
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. По Нилу. Калабша
Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s
1920-1922. Виды старой Одессы. Рисунки архитектора Моисея Синявера
Old Baku. The Khan Palace Quarters.
The Khan's Palace. Shirvanshahs palace (Şirvanşahlar sarayı) is the former residence of shirvanshahs ... The building of the palace is located on the top of the Baku hill, in the oldest part of the city, called... More
Vladimir. Cathedral Square. Cathedral. 1890
Vladimir. Cathedral Square. Cathedral. 1890 Владимир. Соборная площадь. Кафедральный собор. 1890
Madrasa Bibi-Khanym, Samarqand, 1898
Temple of Kalabsha. Nile river, Egypt, 1910
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. По Нилу. Калабша
Sankt-Peterburg oldfoto 13633, Russian Empire
Русский: Царское Село, Император Николай II с родственниками на прогулке. На велосипеде Великий князь Михаил Александрович, в коляске - Великая княгиня Ольга Александровна; стоят сзади Великий князь Александр ... More
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...
1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве
Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s
1920-1922. Виды старой Одессы. Рисунки архитектора Моисея Синявера
T︠S︡erkovʹ Pokrova Pr. Bogorodit︠s︡y, postroennai︠a︡ t︠s︡arem Vasilīem...
Public domain photograph of church building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Baku. Maiden's Tower., Russian Empire, 19th century
Baku. Maiden's Tower. Баку. Девичья Башня. Public domain photograph of a historical landmark building in Russia, Russian architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Buildings and structures of the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibit...
Здания и сооружения Всероссийской художественно-промышленной выставки 1896 года в Нижнем Новгороде
Buildings and structures of the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibit...
Здания и сооружения Всероссийской художественно-промышленной выставки 1896 года в Нижнем Новгороде
Buildings and structures of the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibit...
Здания и сооружения Всероссийской художественно-промышленной выставки 1896 года в Нижнем Новгороде
Persian mosque in Astrakhan. 1894.
Astrakhan is a city on the Volga River in southern Russia. It's known for the Astrakhan Kremlin, an expansive fortress built in the 1500s. Its values are home to several Russian Orthodox churches, including the... More
Malo-Blagoveshchenskaya street. Hotel / Rooms «Light» - Vyazniki of Vl...
Malo-Blagoveshchenskaya street. Hotel / Rooms «Light» Vyazniki history starts from the ancient city-fortress Yaropolch-Zalessky, founded by Prince Yaropolk Vladimirovich in 1135-1138. The city was burnt in 123... More
Murom, The Annunciation Cathedral, Portal XVII. 1894
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region
Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск
Horadnia, Daminikanskaja, Brama. Горадня, Дамініканская, Брама (1915-1...
Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Горадня (Horadnia), вуліца Дамініканская (vulica Daminikanskaja). Брама кляштару дамініканаў
Millionnaya street. Alexandrov, Russian Empire
Millionnaya street. Alexandrov has been known since the middle of the 14th century. Since 15th century a place of rest for the Moscow princes. In 1509-1515 a large complex of the prince's residence was built. W... More
Murom, St. Michael's Chapel. 1910's.
St. Michael's Chapel. 1910's. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians a... More
Murom, Pyatnitskaya church. 1918
Pyatnitskaya church. 1918 Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and m... More
Types of buildings in the villages of the Siberian Cossack army. 1909
1909. Типы строительства в станицах Сибирского казачьего войска.
Neighborhoods of Pinega. Peasant barn on poles in the village of Vaymu...
Neighborhoods of Pinega. Peasant barn on poles in the village of Vaymush (Vaymushi) on the Pinega River. Pinega is one of the oldest settlements in the Arkhangelsk region. By decree of Empress Catherine II in ... More
Nicholay-Mozhaisk church. Interior. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Nicholay-Mozhaisk church. Interior. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Murom... More
Temple of Kalabsha. Nile river, Egypt, 1910
1910. Ф.Н. Щербачев путешествует по Египту. По Нилу. Калабша
Vladimirskiye vorota, Moscow, Russian Empire
Vladimirskie Gate and Lubianka Square in Moscow, Russia. Русский: Владимирские ворота и Лубянская площадь в Москве
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region
Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск
Buildings and structures of the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibit...
Здания и сооружения Всероссийской художественно-промышленной выставки 1896 года в Нижнем Новгороде
Simbirsk Women's Diocesan School
Симбирское Женское Епархиальное Училище
Potemkin Stairs, Odessa, 1900-1914
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The house of Zhuravlev. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
The house of Zhuravlev. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fir... More
Registan square, Samarkand,1918
1914. Самарканд на снимках Виноградова
Ishankula-dadho madrasah, Sheikhantaur, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1910s
Ташкент на снимках Валента Александровича Тресвятского
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...
1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве
Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s
1920-1922. Виды старой Одессы. Рисунки архитектора Моисея Синявера
Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s
1920-1922. Виды старой Одессы. Рисунки архитектора Моисея Синявера
Maly Fountain, Odessa, 1900-1914
Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Details of Mechanisms for erection of Alexander Column, St. Petersburg...
Plans and details of the monument dedicated to the memory of Emperor Alexander. Alexander Column, St. Petersburg. Montferrand, Auguste (1786 - 1858) Montferrand, Henri Louis Auguste Ricard de (1786-1858). Pl... More
Shir-Dor madrasah, Samarqand
Shir-Dor madrasah, built 1648 (1058 AH) by Yalanktush Bahadur, vizier of Imam Quli Khan (1870s)
Sergievskaya orthodox church, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1910s
Ташкент на снимках Валента Александровича Тресвятского
Romanovs chambers in Kostroma, Russian Empire
Русский: Кострома. Дом бояр Романовых.
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region
Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region
Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск
Khludov Factory in Yegoryevsk
In the 19th century, Yegoryevsk became the center of the textile industry. The Khludov brothers cotton factory has been in operation since 1845. 1897-1910. Фабрика Хлудова в Егорьевске
Stanitsa Uryupinskaya, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region
Станица Урюпинская, Урюпинск
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...
1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве
Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s
1920-1922. Виды старой Одессы. Рисунки архитектора Моисея Синявера
Old Odessa. Drawings by architect Moses Sinyaver, 1920s
1920-1922. Виды старой Одессы. Рисунки архитектора Моисея Синявера
Photographs of ancient icons and Old Believer churches of the Rogozhsk...
1913. Снимки древних икон и старообрядческих храмов Рогожского кладбища в Москве
Gautier-Dufayet 2280-3 Kitai-gorod wall towards Varvarka Street 1913
Русский: Китайгородская стена в сторону Варварки English: Kitai-gorod wall towards Varvarka Street
Vladimirskiye vorota 1884, Russian Empire
Vladimirskie Gate and Lubianka Square in Moscow, Russia. Русский: Владимирские ворота и Лубянская площадь в Москве
Tsarskoe mesto, nakhodiashcheesia v Moskovskom Blagoveshchenskom sobor...
Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Рабус Карл Иванович - Терем царя Алексея Михайловича
Русский: Рабус Карл Иванович - Терем царя Алексея Михайловича Public domain photograph of church, Russian Empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Façade of the Metropol Hotel. Award-winning projects, 1899
1899. Конкурс на фасад гостинницы «Метрополь». Премированные проекты
Val in Torzhok - Russian postcard. Public domain image.
Val in Torzhok A black and white photo of a village with a small house on the hill. A black and white photo of a river with houses and a house. Public domain postcard scan.
Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy, T︠S︡erkovʹ Voskresenīi︠a︡ na debri︠a︡kh. Kost...
Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Corresponding photographic print is in album: Views along the upper Volga River, from Kashin to Makarev... More